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flow libdef for relay modern 1.2. This is in a _works for me_ state. Someone please export these properly from relay or create a proper flow-typed libdef.
// @flow
declare module 'react-relay' {
declare export type RecordState = 'EXISTENT' | 'NONEXISTENT' | 'UNKNOWN';
declare export type onCompleted = (response: ?Object, errors: ?Array<PayloadError>) => void
declare export type onError = (error: Error) => void
declare export type CommitOptions = {
onCompleted: onCompleted,
onError: onError
* Ideally this would be a union of Field/Fragment/Mutation/Query/Subscription,
* but that causes lots of Flow errors.
declare export type ConcreteBatchCallVariable = {
jsonPath: string,
kind: 'BatchCallVariable',
sourceQueryID: string,
declare export type ConcreteCall = {
kind: 'Call',
metadata: {
type?: ?string,
name: string,
value: ?ConcreteValue,
declare export type ConcreteCallValue = {
callValue: mixed,
kind: 'CallValue',
declare export type ConcreteCallVariable = {
callVariableName: string,
kind: 'CallVariable',
declare export type ConcreteDirective = {
args: Array<ConcreteDirectiveArgument>,
kind: 'Directive',
name: string,
declare export type ConcreteDirectiveArgument = {
name: string,
value: ?ConcreteDirectiveValue,
declare export type ConcreteDirectiveValue =
| ConcreteCallValue
| ConcreteCallVariable
| Array<ConcreteCallValue | ConcreteCallVariable>
declare export type ConcreteFieldMetadata = {
canHaveSubselections?: ?boolean,
inferredPrimaryKey?: ?string,
inferredRootCallName?: ?string,
isAbstract?: boolean,
isConnection?: boolean,
isConnectionWithoutNodeID?: boolean,
isFindable?: boolean,
isGenerated?: boolean,
isPlural?: boolean,
isRequisite?: boolean,
declare export type ConcreteFragmentMetadata = {
isAbstract?: boolean,
pattern?: boolean,
plural?: boolean,
declare export type ConcreteMutation = {
calls: Array<ConcreteCall>,
children?: ?Array<?ConcreteSelection>,
directives?: ?Array<ConcreteDirective>,
kind: 'Mutation',
metadata: {
inputType?: ?string,
name: string,
responseType: string,
declare export type ConcreteOperationMetadata = {
inputType?: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteQuery = {
calls?: ?Array<ConcreteCall>,
children?: ?Array<?ConcreteSelection>,
directives?: ?Array<ConcreteDirective>,
fieldName: string,
isDeferred?: boolean,
kind: 'Query',
metadata: {
identifyingArgName?: ?string,
identifyingArgType?: ?string,
isAbstract?: ?boolean,
isPlural?: ?boolean,
name: string,
type: string,
declare export type ConcreteQueryMetadata = {
identifyingArgName: ?string,
identifyingArgType: ?string,
isAbstract: ?boolean,
isDeferred: ?boolean,
isPlural: ?boolean,
declare export type ConcreteSubscription = {
calls: Array<ConcreteCall>,
children?: ?Array<?ConcreteSelection>,
directives?: ?Array<ConcreteDirective>,
kind: 'Subscription',
name: string,
responseType: string,
metadata: {
inputType?: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteValue =
| ConcreteBatchCallVariable
| ConcreteCallValue
| ConcreteCallVariable
| Array<ConcreteCallValue | ConcreteCallVariable>
* The output of a graphql-tagged fragment definition.
declare export type ConcreteFragmentDefinition = {
kind: 'FragmentDefinition',
argumentDefinitions: Array<ConcreteArgumentDefinition>,
node: ConcreteFragment,
declare export type ConcreteLocalArgumentDefinition = {
kind: 'LocalArgument',
name: string,
defaultValue: mixed,
declare export type ConcreteRootArgumentDefinition = {
kind: 'RootArgument',
name: string,
* The output of a graphql-tagged operation definition.
declare export type ConcreteOperationDefinition = {
kind: 'OperationDefinition',
argumentDefinitions: Array<ConcreteLocalArgumentDefinition>,
name: string,
operation: 'mutation' | 'query' | 'subscription',
node: ConcreteFragment | ConcreteMutation | ConcreteSubscription,
declare export type ConcreteArgument = ConcreteLiteral | ConcreteVariable
declare export type ConcreteArgumentDefinition =
| ConcreteLocalArgument
| ConcreteRootArgument
* Represents a single ConcreteRoot along with metadata for processing it at
* runtime. The persisted `id` (or `text`) can be used to fetch the query,
* the `fragment` can be used to read the root data (masking data from child
* fragments), and the `query` can be used to normalize server responses.
