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Created August 14, 2012 12:25
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Tree interface and implementation; tree with probabilities interface and implementation; dynamictree (no separate interface yet)
* © Kasper van den Berg <> 2012
package net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
import net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk.ProbabilityTree.Node;
* A ProbalityTree that creates nodes when they are needed.
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @author Kasper van den Berg <>
public class DynamicTree<Key, Value> extends ProbabilityTree<Key, Value> {
* Clients must supply a NodeCreator when {@link DynamicTree#builder()
* building} a {@link DynamicTree}. The {@code DynamicTree} invokes the
* {@code NodeCreator} when it receives requests for unexisting nodes.
* @param <Key> The type to identify {@code Values} with.
* @param <Value> The type to store in the {@code DynamicTree}
public interface NodeCreator<Key, Value> {
* Specifify how to construct a new node identified via
* {@code path}.
* When a client asks {@link DynamicTree} for an unexisting node,
* {@code DynamicTree} calls {@code buildNode} to construct the
* requested node.
* @param builder Use {@code builder} to specifiy how to
* construct the node identified by {@code path}.
* @param path The path this node is identified with in this
* {@code Tree}.
void buildNode(
ProbabilityTree.Builder<?, ? extends DynamicTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value> builder,
Path<Key> path);
Collection<Path<Key>> getChildKeys(Path<Key> path);
static private class BuilderImpl<Key, Value> implements
ProbabilityTree.Builder<BuilderImpl<Key, Value>,
DynamicTree<Key, Value>,
Value> {
protected final NodeCreator<Key, Value> nodeCreator;
protected final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous;
protected BuilderImpl(NodeCreator<Key, Value> nodeCreator_,
BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous_) {
this.nodeCreator = nodeCreator_;
this.previous = previous_;
* {@inheritDoc}
public DynamicTree<Key, Value> build() {
Node<Key, Value> result = buildNode();
return new DynamicTree<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, result);
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> weight(final double weight_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, this) {
protected double getWeight() {
return weight_;
* Create and return a fresh Builder chain.
* The {@link #parent()}-method in the fresh chain returns the current
* chain. The chain {@code parent} returns is appended with a specialized
* {@link BuilderImpl} that adds the subtree to the Tree in its
* {@link #addChildren}-method.
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child() {
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parentPrevious = this;
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, null) {
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, parentPrevious) {
protected ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
return super.addChildren(builder)
.put(child.getWeight(), child.buildNode());
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> key(final Key key_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, this) {
protected Key getKey() {
return key_;
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent()
throws IllegalStateException {
return parent(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> value(final Value value_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, this) {
protected Value getValue() {
return value_;
* Recurses back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain to find a parent.
* @see BuilderImpl#parent()
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param caller
* The outermost instance on which {@link #parent()} is
* called is preserved for use in {@link #child()}.
* @return the parent Builder this Builder is a {@link #child()} of (see
* {@link #parent()})
* @throws IllegalStateException
* when this builder is no child of an other builder. (see
* {@link #parent()})
protected BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> caller)
throws IllegalStateException {
if (previous != null) {
return previous.parent(caller);
throw new IllegalStateException("This is not a child builder.");
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the key
* for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code key_} as supplied to {@link #key(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #key(Object)} was never called on
* this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Key getKey() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getKey() : null;
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the
* value for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code value_} as supplied to {@link #value(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #value(Object)} was never called
* on this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Value getValue() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getValue() : null;
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the
* weight of the {@link ProbalityTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#weight(double)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code weight_} as supplied to {@link #weight(double)}
* most recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code 1.0}, the default weight, if
* {@link #weight(double) was never called on this chain.
* </li>
* </ul>
protected double getWeight() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getWeight() : 1.0;
* Build a list of children to add to this node.
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param builder to build the List of children
* @return {@code builder} with all previously specified children added
protected ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
if(previous != null)
return previous.addChildren(builder);
return builder;
* Recursively construct a node and its children as specified with
* {@link AbstractMethodError#key}, {@link #value}, and {@link #child}.
