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Created February 23, 2010 08:48
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This code uses the CKAN API and the GoogleChart API to generate an image showing the top ministries by # of packages.
# Example:,008000,0000FF,FFFF00,800080&chdl=Natural+Resources+Canada%7CTreasury+Board+Secretariat%7CEngineering+Services&chd=t:100%7C33.3%7C33.3
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON qw/decode_json/;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use URI::GoogleChart;
# Get the list of all packages
my $base_url = '';
my $packages = get_json("$base_url/package");
# Find out how many packages each ministry has
my %pkg_count;
for my $pkg_name (@$packages) {
warn "Fetching $pkg_name\n";
my $pkg = get_json("$base_url/package/$pkg_name");
if (my $ministry = $pkg->{extras}{Ministry}) {
# Sort the ministries by number of packages
my @ministries = sort { $pkg_count{$b} <=> $pkg_count{$a} } keys %pkg_count;
# Create a GoogleChart with the data
my @data;
my @x_labels;
my $max = 1;
for my $ministry (splice @ministries, 0, $MAX_MINISTRIES) {
my $count = $pkg_count{$ministry};
$max = $count if $max < $count;
push @data, [$count];
push @x_labels, $ministry;
print URI::GoogleChart->new("vertical-grouped-bars", 600, 300,
data => \@data,
label => \@x_labels,
chxt => 'y',
chxr => "0,0,$max,1", color => [qw/red green blue yellow purple/],
), "\n";
# Make a HTTP Request to the CKAN API, as documented here:
sub get_json {
my $url = shift;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header(Authorization => '53c7b7cb-b771-45f0-86f3-e7613e760ddb');
my $resp = $ua->get($url);
warn "Could not fetch $url: ", $resp->status_line, "\n"
if $resp->code != 200;
return decode_json($resp->content);
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