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Created July 15, 2012 10:38
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fabric apply_mono_webapp task
def apply_nginx_role(hostname=''):
if (hostname == ''):
hostname ='.')[0]
# requires backports
system.install('nginx', 'squeeze-backports')
def apply_nginx_reload():
system.run_or_sudo('nginx -s reload')
def apply_mono_webapp_role(hostname=''):
if (hostname == ''):
hostname ='.')[0]
base_group = 'app'
base_folder = '/srv/apps'
system.run_or_sudo('addgroup --system {group}'.format(group=base_group))
def apply_mono_webapp(appname, srcfolder, baseport, numbackend = 1, staticfolder='', cname='', suffix=''):
app_owner = appname
app_group = 'www-data'
base_group = 'app'
base_folder = '/srv/apps'
# appname: name of the app
# srcfolder: local folder containing the app src will end up in approot
# baseport: base port number for internal listeners
# numbackend: number of backend process to spin up
# staticfolder: local folder for public html
# cname: alias for public access
# suffix: internal suffix for app name
# assumes apply_mono_webapp_role is installed
app_folder = "{base}/{app}".format(base=base_folder, app=appname)
app_folder_bin = app_folder + '/bin'
app_folder_conf = app_folder + '/conf'
app_folder_root = app_folder + '/app'
app_folder_repo = app_folder + '/repo'
app_folder_logs = app_folder + '/logs'
app_folder_static = app_folder + '/public_html'
# setup user and permissions (assumes shadow, group exists)
user_exists = fabric.contrib.files.contains('/etc/passwd', '^' + app_owner + ':x:', exact=False, use_sudo=True, escape=False)
if (not user_exists):
sudo('adduser --firstuid 5000 --no-create-home --home "{home}" --ingroup "{group}" --gecos "{name}" --shell /bin/false --disabled-password --disabled-login {user}'.format(home=app_folder, group=base_group, name=appname, user=app_owner))
sudo('adduser {user} {group}'.format(user=app_owner, group=app_group))
# ensure that each exist
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder)
sudo("chown -R %s:%s %s" %(app_owner, app_group, app_folder))
sudo("chmod g+s %s" % app_folder, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_bin, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_conf, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_root, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_repo, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_logs, user = app_owner)
sudo("mkdir -p %s" % app_folder_static, user = app_owner)
# server;
appname_upstream = ''
for x in xrange(int(numbackend)):
appname_upstream += ' server{port};\n'.format(port=int(baseport)+x)
context = {
'appname': appname,
'appname_internal': appname + suffix,
'appname_cname': cname,
'appname_upstream': appname_upstream,
'numbackend': numbackend,
'baseport': baseport,
'app_owner': app_owner,
'app_folder': app_folder,
'app_folder_bin': app_folder_bin,
'app_folder_conf': app_folder_conf,
'app_folder_root': app_folder_root,
'app_folder_repo': app_folder_repo,
'app_folder_logs': app_folder_logs,
'app_folder_static': app_folder_static,
'mono_bin': '/opt/mono-2.10.9/bin/',
'mono_xsp4': '/opt/mono-2.10.9/bin/xsp4'
fabric.contrib.files.upload_template('templates/apps/nginx.conf', app_folder_conf, use_sudo=True, backup=False, mode=0644, context=context)
fabric.contrib.files.upload_template('templates/apps/supervisord.conf', app_folder_conf, use_sudo=True, backup=False, mode=0644, context=context)
fabric.contrib.files.upload_template('templates/apps/daemon', app_folder_bin, use_sudo=True, backup=False, mode=0644, context=context)
sudo("chown -R %s:%s %s" %('root', app_group, app_folder_bin + '/daemon'))
sudo('chmod og+x %s/daemon' % app_folder_bin)
# sync the contents of the app
local_path = srcfolder
if (not local_path.endswith('/')):
local_path = local_path + '/'
fabric.operations.put(local_path=local_path + '*', remote_path=app_folder_root, use_sudo=True, mirror_local_mode=False)
sudo("chown -R %s:%s %s" %(app_owner, app_group, app_folder_root))
if (staticfolder != ''):
local_path = staticfolder
if (not local_path.endswith('/')):
local_path = local_path + '/'
fabric.operations.put(local_path=local_path + '*', remote_path=app_folder_static, use_sudo=True, mirror_local_mode=False)
sudo("chown -R %s:%s %s" %(app_owner, app_group, app_folder_static))
# initiate changes
if (not fabric.contrib.files.exists('/etc/supervisor/conf.d/'+appname+'.conf', use_sudo=True, verbose=True)):
sudo('ln -s {target} {link}'.format(target=app_folder_conf + '/supervisord.conf', link='/etc/supervisor/conf.d/'+appname+'.conf'))
sudo("supervisorctl reread")
sudo("supervisorctl update")
sudo("supervisorctl restart {app}:*".format(app=appname))
# wire-up public access
if (not fabric.contrib.files.exists('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/'+appname+'.conf', use_sudo=True, verbose=True)):
sudo('ln -s {target} {link}'.format(target=app_folder_conf + '/nginx.conf', link='/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/'+appname+'.conf'))
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