* @return a fresh Node
public Node<Key, Value> buildNode() {
Node<Key, Value> result = new Node<Key, Value>(getKey(), getValue());
ImmutableMultimap<Double, Node<Key, Value>> children = addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.<Double, Node<Key, Value>>builder()).build();
for(Map.Entry<Double, Node<Key, Value>> entry: children.entries()) {
result.add(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
return result;
private final NodeCreator<Key, Value> nodeCreator;
* clients use {@link #builder()} to construct a probabilitytree.
* Construct a iProbabilityTree with the given {@link Node} as its root.
* @param root_ the root of this Tree.
protected DynamicTree(NodeCreator<Key, Value> nodeCreator_, Node<Key, Value> root_) {
this.nodeCreator = nodeCreator_;
public static <Key, Value> Builder<?, ? extends DynamicTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value>
builder() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use builder(NodeCreator)");
* Builder pattern; see {@link Builder}
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @return a {@link Builder} to construct {@link SimpleTree}s with
public static <Key, Value> Builder<?, ? extends DynamicTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value>
builder(NodeCreator<Key, Value> nodeCreator) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, null);
protected Node<Key, Value> getNode(Path<Key> path) {
Node<Key, Value> result = super.getNode(path);
if(result == null) {
result = super.getNode(path);
return result;
public Collection<Path<Key>> getChildren(Path<Key> parentPath) {
Collection<Path<Key>> children = super.getChildren(parentPath);
if(children.isEmpty()) {
Collection<Path<Key>> freshChildren = nodeCreator.getChildKeys(parentPath);
for (Path<Key> childPath : freshChildren) {
return super.getChildren(parentPath);
private void constructNode(Path<Key> path) {
BuilderImpl<Key, Value> builder = new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(nodeCreator, null);
builder = builder.key(path.getLast());
nodeCreator.buildNode(builder, path);
Node<Key, Value> freshNode = builder.buildNode();
* © Kasper van den Berg <> 2012
package net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk;
import java.util.Iterator;
* @author Kasper van den Berg <>
public interface ProbabilityTree<Key, Value> extends Tree<Key, Value> {
* Interface for constructing {@link ProbabilityTreeImpl}s.
* {@inhericDoc}
* @param <T>
* The concrete type of {@code Builder} this fluent
* interface returns. {@link SimpleTree#builder() } will take care of
* selecting the correct type.
* @param <TTree> The type of Tree this Builder returns with
* {@link #build() }.
* @param <Key>
* The type of to identify {@code Values} with.
* @param <Value>
* The type to store into this {@link ProbabilityTreeImpl}
public interface Builder<T extends Builder<T, TTree, Key, Value>,
TTree extends ProbabilityTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value>
extends Tree.Builder<T, TTree, Key, Value> {
* Set the {@code weight} of this {@link ProbabilityTreeImpl}-node
* compared to its sibblings.
* {@code weight(double}} should not be called for the root of
* the built {@code ProbabilityTreeImpl}; when {@code weight(double)}
* is called for the root of the tree it has no effect.
* If {@code weight} is not set when the {@code ProbabilityTreeImpl}
* is built, it will default to {@code 1.0}. It can be set later
* using {@link ProbabilityTreeImpl#setProbabilty(SimpleTree.Path, double)}
* @see ProbabilityTreeImpl#add(ProbabilityTreeImpl, double)
* @param weight_
* the 'weight' of this {@code ProbabilityTreeImpl}
* compared to its sibblings.
* @return this {@code Builder} so that calls can be chained.
public T weight(double weight_);
* @param path
* the path of the node whose probabilityWeight to change (see
* {@link SimpleTree#getNode(SimpleTree.Path)}).
* @return
* Retrieve the probability of selecting the Node identified by {@code path}
* given that its parent is selected.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code path} points to the root, since the root cannot
* have a probability.
double getProbability(Path<Key> path) throws IllegalArgumentException;
* @return a {@link RandomWalker} which selects a random child at each call
* of {@link RandomWalker#next()}
Iterator<? extends Path<Key>> randomWalker();
* Change the probability of selecting the child located via {@code path} to
* {@code newProbabilityWeight} (given that its parent is selected).
* <i><b>WARNING:</b> this is an expensive operation: the cumulativeWeight
* of every sibling is recalculated, all siblings are removed and then
* re-added to their parent.</i>
* @param path
* the path of the node whose probabilityWeight to change (see
* {@link SimpleTree#getNode(SimpleTree.Path)}).
