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Created July 14, 2012 14:12
Simple first approach to a DAG
(ns bayle.core
(require clojure.set))
(defprotocol NODE
(change [this key new-value])
(add-parent [this new-parent])
(add-non-descendent [this new])
(node? [this])
(add-chile [this child]))
(defprotocol DAG
(add-node [this node])
(remove-node [this node])
(descendents [this node])
(non-descendents [this node child]))
(defrecord Node [name table parents non-descendents child]
(node? [this]
(change [this key new-value]
(assoc this key new-value))
(add-parent [_ new-parent]
(Node. name table (clojure.set/union parents new-parent) non-descendents child))
(add-non-descendent [_ new-non-des]
(Node. name table parents (clojure.set/union non-descendents new-non-des) child))
(add-child [_ new-child]
(Node. name table parents non-descendents (clojure.set/union non-descendents new-child))))
(defn new-node
[name & {:keys [table parents non-descendents child] :or {table {}
parents #{}
non-descendents #{}
child #{}}}]
(Node. name table parents non-descendents child))
(extend-type clojure.lang.PersistentHashSet
(add-node [this node] ;; TODO CHECK EDGE
{:pre [(node? node)]
:post [(set? %)]}
(conj this node))
(descendents [this node]
{:pre [(node? node)]
:post [(set? %)]}
(clojure.set/difference this (:non-descendents node)))
(non-descendents [this node child]
{:pre [(node? node) (node? child)]
:post [(set? %)]}
(clojure.set/difference this (clojure.set/union (map #(descendents this %) child)))))
(defn new-DAG []
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