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Last active May 10, 2021 20:12
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def partitionToString(topic: TopicPartition): String =
override def run(args: List[String]): URIO[zio.ZEnv, ExitCode] = {
val zio = for {
session <- ZIO.service[SessionTask]
_ <- ZIO.runtime[Any].flatMap { implicit r: Runtime[Any] =>
val manualOffsetRetrieval = Consumer.OffsetRetrieval.Manual { partitions =>
val list =
val query = Sql.selectPartitionSql(list)
.use(, 64).compile.toVector)
.map(xs => xs.collect { case Some(t) => t }
.map(x => x.topic -> x.offset)
val consumerSettings = ConsumerSettings(List("localhost:9092"))
val consumerM = Consumer.make(consumerSettings)
??? // to be continued
} yield ()
??? // to be continued
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