* @param newProbabilityWeight
* new the 'weight' of the node located via {@code path}, nodes
* with high weight have higher chance to be selected with
* {@link #getRandomChild()}; <i>NOTE: {@code weight} is like a
* probability, but is not exactly a probability since the sum of
* the weights of the children of a node don't have to add up to
* 1.0.</i>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code path} points to the root, since the root cannot
* have a probability.
void setProbabilty(Path<Key> path, double newProbabilityWeight) throws IllegalArgumentException;
package net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListMap;
import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.MRG32k3a;
import umontreal.iro.lecuyer.rng.RandomStream;
* Tree with probability attached to its nodes.
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this Tree
* @author Kasper van den Berg
public class ProbabilityTreeImpl<Key, Value> extends SimpleTree<Key, Value> implements ProbabilityTree<Key, Value> {
* Extends {@link SimpleTree.Node} with probabilities of the child Nodes.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this Tree
protected static class Node<Key, Value> extends SimpleTree.Node<Key, Value> {
* Cumulative probability weights for child nodes.
private final NavigableMap<Double, Key> childProbabilityWeight = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Double, Key>();
* total weight stored in {@link #childProbabilityWeight}
private double total = 0.0;
* Used to generate random numbers.
private final RandomStream rng = new MRG32k3a();
public Node(Key key, Value value) {
super(key, value);
public Node<Key, Value> getNode(Path<Key> path) throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalArgumentException {
SimpleTree.Node<Key, Value> result = super.getNode(path);
assert(result instanceof Node);
return (Node<Key, Value>)result;
public void add(SimpleTree.Node<Key, Value> child) {
assert(child instanceof Node);
add((Node<Key, Value>)child, 1.0d);
* Add {@code child} to this {@code Node}'s children with
* {@code weight}/{@link #total} the probability of selecting
* this child with {@link #getRandomChild(Path)}.
* @param child Node to add
* @param weight chance of selecting {@code child}
public void add(Node<Key, Value> child, double weight) {
total += weight;
childProbabilityWeight.put(total, child.getKey());
* Change the probability of selecting the {@code child} to {@code newProbabilityWeight}.
* <i><b>WARNING:</b> this is an expensive operation: the cumulativeWeight
* of every sibling is recalculated, all siblings are removed and then
* re-added to their parent.</i>
* @param child
* the child node whose probabilityWeight to change
* @param newProbabilityWeight
* new the 'weight' of {@code child}, nodes
* with high weight have higher chance to be selected with
* {@link #getRandomChild()}; <i>NOTE: {@code weight} is like a
* probability, but is not exactly a probability since the sum of
* the weights of the children of a node don't have to add up to
* 1.0.</i>
public void setProbabilty(Key child, double newProbabilityWeight) {
if (!children.containsKey(child)) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Node "
+ child.toString() + " does not exist");
assert (childProbabilityWeight.containsValue(child));
NavigableMap<Double, Key> newChildProb = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<Double, Key>();
Double oldTotal = 0.0d;
Double newTotal = 0.0d;
for (Map.Entry<Double, Key> entry : childProbabilityWeight
.entrySet()) {
if (child.equals(entry.getValue())) {
newTotal += newProbabilityWeight;
} else {
newTotal += entry.getKey() - oldTotal;
oldTotal += entry.getKey();
newChildProb.put(newTotal, entry.getValue());
* @param child
* the node of which to get the probability
* @return the weight of {@code child}
public double getProbability(Key child) {
if (!children.containsKey(child)) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Node "
+ child.toString() + " does not exist");
assert (childProbabilityWeight.containsValue(child));
double lower = 0.0;
Iterator<Map.Entry<Double, Key>> iter = childProbabilityWeight.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<Double, Key> entry =;
while(!entry.getValue().equals(child)) {
lower = entry.getKey();
entry =;
return entry.getKey() - lower;
* @param thisPath
* The {@link Path} that defines the location of this Node;
* the selected child's key is {@link Path#append(Object)}ed
* to {@code path}.
* @return {@link Path} to one of this node's direct children
* randomly selected; each child <i>c</i>is selected with a
* probability of <i>c<sub>weight</sub></i>/{@link #total}.
public Path<Key> getRandomChild(Path<Key> thisPath) {
if (children.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Double p = rng.nextDouble() * total;
Key childKey = childProbabilityWeight.ceilingEntry(p).getValue();
return thisPath.append(childKey);
* Select a random child node of the current node as next node; continue
* until a leaf node is reached.
