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Created July 6, 2012 17:16
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{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module KamomeTickTackToe (KamomeTickTackToe(..)) where
This is seagull_kamome's implementation. See
import Data.Word (Word16)
import Data.Bits ((.|.),(.&.),setBit,testBit)
import Data.Ix (index)
import TickTackToe (TickTackToeSolver(..))
data KamomeTickTackToe = KamomeTickTackToe
solve :: String -> String
solve = go 'o' 'x' 0 0
go :: Char -> Char -> Word16 -> Word16 -> String -> String
go _ _ _ _ [] = undefined -- 勝敗が決まらないまま終了
go color oponent mhands ohands ((index ('0', '9') -> x):xs)
| testBit (mhands .|. ohands) x = "Foul : " ++ [oponent] ++ " won."
| or (map (\x -> x .&. mhands' == x) goals) = [color] ++ " won."
| (mhands' .|. ohands) == 0x3fe = "Draw game."
| otherwise = go oponent color ohands mhands' xs
mhands' = setBit mhands x
goals = map (foldl setBit 0) [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[3,6,9],[1,5,9],[3,5,7]]
instance TickTackToeSolver KamomeTickTackToe where
getSolver _ = solve
#!/usr/bin/env runghc
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
import Test.HUnit
import TickTackToe
import KamomeTickTackToe
import UchidaTickTackToe
parseLine :: String -> (String, String, String)
parseLine line = let (num, left) = break (== '\t') line
(input, output) = break (== '\t') $ tail left
in (num, input, tail output)
data AnySolver = forall a. TickTackToeSolver a => S a
solvers :: [AnySolver]
solvers = [S TickTackToe, S KamomeTickTackToe, S UchidaTickTackToe]
runAllTest :: [(String, String, String)] -> IO ()
runAllTest testCases = do
let tests = TestList $ concat (map (\(S solver) -> map (testLabel solver) testCases) solvers)
runTestTT tests
return ()
where testLabel solver (num, input, output) =
TestCase $ assertEqual num output (getSolver solver input)
main :: IO ()
main = do
contents <- readFile "tick_tack_toe_test_case.tsv"
let testCases = fmap parseLine $ lines contents
runAllTest testCases
1 79538246 x won.
2 35497162193 x won.
3 61978543 x won.
4 254961323121 x won.
5 6134278187 x won.
6 4319581 Foul : x won.
7 9625663381 Foul : x won.
8 7975662 Foul : x won.
9 2368799597 Foul : x won.
10 18652368566 Foul : x won.
11 965715 o won.
12 38745796 o won.
13 371929 o won.
14 758698769 o won.
15 42683953 o won.
16 618843927 Foul : o won.
17 36535224 Foul : o won.
18 882973 Foul : o won.
19 653675681 Foul : o won.
20 9729934662 Foul : o won.
21 972651483927 Draw game.
22 5439126787 Draw game.
23 142583697 Draw game.
24 42198637563 Draw game.
25 657391482 Draw game.
module TickTackToe (TickTackToeSolver(..), TickTackToe(..)) where
class TickTackToeSolver a where
getSolver :: a -> String -> String
data TickTackToe = TickTackToe
data Player = Player { name :: String }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Cell = Empty | Owned Player
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Result = Draw | Winner Player | Faul Player
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
type Board = [[Cell]]
solve :: String -> String
solve input = case process input' (head players) (initialBoard size) of
Draw -> "Draw game."
Winner p -> (name p) ++ " won."
Faul p -> "Foul : " ++ (name $ nextPlayer p) ++ " won."
input' = take (size * size) input
process :: String -> Player -> Board -> Result
process [] _ _ = Draw
process (x:xs) player board =
let pt = numberToPoint (read $ x : "") size
case checkBoard board pt of
Owned _ -> Faul player
Empty -> let nextBoard = putBoard board pt player
in if (checkHorizontal nextBoard pt ||
checkVertical nextBoard pt ||
checkDiagonal nextBoard pt)
then Winner player
else process xs (nextPlayer player) nextBoard
size :: Int
size = 3
initialBoard :: Int -> Board
initialBoard s = replicate s $ replicate s Empty
numberToPoint :: Int -> Int -> Point
numberToPoint n s = (n' `div` s, n' `mod` s)
where n' = n - 1
putBoard :: Board -> Point -> Player -> Board
putBoard board pt player = fmap processRow $ zip board [0..]
where processRow (row, y) = fmap ( \(cell, x) ->
if (x, y) == pt
then Owned player
else cell ) $
zip row [0..]
checkBoard :: Board -> Point -> Cell
checkBoard board (x, y) = (board !! y) !! x
players :: [Player]
players = [Player "o", Player "x"]
nextPlayer :: Player -> Player
nextPlayer player = nextPlayer' players player
where nextPlayer' (x:y:ys) p =
if x == p then y else nextPlayer' (y:ys) p
nextPlayer' _ _ = head players
checkHorizontal :: Board -> Point -> Bool
checkHorizontal board (_, y) = isOccupied line
where line = board !! y
checkVertical :: Board -> Point -> Bool
checkVertical board (x, _) = isOccupied line
where line = fmap (!! x) board
checkDiagonal :: Board -> Point -> Bool
checkDiagonal board (x, y) = x == y && isOccupied diagonalA
|| x == (bSize - y - 1) && isOccupied diagonalB
where diagonalA = fmap (\i -> checkBoard board (i, i)) [0..2]
diagonalB = fmap (\i -> checkBoard board (i, bSize - i - 1)) [0..2]
bSize = length board
isOccupied :: [Cell] -> Bool
isOccupied line = isOccupied' (head line) line
where isOccupied' _ [] = True
isOccupied' cell (x:xs) =
if cell /= x then False else isOccupied' cell xs
instance TickTackToeSolver TickTackToe where
getSolver _ = solve
module UchidaTickTackToe (UchidaTickTackToe(..)) where
This is t_uchida's implementation. See
import Data.List (transpose, insert)
import TickTackToe (TickTackToeSolver(..))
data UchidaTickTackToe = UchidaTickTackToe
data Cell = O | X | None deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Enum)
type Board = [Cell]
data Result = OWon | XWon | FoulOWon | FoulXWon | Draw deriving Enum
instance Show Result where
show OWon = "o won."
show XWon = "x won."
show FoulOWon = "Foul : o won."
show FoulXWon = "Foul : x won."
show Draw = "Draw game."
judge :: String -> Result
judge = judge' O (replicate 9 None) . take 9 . map (subtract 49 . fromEnum)
judge' :: Cell -> Board -> [Int] -> Result
judge' _ _ [] = Draw
judge' c b (i:is) = case put c i b of
Nothing -> toEnum (3 - fromEnum c)
Just b' -> if win c b'
then toEnum $ fromEnum c
else judge' (toEnum (1 - fromEnum c)) b' is
win :: Cell -> Board -> Bool
win c b = any (all (== c)) $ mat ++ transpose mat ++ map (zipWith (!!) mat) [[0,1,2], [2,1,0]]
mat = take 3 . map (take 3) $ iterate (drop 3) b
put :: Cell -> Int -> Board -> Maybe Board
put c n b = case b !! n of
None -> Just . map snd . insert (n, c) . filter ((/= n) . fst) $ zip [0..] b
_ -> Nothing
instance TickTackToeSolver UchidaTickTackToe where
getSolver _ = show . judge
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