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Created August 9, 2012 12:04
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(defn lookup
"Lookup a variable in the model. Respects inversion of the variable if it is
specified with a - symbol. Returns nil if the variable is unset."
[model v]
(if (= (get v 0) \-) ; If the first character is '-'
(if-let [[k v] (find model (subs v 1))] ; If v is defined in the map get it
(not v) ; return not v if we found it
nil) ; otherwise return nil
(get model v))) ; If it isn't inverted simply get it
(def foobar {"A" false, "B" true})
(println "should return false:" (lookup foobar "A"))
(println "should return false:" (lookup foobar "-B"))
(println "should return true:" (lookup foobar "B"))
(println "should return nil:" (lookup foobar "-C"))
(defn satisfiable?
"Checks to see if a given clause is satisfiable given a model."
[model, clause]
(let [lookups (map #(lookup model %) clause)]
(some true? lookups) true ; if some var is true the clause is true
(every? false? lookups) false ; if every var is false the clause is false
:otherwise nil))) ; otherwise we don't know what it is
(def barbaz '("A" "-B"))
(def buzfuz '("-A" "-B"))
(def sprangadang '("A" "-B" "C"))
(println "should return false:" (satisfiable? foobar barbaz))
(println "should return true:" (satisfiable? foobar buzfuz))
(println "should return nil:" (satisfiable? foobar sprangadang))
(defn solve
"Solves some set of clauses recursively, given some model and some list of
variables present in the clauses."
[variables, clauses, model]
(let [results (map #(satisfiable? model %) clauses)]
; If some clause can't be satisfied, this model doesn't work.
(some false? results) false
; If every clause can be satisfied, this model works.
(every? true? results) model
:otherwise ; recurse
; Choose the first variable that is not yet defined ..
(if-let [[choice] (filter #(nil? (get model %)) variables)]
; And try setting it to true; if that doesn't work, try false.
(solve variables clauses (assoc model choice true))
(solve variables clauses (assoc model choice false)))
(def rock '(("A" "-B") ("-A" "-B")))
(def paper '(("A" "-B") ("-A" "-B") ("A" "B" "C")))
(def scissors '(("-A" "B") ("-B") ("A")))
(println "should return a model:" (solve '("A" "B") rock {}))
(println "should return a model:" (solve '("A" "B" "C") paper {}))
(println "should return false:" (solve '("A" "B") scissors {}))
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(defn lookup
  "Lookup a variable in the model. Respects inversion of the variable if it is
specified with a - symbol. Returns nil if the variable is unset."
  [v model]
  (let [[leading-char] v]

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