* NOTE: The use of "batch" in the name is intentional, as this wrapper around
* the ConcreteRoot will provide a place to store multiple concrete nodes that
* are part of the same batch, e.g. in the case of deferred nodes or
* for streaming connections that are represented as distinct concrete roots but
* are still conceptually tied to one source query.
declare export type ConcreteBatch = {
kind: 'Batch',
fragment: ConcreteFragment,
id: ?string,
metadata: { [key: string]: mixed },
name: string,
query: ConcreteRoot,
text: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteCondition = {
kind: 'Condition',
passingValue: boolean,
condition: string,
selections: Array<ConcreteSelection>,
declare export type ConcreteField = ConcreteScalarField | ConcreteLinkedField
declare export type ConcreteFragment = {
argumentDefinitions: Array<ConcreteArgumentDefinition>,
kind: 'Fragment',
metadata: ?{ [key: string]: mixed },
name: string,
selections: Array<ConcreteSelection>,
type: string,
declare export type ConcreteFragmentSpread = {
args: ?Array<ConcreteArgument>,
kind: 'FragmentSpread',
name: string,
declare export type ConcreteHandle = ConcreteScalarHandle | ConcreteLinkedHandle
declare export type ConcreteRootArgument = {
kind: 'RootArgument',
name: string,
type: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteInlineFragment = {
kind: 'InlineFragment',
selections: Array<ConcreteSelection>,
type: string,
declare export type ConcreteLinkedField = {
alias: ?string,
args: ?Array<ConcreteArgument>,
concreteType: ?string,
kind: 'LinkedField',
name: string,
plural: boolean,
selections: Array<ConcreteSelection>,
storageKey: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteLinkedHandle = {
alias: ?string,
args: ?Array<ConcreteArgument>,
kind: 'LinkedHandle',
name: string,
handle: string,
key: string,
filters: ?Array<string>,
declare export type ConcreteLiteral = {
kind: 'Literal',
name: string,
type: ?string,
value: mixed,
declare export type ConcreteLocalArgument = {
defaultValue: mixed,
kind: 'LocalArgument',
name: string,
type: string,
declare export type ConcreteNode =
| ConcreteCondition
| ConcreteLinkedField
| ConcreteFragment
| ConcreteInlineFragment
| ConcreteRoot
declare export type ConcreteRoot = {
argumentDefinitions: Array<ConcreteLocalArgument>,
kind: 'Root',
name: string,
operation: 'mutation' | 'query' | 'subscription',
selections: Array<ConcreteSelection>,
declare export type ConcreteScalarField = {
alias: ?string,
args: ?Array<ConcreteArgument>,
kind: 'ScalarField',
name: string,
storageKey: ?string,
declare export type ConcreteScalarHandle = {
alias: ?string,
args: ?Array<ConcreteArgument>,
kind: 'ScalarHandle',
name: string,
handle: string,
key: string,
filters: ?Array<string>,
declare export type ConcreteSelection =
| ConcreteCondition
| ConcreteField
| ConcreteFragmentSpread
| ConcreteHandle
| ConcreteInlineFragment
declare export type ConcreteVariable = {
kind: 'Variable',
name: string,
type: ?string,
variableName: string,
declare export type ConcreteSelectableNode = ConcreteFragment | ConcreteRoot
declare export type GeneratedNode = ConcreteBatch | ConcreteFragment
// The type of a graphql`...` tagged template expression.
