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Created July 17, 2012 19:17
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Encode a (normalized) 1D-array as ligthness component of an HLS image (or any other color system supported by colorsys).
#!/usr/bin/env python -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Source of inspiration:
__version__ = "Time-stamp: <2012-08-13 13:12 ycopin@lyopc469>"
__author__ = "Yannick Copin <>"
import numpy as N
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
def imSpec(y, comp="hls:1", cmap='gist_rainbow_r', width=10):
"""Encode 1D-array *y* (values in the range [0,1]) into color
component *comp*='abc:i', where *i* is the component (0,1,2) and
*abc* is one of the color systems supported by standard module
* 'hls': Hue, Luminance, Saturation
* 'hsv': Hue, Saturation, Value
* 'rgb': Red, Green, Blue components
* 'yiq': Luminance, Chrominance (used by composite video signals)
Components of interest are 'hls:1' (to mimick emission lines) and
'hsv:2' (for transmission lines).
import matplotlib as M
import colorsys
# Decipher component 'abc:i'
dest,i = comp.split(':') # abc:i
i = int(i) % 3
if dest == 'rgb': # Mimick rgb_to_rgb
convForth = lambda r,g,b: (r,g,b)
convBack = lambda r,g,b: (r,g,b)
convForth = getattr(colorsys, 'rgb_to_' + dest)
convBack = getattr(colorsys, dest + '_to_rgb')
except (ValueError, AttributeError,) as err:
raise ValueError("Cannot parse component '%s': %s" % (comp, err))
# Get RGBA from cmap
rgba =,1,len(y)))
# Convert to color system ABC
abc = N.array([ convForth(r,g,b) for r,g,b in rgba[:,:3] ])
# Replace appropriate component with y, and bring back to RGB
abc[:,i] = y
rgb = N.array([ convBack(a,b,c) for a,b,c in abc ])
# Resize (n,3) to (width,n,3)
im = N.resize(rgb, (width,)+rgb.shape)
return im
if __name__=='__main__':
x = N.linspace(0,6*N.pi,512)
y = 1/(1 + 50*N.sin(x)**2) # Fabry-Pérot transmission in [0,1]
dx = x[1]-x[0]
extent = (x[0]-dx/2, x[-1]+dx/2, -0.5, 100.5)
def showAll(x, y, show=("hls", "hsv", "rgb", "yiq")):
for abc in show:
title = abc.upper()
fig,axs = P.subplots(4,1, sharex=True, subplot_kw={'aspect':'auto'})
axs[0].set(title=title, ylabel="Intensity")
for i in range(3):
comp = ':'.join((abc,str(i)))
axs[i+1].imshow(imSpec(y, comp=comp, width=100), extent=extent)
# Mimick emission and tranmission line spectra
fig,(ax0,ax1,ax2) = P.subplots(3,1, sharex=True,
ax0.plot(x, y, label='Emission')
ax0.plot(x,1-y, label='Transmission')
ax0.legend(prop=dict(size='small'), ncol=2)
ax1.imshow(imSpec(y, comp='hls:1', width=100), extent=extent)
ax1.set(ylabel="Emission", yticklabels=[])
ax2.imshow(imSpec(1-y, comp='hsv:2', width=100), extent=extent)
ax2.set(ylabel="Transmission", yticklabels=[])
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