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Created July 14, 2012 12:44
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fetches the german charts from mtv
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function
from urllib2 import urlopen
from contextlib import closing
from lxml import html
import texttable
except ImportError:
texttable = None
def get_charts(category):
url, func = CHARTS[category]
with closing(urlopen(url)) as source:
root = html.fromstring('utf-8'), base_url=url)
return func(root)
def _find_chart_list(tree):
return tree.cssselect('#content .charts_list > li > a:first-child')
def _parse_charts(tree):
for chart in _find_chart_list(tree):
position, _, last_position, image, _, info = chart
yield {'position': int(position.text.strip()),
'last_position': _last_position(last_position.text.strip()),
'image': _image(image.attrib),
'title': unicode(info[0].text).strip(),
'artist': unicode(info[1].text).strip()}
def _parse_video_charts(tree):
for chart in _find_chart_list(tree):
position, _, image, _, info = chart
yield {'position': int(position.text.strip()),
'image': _image(image.attrib),
'title': unicode(info[0].text).strip(),
'artist': unicode(info[1].text).strip()}
def _last_position(pos):
return -1 if pos == 'new' else int(pos)
def _image(attrib):
return {'alt': unicode(attrib['alt']),
'height': int(attrib['height']),
'width': int(attrib['width']),
'src': unicode(attrib['src'])}
CHARTS = {'album': ('',
'hitlist': ('',
'dance': ('',
'black': ('',
'video': ('',
def make_table(charts, header=None):
if header is None:
header = ['position', 'last_position', 'artist', 'title']
table = texttable.Texttable(max_width=80)
table.set_deco(table.HEADER | table.HLINES | table.VLINES)
table.set_cols_dtype(['i', 'i', 't', 't'])
table.set_cols_width([10, 10, 25, 35])
table.set_cols_align(['r', 'r', 'l', 'l'])
table.set_cols_valign(['m', 'm', 'm', 'm'])
table.header([h.replace('_', ' ') for h in header])
for chart in charts:
table.add_row([chart[k] for k in header])
return table.draw()
def main():
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import json
parser = ArgumentParser(description='fetches the german music'
' charts from mtv')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--category', dest='category',
help='chart category')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output',
choices=['table', 'json'],
help='output format')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--number', dest='number',
help='number of shown charts')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--reversed', dest='reversed',
help='reverse list')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.output == 'table' and texttable is None:
parser.error('Unable to output table, install `texttable`')
all_charts = get_charts(args.category)
if args.reversed:
all_charts = reversed(list(all_charts))
charts = list(all_charts)[:args.number]
format_charts = {'table': make_table, 'json': json.dumps}[args.output]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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