declare export type GraphQLTaggedNode =
| (() => ConcreteFragment | ConcreteBatch)
| {
modern: () => ConcreteFragment | ConcreteBatch,
classic: () => ConcreteFragmentDefinition | ConcreteOperationDefinition,
declare export function graphql (strings: Array<string>): GraphQLTaggedNode
declare export type GeneratedNodeMap = { [key: string]: GraphQLTaggedNode }
declare export function createFragmentContainer<TBase: React$ComponentType<*>> (
Component: TBase,
fragmentSpec: GraphQLTaggedNode | GeneratedNodeMap
): TBase
declare export function createRefetchContainer<TBase: React$ComponentType<*>>(
Component: TBase,
fragmentSpec: GraphQLTaggedNode | GeneratedNodeMap,
taggedNode: GraphQLTaggedNode,
): TBase
declare export type Variables = { [name: string]: $FlowFixMe };
declare export type DataID = string;
declare type TEnvironment = Environment;
declare type TFragment = ConcreteFragment;
declare type TGraphQLTaggedNode = GraphQLTaggedNode;
declare type TNode = ConcreteSelectableNode;
declare type TOperation = ConcreteBatch;
declare type TPayload = RelayResponsePayload;
declare export type FragmentMap = CFragmentMap<TFragment>;
declare export type OperationSelector = COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>;
declare export type RelayContext = CRelayContext<TEnvironment>;
declare export type Selector = CSelector<TNode>;
declare export type TSnapshot<TRecord> = CSnapshot<TNode, TRecord>;
declare export type Snapshot = TSnapshot<Record>;
declare export type ProxySnapshot = TSnapshot<RecordProxy>;
declare export type UnstableEnvironmentCore = CUnstableEnvironmentCore<TEnvironment,
declare export interface IRecordSource<TRecord> {
get(dataID: DataID): ?TRecord,
* A read-only interface for accessing cached graph data.
declare export interface RecordSource extends IRecordSource<Record> {
get(dataID: DataID): ?Record,
getRecordIDs(): Array<DataID>,
getStatus(dataID: DataID): RecordState,
has(dataID: DataID): boolean,
load(dataID: DataID,
callback: (error: ?Error, record: ?Record) => void,): void,
size(): number,
* A read/write interface for accessing and updating graph data.
declare export interface MutableRecordSource extends RecordSource {
clear(): void,
delete(dataID: DataID): void,
remove(dataID: DataID): void,
set(dataID: DataID, record: Record): void,
* An interface for keeping multiple views of data consistent across an
* application.
declare export interface Store {
* Get a read-only view of the store's internal RecordSource.
getSource(): RecordSource,
* Determine if the selector can be resolved with data in the store (i.e. no
* fields are missing).
check(selector: Selector): boolean,
* Read the results of a selector from in-memory records in the store.
lookup(selector: Selector): Snapshot,
* Notify subscribers (see `subscribe`) of any data that was published
* (`publish()`) since the last time `notify` was called.
notify(): void,
* Publish new information (e.g. from the network) to the store, updating its
* internal record source. Subscribers are not immediately notified - this
* occurs when `notify()` is called.
publish(source: RecordSource): void,
* Attempts to load all the records necessary to fulfill the selector into the
* target record source.
resolve(target: MutableRecordSource,
selector: Selector,
callback: AsyncLoadCallback,): void,
* Ensure that all the records necessary to fulfill the given selector are
* retained in-memory. The records will not be eligible for garbage collection
* until the returned reference is disposed.
retain(selector: Selector): Disposable,
* Subscribe to changes to the results of a selector. The callback is called
* when `notify()` is called *and* records have been published that affect the
* selector results relative to the last `notify()`.
subscribe(snapshot: Snapshot,
callback: (snapshot: Snapshot) => void,): Disposable,
* An interface for imperatively getting/setting properties of a `Record`. This interface
* is designed to allow the appearance of direct Record manipulation while
* allowing different implementations that may e.g. create a changeset of
* the modifications.
