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Created June 30, 2012 21:37
Simple mechanism for attaching functions in a single .R file
### tach (c) Barry Rowlingson, 2012, pronounced like "tash"
### tach("file.R") will source that file into an environment and
### put it on the search path, thus including any function
### definitions without polluting your GlobalEnv
### retach() will scan your search path for any tach'ed files and
### if they have been modified since they were loaded they'll be
### re-tached.
### To remove, just use detach(pos) where pos is the position
### until this makes it into a package (or oblivion) you can do:
### source("tach.R");tach("tach.R");rm(tach,retach)
### and then you've tach'ed tach itself and cleaned up.
### TODO: check for multiple taching the same file
### verbosity reporting
### smarter detach
### print method for fileenv
### tach whole directories of .R files. But that's nearly a package.
tach <- function(file){
### source a file into an environment and attach
### to the search path
e = new.env()
me = attach(e,name=sprintf("file:%s",file))
### superclass it and add some metadata
retach <- function(){
### scan the search path for fileenv class objects
s = search()
for(pos in 1:length(s)){
e =
## look for modification since last source
cat(s[pos]," is a file env\n")
when = attr(e,"loaded")
fmod =,"src"))$mtime
if(when < fmod){
## re-source it, update timestamp
cat(s[pos], " changed since load\n")
remove(list = ls(e),envir=e)
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