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Created July 1, 2012 21:55
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Formalization of the perturbative λ-calculus in Redex
#lang racket
(require redex)
(define-language λT
;; Terms
(e x
(λ (x) e)
(e e)
(+ e ...)
(T e)
(pi-1 e)
(pi-2 e)
(iota-1 e)
(iota-2 e))
;; Contexts
(E (λ (x) E)
(E e)
(e E)
(+ e ... E e ...)
(T E)
(pi-1 E)
(pi-2 E)
(iota-1 E)
(iota-2 E)
;; Variables
(x variable-not-otherwise-mentioned))
(define reduction
(--> (in-hole E (+))
(in-hole E 0)
"empty +")
(--> (in-hole E (+ e))
(in-hole E e)
"unary +")
(--> (in-hole E (+ e_1 ... (+ e_2 ...) e_3 ...))
(in-hole E (+ e_1 ... e_2 ... e_3 ...))
(--> (in-hole E (+ e_1 ... 0 e_2 ...))
(in-hole E (+ e_1 ... e_2 ...))
"drop 0")
(--> (in-hole E (λ (x) 0))
(in-hole E 0)
(--> (in-hole E (λ (x) (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (λ (x) e) ...))
(--> (in-hole E (0 e))
(in-hole E 0)
(--> (in-hole E ((+ e_1 ...) e_2))
(in-hole E (+ (e_1 e_2) ...))
(--> (in-hole E (T 0))
(in-hole E 0)
(--> (in-hole E (T (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (T e) ...))
(--> (in-hole E (pi-1 0))
(in-hole E 0)
"pi-1 0")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-1 (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (pi-1 e) ...))
"pi-1 +")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-2 0))
(in-hole E 0)
"pi-2 0")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-2 (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (pi-2 e) ...))
"pi-2 +")
(--> (in-hole E (iota-1 0))
(in-hole E 0)
"iota-1 0")
(--> (in-hole E (iota-1 (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (iota-1 e) ...))
"iota-1 +")
(--> (in-hole E (iota-2 0))
(in-hole E 0)
"iota-2 0")
(--> (in-hole E (iota-2 (+ e ...)))
(in-hole E (+ (iota-2 e) ...))
"iota-2 +")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-1 (iota-1 e)))
(in-hole E e)
"pi-1 iota-1")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-2 (iota-2 e)))
(in-hole E e)
"pi-2 iota-2")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-1 (iota-2 e)))
(in-hole E 0)
"pi-1 iota-2")
(--> (in-hole E (pi-2 (iota-1 e)))
(in-hole E 0)
"pi-2 iota-1")
(--> (in-hole E ((λ (x) e_1) e_2))
(in-hole E (substitute x e_2 e_1))
(--> (in-hole E (T (λ (x) e)))
(in-hole E (λ (x) (push-forward x e)))
;; Capture-avoiding substitution of a term for free occurrences
;; of a variable in another term.
(define-metafunction λT
substitute : x e e -> e
((substitute x e_1 (λ (x) e_2))
(λ (x) e_2))
((substitute x e_1 (λ (x_bound) e_2))
(λ (x_fresh)
(substitute x e_1
(rename-variable x_bound x_fresh e_2)))
(where x_fresh
(term (+ x x_bound e_1 e_2))
(term x_bound))))
((substitute x e_1 x) e_1)
((substitute x e_1 x_other) x_other)
((substitute x e_1 (e_2 e_3))
((substitute x e_1 e_2)
(substitute x e_1 e_3)))
((substitute x e_1 0) 0)
((substitute x e_1 (+ e_2 ...))
(+ (substitute x e_1 e_2) ...))
((substitute x e_1 (T e_2))
(T (substitute x e_1 e_2)))
((substitute x e_1 (pi-1 e_2))
(pi-1 (substitute x e_1 e_2)))
((substitute x e_1 (pi-2 e_2))
(pi-2 (substitute x e_1 e_2)))
((substitute x e_1 (iota-1 e_2))
(iota-1 (substitute x e_1 e_2)))
((substitute x e_1 (iota-2 e_2))
(iota-2 (substitute x e_1 e_2))))
;; Rename every occurrence (whether free, bound, or binding)
;; of x_old in a given expression as x_new.
(define-metafunction λT
rename-variable : x x e -> e
((rename-variable x_old x_new x_old) x_new)
((rename-variable x_old x_new x) x)
((rename-variable x_old x_new (λ (x_old) e))
(λ (x_new) (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (λ (x) e))
(λ (x) (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (e_1 e_2))
((rename-variable x_old x_new e_1)
(rename-variable x_old x_new e_2)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new 0) 0)
((rename-variable x_old x_new (+ e ...))
