Recently, I had a staging database on Heroku that was running on the Ronin database (which was originally the lowest-sized DB you could get at Heroku). Since they added two new options, Crane and Kappa, we wanted to take advantage of the cost savings. Here's how you can migrate your Ronin DB to Crane (or any other plan).
The old database was named BROWN while the new one is CRIMSON. You can determine this by running:
heroku pg:info --app myapp-staging
Add Crane database
heroku addons:add heroku-postgresql:crane --app myapp-staging heroku pg:wait --app myapp-staging
Turn on maintenance mode and capture a backup
heroku maintenance:on --app myapp-staging heroku pgbackups:capture --expire --app myapp-staging
Figure out what the name of the new database is
heroku config --app myapp-staging | grep POSTGRESQL
Restore the latest backup to the new database and verify it worked.
heroku pgbackups:restore HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON --app myapp-staging heroku pg:psql HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON --app myapp-staging select count(*) from users; => 1
Update the app to use the new database URL
heroku pg:promote HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON --app myapp-staging
Turn off maintenance mode:
heroku restart --app myapp-staging heroku maintenance:off --app myapp-staging
Verify everything worked the way you expect (i.e. create a new user):
heroku pg:psql HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_CRIMSON --app myapp-staging select count(*) from users; => 2 heroku pg:psql HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_BROWN --app myapp-staging select count(*) from users; => 1
Remove the old database:
heroku addons:remove heroku-postgresql:ronin --app myapp-staging
Check out the following sites for details
Awesome tutorial. Just saved my day !