declare export interface RecordProxy {
copyFieldsFrom(source: RecordProxy): void,
getDataID(): DataID,
getLinkedRecord(name: string, args?: ?Variables): ?RecordProxy,
getLinkedRecords(name: string, args?: ?Variables): ?Array<?RecordProxy>,
getOrCreateLinkedRecord(name: string,
typeName: string,
args?: ?Variables,): RecordProxy,
getType(): string,
getValue(name: string, args?: ?Variables): mixed,
setLinkedRecord(record: RecordProxy,
name: string,
args?: ?Variables,): RecordProxy,
setLinkedRecords(records: Array<?RecordProxy>,
name: string,
args?: ?Variables,): RecordProxy,
setValue(value: mixed, name: string, args?: ?Variables): RecordProxy,
* An interface for imperatively getting/setting properties of a `RecordSource`. This interface
* is designed to allow the appearance of direct RecordSource manipulation while
* allowing different implementations that may e.g. create a changeset of
* the modifications.
declare export interface RecordSourceProxy extends IRecordSource<RecordProxy> {
create(dataID: DataID, typeName: string): RecordProxy,
delete(dataID: DataID): void,
get(dataID: DataID): ?RecordProxy,
getRoot(): RecordProxy,
* Extends the RecordSourceProxy interface with methods for accessing the root
* fields of a Selector.
declare export interface RecordSourceSelectorProxy extends IRecordSource<RecordProxy> {
create(dataID: DataID, typeName: string): RecordProxy,
delete(dataID: DataID): void,
get(dataID: DataID): ?RecordProxy,
getRoot(): RecordProxy,
getRootField(fieldName: string): ?RecordProxy,
getPluralRootField(fieldName: string): ?Array<?RecordProxy>,
getResponse(): ?Object,
declare export interface IRecordReader<TRecord> {
getDataID(record: TRecord): DataID,
getType(record: TRecord): string,
getValue(record: TRecord, name: string, args
?: ?
getLinkedRecordID(record: TRecord, name: string, args
?: ?
): ?
getLinkedRecordIDs(record: TRecord,
name: string,
?: ?
): ?
* Settings for how a query response may be cached.
* - `force`: causes a query to be issued unconditionally, irrespective of the
* state of any configured response cache.
* - `poll`: causes a query to live update by polling at the specified interval
in milliseconds. (This value will be passed to setTimeout.)
declare export type CacheConfig = {
force?: ?boolean,
poll?: ?number,
* Represents any resource that must be explicitly disposed of. The most common
* use-case is as a return value for subscriptions, where calling `dispose()`
* would cancel the subscription.
declare export type Disposable = {
dispose(): void,
* Arbitrary data e.g. received by a container as props.
declare export type Props = { [key: string]: mixed };
* An individual cached graph object.
declare export type Record = { [key: string]: mixed };
* A collection of records keyed by id.
declare export type RecordMap<T> = { [dataID: DataID]: ?T };
* A selector defines the starting point for a traversal into the graph for the
* purposes of targeting a subgraph.
declare export type CSelector<TNode> = {
dataID: DataID,
node: TNode,
variables: Variables,
* A representation of a selector and its results at a particular point in time.
declare export type CSnapshot<TNode, TRecord> = CSelector<TNode> & {
data: ?SelectorData,
seenRecords: RecordMap<TRecord>,
* The results of a selector given a store/RecordSource.
declare export type SelectorData = { [key: string]: mixed };
* The results of reading the results of a FragmentMap given some input
* `Props`.
declare export type FragmentSpecResults = { [key: string]: mixed };
* A utility for resolving and subscribing to the results of a fragment spec
* (key -> fragment mapping) given some "props" that determine the root ID
* and variables to use when reading each fragment. When props are changed via
* `setProps()`, the resolver will update its results and subscriptions
* accordingly. Internally, the resolver:
* - Converts the fragment map & props map into a map of `Selector`s.
* - Removes any resolvers for any props that became null.
* - Creates resolvers for any props that became non-null.
* - Updates resolvers with the latest props.
declare export interface FragmentSpecResolver {
* Stop watching for changes to the results of the fragments.
dispose(): void,
* Get the current results.
resolve(): FragmentSpecResults,
* Update the resolver with new inputs. Call `resolve()` to get the updated
* results.
setProps(props: Props): void,
* Override the variables used to read the results of the fragments. Call
* `resolve()` to get the updated results.
setVariables(variables: Variables): void,
declare export type CFragmentMap<TFragment> = { [key: string]: TFragment };
* An operation selector describes a specific instance of a GraphQL operation
* with variables applied.
