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Created July 11, 2012 23:27
PlainElastic.Net Index Settings sample
using System;
using PlainElastic.Net;
using PlainElastic.Net.IndexSettings;
namespace IndexSettigsSample
class Program
static void Main()
var connection = new ElasticConnection("localhost", 9200);
var settings = BuildIndexSettings();
string result;
if (IsIndexExists("store", connection))
// We can't update settings on active index.
// So we need to close it, then update settings and then open index back.
connection.Post(new CloseCommand("store"));
result = connection.Put(new UpdateSettingsCommand("store"), settings);
connection.Post(new OpenCommand("store"));
// Create Index with settings.
result = connection.Put(Commands.Index("store").Refresh(), settings);
Console.WriteLine("Index Settings: " + settings);
Console.WriteLine("JSON result: " + result);
private static string BuildIndexSettings()
return new IndexSettingsBuilder()
.Analysis(als => als
.Analyzer(a => a
.Custom("lowerkey", custom => custom
.Custom("fulltext", custom => custom
.Filter(DefaultTokenFilters.word_delimiter, DefaultTokenFilters.lowercase, DefaultTokenFilters.stop, DefaultTokenFilters.standard)
private static bool IsIndexExists(string indexName, ElasticConnection connection)
connection.Head(new IndexExistsCommand(indexName));
return true;
catch (OperationExeception ex)
if (ex.HttpStatusCode == 404)
return false;
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ilhee commented May 31, 2016

how can i use the stopword list... or stopwords_path (file)???
{ "settings": { "analysis": { "filter": { "my_stop": { "type": "stop", "stopwords": ["and", "is", "the"] } } } } }

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