(+ (rename-variable x_old x_new e) ...))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (T e))
(T (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (pi-1 e))
(pi-1 (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (pi-2 e))
(pi-2 (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (iota-1 e))
(iota-1 (rename-variable x_old x_new e)))
((rename-variable x_old x_new (iota-2 e))
(iota-2 (rename-variable x_old x_new e))))
(define-metafunction λT
bundle : e e -> e
((bundle e_1 e_2)
(+ (iota-1 e_1)
(iota-2 e_2))))
(define-metafunction λT
<> : e e -> e
((<> e_1 e_2)
(bundle (+ ((pi-1 e_1) (pi-2 e_2))
(pi-1 ((T (pi-2 e_1)) e_2)))
((pi-2 e_1) (pi-2 e_2)))))
(define-metafunction λT
push-forward-linear : any e -> e
((push-forward-linear any e)
(bundle (any (pi-1 e))
(any (pi-2 e)))))
(define-metafunction λT
push-forward : x e -> e
((push-forward x x) x)
((push-forward x x_other)
(iota-2 x_other))
((push-forward x (λ (x_bound) e))
(λ (x_fresh) (pi-1 e_transformed))
(λ (x_fresh) (pi-2 e_transformed)))
(where x_fresh
(term x)
(term x_bound)))
(where e_transformed
(push-forward x (rename-variable x_bound x_fresh e))))
((push-forward x (e_1 e_2))
(<> (push-forward x e_1)
(push-forward x e_2)))
((push-forward x 0) 0)
((push-forward x (+ e ...))
(+ (push-forward x e) ...))
;; WARNING This is a catch-all case that deals with T, pi-n, and
;; iota-n, and it should appear last.
((push-forward x (any e))
(push-forward-linear any (push-forward x e))))
;; Reduce redexes randomly until no redexes left. Print the obtained
;; expression and the number of steps taken.
(define (reduce-randomly relation expression)
(let loop ((reduction expression)
(path-length 0))
(let* ((reduction-list
(length reduction-list))
(if (zero? num-reductions)
(list-ref reduction-list
(random num-reductions)))))
(if (equal? reduction next-reduction)
(pretty-print reduction)
(printf "~a steps\n" path-length))
(loop next-reduction (+ path-length 1))))))
;; Reduce redexes until no redexes left choosing at each step a redex
;; whose reduction leads to the smallest possible term. If verbose?
;; is #t, print intermediate expressions and names of the reductions.
;; Print the obtained expression and the number of steps taken.
(define (reduce-smallest relation expression [verbose? #f])
(let loop ((reduction expression)
(path-length 0))
(let* ((reduction-list
(length reduction-list))
(if (zero? num-reductions)
(minimum-by size reduction-list))))
(if (equal? reduction next-reduction)
(pretty-print reduction)
(printf "~a steps\n" path-length))
(when verbose? (pretty-print next-reduction))
(loop (cadr next-reduction) (+ path-length 1)))))))
;; Return the leftmost element of a list with a smallest value of key
;; function.
(define (minimum-by key lst)
(let loop ((lst (cdr lst))
(curr-val (car lst))
(curr-key (key (car lst))))
(if (null? lst)
(let* ((next-val (car lst))
(next-key (key next-val)))
(if (< next-key curr-key)
(loop (cdr lst) next-val next-key)
(loop (cdr lst) curr-val curr-key))))))
(define (size thing)
(cond ((pair? thing)
(+ (size (car thing))
(size (cdr thing))))
((null? thing) 0)
(else 1)))
(define non-confluence-example
(T (λ (x) ((λ (y) ((f x) y)) x)))))
(define non-confluence-example-beta
(assoc "beta"
(define non-confluence-example-T
(assoc "T"
The following session shows that the reduction relation defined here
is non-confluent.
> (reduce-smallest reduction non-confluence-example-T)
(λ (x) (iota-1 ((pi-1 ((T f) x)) (pi-2 x))))
(λ (x) (iota-1 (pi-1 ((T (f (pi-2 x))) (iota-2 (pi-2 x))))))
(λ (x) (iota-2 ((f (pi-2 x)) (pi-2 x))))
(λ (x) (iota-1 ((pi-1 ((T f) (iota-2 (pi-2 x)))) (pi-2 x))))
(λ (x) (iota-1 (pi-1 ((T (f (pi-2 x))) x)))))
314 steps
> (reduce-smallest reduction non-confluence-example-beta)
(λ (x) (iota-1 ((pi-1 ((T f) x)) (pi-2 x))))
(λ (x) (iota-1 (pi-1 ((T (f (pi-2 x))) x))))
(λ (x) (iota-2 ((f (pi-2 x)) (pi-2 x)))))
37 steps
The terms of the form
(pi-1 ((T g) (iota-2 (pi-2 x))))
are semantically zero but don't reduce.
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