* - `root`: a selector intended for processing server results or retaining
* response data in the store.
* - `fragment`: a selector intended for use in reading or subscribing to
* the results of the the operation.
declare export type COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation> = {
fragment: CSelector<TNode>,
node: TOperation,
root: CSelector<TNode>,
variables: Variables,
* The public API of Relay core. Represents an encapsulated environment with its
* own in-memory cache.
declare export interface CEnvironment<
> {
* Read the results of a selector from in-memory records in the store.
lookup(selector: CSelector<TNode>): CSnapshot<TNode>,
* Subscribe to changes to the results of a selector. The callback is called
* when data has been committed to the store that would cause the results of
* the snapshot's selector to change.
snapshot: CSnapshot<TNode>,
callback: (snapshot: CSnapshot<TNode>) => void,
): Disposable,
* Ensure that all the records necessary to fulfill the given selector are
* retained in-memory. The records will not be eligible for garbage collection
* until the returned reference is disposed.
* Note: This is a no-op in the classic core.
retain(selector: CSelector<TNode>): Disposable,
* Send a query to the server with request/response semantics: the query will
* either complete successfully (calling `onNext` and `onCompleted`) or fail
* (calling `onError`).
* Note: Most applications should use `streamQuery` in order to
* optionally receive updated information over time, should that feature be
* supported by the network/server. A good rule of thumb is to use this method
* if you would otherwise immediately dispose the `streamQuery()`
* after receving the first `onNext` result.
sendQuery(config: {|
cacheConfig?: ?CacheConfig,
onCompleted?: ?() => void,
onError?: ?(error: Error) => void,
onNext?: ?(payload: TPayload) => void,
operation: COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>,
|}): Disposable,
* Send a query to the server with request/subscription semantics: one or more
* responses may be returned (via `onNext`) over time followed by either
* the request completing (`onCompleted`) or an error (`onError`).
* Networks/servers that support subscriptions may choose to hold the
* subscription open indefinitely such that `onCompleted` is not called.
streamQuery(config: {|
cacheConfig?: ?CacheConfig,
onCompleted?: ?() => void,
onError?: ?(error: Error) => void,
onNext?: ?(payload: TPayload) => void,
operation: COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>,
|}): Disposable,
unstable_internal: CUnstableEnvironmentCore<
declare export interface CUnstableEnvironmentCore<
> {
* Create an instance of a FragmentSpecResolver.
* TODO: The FragmentSpecResolver *can* be implemented via the other methods
* defined here, so this could be moved out of core. It's convenient to have
* separate implementations until the experimental core is in OSS.
createFragmentSpecResolver: (
context: CRelayContext<TEnvironment>,
containerName: string,
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props,
callback: () => void,
) => FragmentSpecResolver,
* Creates an instance of an OperationSelector given an operation definition
* (see `getOperation`) and the variables to apply. The input variables are
* filtered to exclude variables that do not matche defined arguments on the
* operation, and default values are populated for null values.
createOperationSelector: (
operation: TOperation,
variables: Variables,
) => COperationSelector<TNode, TOperation>,
* Given a graphql`...` tagged template, extract a fragment definition usable
* by this version of Relay core. Throws if the value is not a fragment.
getFragment: (node: TGraphQLTaggedNode) => TFragment,
* Given a graphql`...` tagged template, extract an operation definition
* usable by this version of Relay core. Throws if the value is not an
* operation.
getOperation: (node: TGraphQLTaggedNode) => TOperation,
* Determine if two selectors are equal (represent the same selection). Note
* that this function returns `false` when the two queries/fragments are
* different objects, even if they select the same fields.
areEqualSelectors: (a: CSelector<TNode>, b: CSelector<TNode>) => boolean,
* Given the result `item` from a parent that fetched `fragment`, creates a
* selector that can be used to read the results of that fragment for that item.
* Example:
* Given two fragments as follows:
* ```
* fragment Parent on User {
* id
* ...Child
* }
* fragment Child on User {
* name
* }
* ```
* And given some object `parent` that is the results of `Parent` for id "4",
* the results of `Child` can be accessed by first getting a selector and then
* using that selector to `lookup()` the results against the environment:
* ```
* const childSelector = getSelector(queryVariables, Child, parent);
* const childData = environment.lookup(childSelector).data;
* ```
getSelector: (
operationVariables: Variables,
fragment: TFragment,
prop: mixed,
) => ?CSelector<TNode>,
* Given the result `items` from a parent that fetched `fragment`, creates a
* selector that can be used to read the results of that fragment on those
* items. This is similar to `getSelector` but for "plural" fragments that
* expect an array of results and therefore return an array of selectors.
getSelectorList: (
operationVariables: Variables,
fragment: TFragment,
props: Array<mixed>,
) => ?Array<CSelector<TNode>>,
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts the selectors for those fragments from the results.
* The canonical use-case for this function are Relay Containers, which
* use this function to convert (props, fragments) into selectors so that they
* can read the results to pass to the inner component.
getSelectorsFromObject: (
operationVariables: Variables,
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props,
) => {[key: string]: ?(CSelector<TNode> | Array<CSelector<TNode>>)},
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts a mapping of keys -> id(s) of the results.
* Similar to `getSelectorsFromObject()`, this function can be useful in
* determining the "identity" of the props passed to a component.
getDataIDsFromObject: (
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props,
) => {[key: string]: ?(DataID | Array<DataID>)},
* Given a mapping of keys -> results and a mapping of keys -> fragments,
* extracts the merged variables that would be in scope for those
* fragments/results.
* This can be useful in determing what varaibles were used to fetch the data
* for a Relay container, for example.
getVariablesFromObject: (
operationVariables: Variables,
fragments: CFragmentMap<TFragment>,
props: Props,
) => Variables,
* The type of the `relay` property set on React context by the React/Relay
* integration layer (e.g. QueryRenderer, FragmentContainer, etc).
declare export type CRelayContext<TEnvironment> = {
environment: TEnvironment,
variables: Variables,
* The public API of Relay core. Represents an encapsulated environment with its
* own in-memory cache.
declare export interface Environment
extends CEnvironment<
> {
* Applies an optimistic mutation to the store without committing it to the
* server. The returned Disposable can be used to revert this change at a
* later time.
applyMutation(config: {|
configs: Array<RelayMutationConfig>,
operation: ConcreteOperationDefinition,
optimisticResponse: Object,
variables: Variables,
|}): Disposable,
* Applies an optimistic mutation if provided and commits the mutation to the
* server. The returned Disposable can be used to bypass the `onCompleted`
* and `onError` callbacks when the server response is returned.
sendMutation<ResponseType>(config: {|
configs: Array<RelayMutationConfig>,
onCompleted?: ?(response: ResponseType) => void,
onError?: ?(error: Error) => void,
operation: ConcreteOperationDefinition,
optimisticOperation?: ?ConcreteOperationDefinition,
optimisticResponse?: ?Object,
variables: Variables,
uploadables?: UploadableMap,
|}): Disposable,
declare export type Observer<T> = {
onCompleted?: ?() => void,
onError?: ?(error: Error) => void,
onNext?: ?(data: T) => void,
* The results of reading data for a fragment. This is similar to a `Selector`,
* but references the (fragment) node by name rather than by value.
declare export type FragmentPointer = {
__id: DataID,
__fragments: { [fragmentName: string]: Variables },
* A callback for resolving a Selector from a source.
declare export type AsyncLoadCallback = (loadingState: LoadingState) => void;
declare export type LoadingState = $Exact<{
status: 'aborted' | 'complete' | 'error' | 'missing',
error?: Error,
* A map of records affected by an update operation.
declare export type UpdatedRecords = { [dataID: DataID]: boolean };
* A function that updates a store (via a proxy) given the results of a "handle"
* field payload.
declare export type Handler = {
update: (store: RecordSourceProxy, fieldPayload: HandleFieldPayload) => void,
* A payload that is used to initialize or update a "handle" field with
* information from the server.
declare export type HandleFieldPayload = $Exact<{
// The arguments that were fetched.
args: Variables,
// The __id of the record containing the source/handle field.
dataID: DataID,
// The (storage) key at which the original server data was written.
fieldKey: string,
// The name of the handle.
handle: string,
// The (storage) key at which the handle's data should be written by the
// handler.
handleKey: string,
* A function that receives a proxy over the store and may trigger side-effects
* (indirectly) by calling `set*` methods on the store or its record proxies.
declare export type StoreUpdater = (store: RecordSourceProxy) => void;
* Similar to StoreUpdater, but accepts a proxy tied to a specific selector in
* order to easily access the root fields of a query/mutation.
declare export type SelectorStoreUpdater = (store: RecordSourceSelectorProxy) => void;
declare export type CallValue = ?(
| boolean
| number
| string
| {[key: string]: CallValue}
| Array<CallValue>);
declare export type RangeBehaviorsFunction = (connectionArgs: {
[argName: string]: CallValue,
}) => ('APPEND' |
declare export type RangeBehaviorsObject = {
[key: string]: 'APPEND' | 'IGNORE' | 'PREPEND' | 'REFETCH' | 'REMOVE',
declare export type RangeBehaviors = RangeBehaviorsFunction | RangeBehaviorsObject;
declare export type RelayConcreteNode = mixed;
declare export type RelayMutationConfig =
| {
fieldIDs: {[fieldName: string]: DataID | Array<DataID>},
| {
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName?: string,
parentID?: string,
connectionInfo?: Array<{
key: string,
filters?: Variables,
rangeBehavior: string,
connectionName?: string,
edgeName: string,
rangeBehaviors?: RangeBehaviors,
| {
type: 'NODE_DELETE',
parentName?: string,
parentID?: string,
connectionName?: string,
deletedIDFieldName: string,
| {
parentName?: string,
parentID?: string,
connectionKeys?: Array<{
key: string,
filters?: Variables,
connectionName?: string,
deletedIDFieldName: string | Array<string>,
pathToConnection: Array<string>,
| {
children: Array<RelayConcreteNode>,
declare export type MutationConfig<T> = {|
configs?: Array<RelayMutationConfig>,
mutation: GraphQLTaggedNode,
variables: Variables,
uploadables?: UploadableMap,
onCompleted?: ?(response: T, errors: ?Array<PayloadError>) => void,
onError?: ?(error: Error) => void,
optimisticUpdater?: ?SelectorStoreUpdater,
optimisticResponse?: Object,
updater?: ?SelectorStoreUpdater,
// a.k.a commitRelayModernMutation
declare export function commitMutation<T>(
environment: Environment,
config: MutationConfig<T>,
): Disposable
declare export type ReadyState = {
error: ?Error,
props: ?Object,
retry: ?() => void,
* Classic environment below here
declare export class RelayQueryFragment {
// stub
declare export class RelayQueryNode {
// stub
declare export class RelayQueryRoot {
// stub
declare export class RelayStoreData {
// stub
declare export type RelayQuerySet = {[queryName: string]: ?RelayQueryRoot};
declare export type ReadyStateChangeCallback = (readyState: ReadyState) => void;
declare export type Abortable = {
abort(): void,
declare export type StoreReaderData = Object;
declare export type StoreReaderOptions = {
traverseFragmentReferences?: boolean,
traverseGeneratedFields?: boolean,
declare export type FragmentResolver = {
dispose(): void,
fragment: RelayQueryFragment,
dataIDs: DataID | Array<DataID>,
): ?(StoreReaderData | Array<?StoreReaderData>),
declare export interface RelayEnvironmentInterface {
querySet: RelayQuerySet,
onReadyStateChange: ReadyStateChangeCallback,
): Abortable,
fragment: RelayQueryFragment,
onNext: () => void,
): FragmentResolver,
getStoreData(): RelayStoreData,
querySet: RelayQuerySet,
onReadyStateChange: ReadyStateChangeCallback,
): Abortable,
node: RelayQueryNode,
dataID: DataID,
options?: StoreReaderOptions,
): ?StoreReaderData,
root: RelayQueryRoot,
options?: StoreReaderOptions,
): Array<?StoreReaderData>,
declare export type ClassicEnvironment = RelayEnvironmentInterface;
declare export class QueryRenderer extends React$Component<{
cacheConfig?: ?CacheConfig,
environment: Environment | ClassicEnvironment,
query: ?GraphQLTaggedNode,
render: (readyState: ReadyState) => ?React$Element<*>,
variables: Variables,
}> {}
* A cache for saving respones to queries (by id) and variables.
declare export interface ResponseCache {
get(id: string, variables: Variables): ?QueryPayload,
set(id: string, variables: Variables, payload: QueryPayload): void,
* An interface for fetching the data for one or more (possibly interdependent)
* queries.
declare export interface Network {
fetch: FetchFunction,
request: RequestResponseFunction,
requestStream: RequestStreamFunction,
declare export type PayloadData = {[key: string]: mixed};
declare export type PayloadError = {
message: string,
locations?: Array<{
line: number,
column: number,
* The shape of a GraphQL response as dictated by the
* [spec](
declare export type QueryPayload = {|
data?: ?PayloadData,
errors?: Array<PayloadError>,
rerunVariables?: Variables,
* The shape of data that is returned by the Relay network layer for a given
* query.
declare export type RelayResponsePayload = {|
fieldPayloads?: ?Array<HandleFieldPayload>,
source: MutableRecordSource,
errors: ?Array<PayloadError>,
declare export type PromiseOrValue<T> = Promise<T> | T | Error;
* A function that executes a GraphQL operation with request/response semantics,
* with exactly one raw server response returned
declare export type FetchFunction = (
operation: ConcreteBatch,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: ?CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap,
) => PromiseOrValue<QueryPayload>;
* A function that executes a GraphQL operation with request/subscription
* semantics, returning one or more raw server responses over time.
declare export type SubscribeFunction = (
operation: ConcreteBatch,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: ?CacheConfig,
observer: Observer<QueryPayload>,
) => Disposable;
* A function that executes a GraphQL operation with request/subscription
* semantics, returning one or more responses over time that include the
* initial result and optional updates e.g. as the results of the operation
* change.
declare export type RequestStreamFunction = (
operation: ConcreteBatch,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig: ?CacheConfig,
observer: Observer<RelayResponsePayload>,
) => Disposable;
* A function that executes a GraphQL operation with request/response semantics,
* with exactly one response returned.
declare export type RequestResponseFunction = (
operation: ConcreteBatch,
variables: Variables,
cacheConfig?: ?CacheConfig,
uploadables?: UploadableMap,
) => PromiseOrValue<RelayResponsePayload>;
declare export type Uploadable = File | Blob;
declare export type UploadableMap = {[key: string]: Uploadable};
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The function signature for render on L1071 has changed in v1.1.0. prevState was never actually passed to render, the updated signature reflects that fact.

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steida commented Jul 18, 2017

Wow. Great work. Do you plan to add it to

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Thanks @kerrin-mathspace - updated.

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@rosskevin Thanks for types! I needed also types for createPaginationContainer. As yours this is "works for me version"

  declare export type FragmentVariablesGetter = (
    prevVars: Variables,
    totalCount: number
  ) => Variables;

  declare export type PageInfo = {
    endCursor: ?string,
    hasNextPage: boolean,
    hasPreviousPage: boolean,
    startCursor: ?string

  declare export type ConnectionConfig = {
    direction?: "backward" | "forward",
    getConnectionFromProps?: (props: Object) => ?ConnectionData,
    getFragmentVariables?: FragmentVariablesGetter,
    getVariables: (
      props: Object,
      paginationInfo: { count: number, cursor: ?string },
      fragmentVariables: Variables
    ) => Variables,
    query: GraphQLTaggedNode

  declare export function createPaginationContainer<TBase: React$ComponentType<*>>(
    Component: TBase,
    fragmentSpec: GraphQLTaggedNode | GeneratedNodeMap,
    connectionConfig: ConnectionConfig
  ): TBase;

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