* @author Kasper van den Berg
protected class RandomWalker implements
Iterator<Path<Key>> {
private Path<Key> next = ProbabilityTreeImpl.this.getRoot();
* Continue until a leaf has been reached.
public boolean hasNext() {
return next != null;
* Randomly select a child of the previous node.
* @see ProbabilityTreeImpl#getRandomChild()
public Path<Key> next() {
Node<Key, Value> nextNode = ProbabilityTreeImpl.this.getNode(next);
next = nextNode.getRandomChild(next);
return next;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* {@inheritDoc}
static private class BuilderImpl<Key, Value> implements
ProbabilityTree.Builder<BuilderImpl<Key, Value>, ProbabilityTreeImpl<Key, Value>, Key, Value> {
protected final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous;
protected BuilderImpl(BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous_) {
this.previous = previous_;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ProbabilityTreeImpl<Key, Value> build() {
Node<Key, Value> result = buildNode();
return new ProbabilityTreeImpl<Key, Value>(result);
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> weight(final double weight_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(this) {
protected double getWeight() {
return weight_;
* Create and return a fresh Builder chain.
* The {@link #parent()}-method in the fresh chain returns the current
* chain. The chain {@code parent} returns is appended with a specialized
* {@link BuilderImpl} that adds the subtree to the Tree in its
* {@link #addChildren}-method.
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child() {
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parentPrevious = this;
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(null) {
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(parentPrevious) {
protected ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
return super.addChildren(builder)
.put(child.getWeight(), child.buildNode());
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> key(final Key key_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(this) {
protected Key getKey() {
return key_;
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent()
throws IllegalStateException {
return parent(this);
* {@inheritDoc}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> value(final Value value_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(this) {
protected Value getValue() {
return value_;
* Recurses back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain to find a parent.
* @see BuilderImpl#parent()
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param caller
* The outermost instance on which {@link #parent()} is
* called is preserved for use in {@link #child()}.
* @return the parent Builder this Builder is a {@link #child()} of (see
* {@link #parent()})
* @throws IllegalStateException
* when this st_builder is no child of an other st_builder. (see
* {@link #parent()})
protected BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> caller)
throws IllegalStateException {
if (previous != null) {
return previous.parent(caller);
throw new IllegalStateException("This is not a child builder.");
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the key
* for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code key_} as supplied to {@link #key(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #key(Object)} was never called on
* this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Key getKey() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getKey() : null;
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the
* value for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code value_} as supplied to {@link #value(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #value(Object)} was never called
* on this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Value getValue() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getValue() : null;
* Recurse back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the
* weight of the {@link ProbalityTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#weight(double)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code weight_} as supplied to {@link #weight(double)}
* most recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code 1.0}, the default weight, if
* {@link #weight(double) was never called on this chain.
* </li>
* </ul>
protected double getWeight() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getWeight() : 1.0;
* Build a list of children to add to this node.
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param st_builder to build the List of children
* @return {@code st_builder} with all previously specified children added
protected ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.Builder<Double, Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
if(previous != null)
return previous.addChildren(builder);
return builder;
* Recursively construct a node and its children as specified with
* {@link AbstractMethodError#key}, {@link #value}, and {@link #child}.
* @return a fresh Node
protected Node<Key, Value> buildNode() {
Node<Key, Value> result = new Node<Key, Value>(getKey(), getValue());
ImmutableMultimap<Double, Node<Key, Value>> children = addChildren(
ImmutableMultimap.<Double, Node<Key, Value>>builder()).build();
for(Map.Entry<Double, Node<Key, Value>> entry: children.entries()) {
result.add(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
return result;
* Clients use {@link #st_builder()} to construct a ProbabilityTreeImpl.
* Construct a iProbabilityTree with the given {@link Node} as its root.
* @param root_ the root of this Tree.
protected ProbabilityTreeImpl(Node<Key, Value> root_) {
* Builder pattern; see {@link Builder}
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @return a {@link Builder} to construct {@link SimpleTree}s with
public static <Key, Value>
ProbabilityTree.Builder<?, ? extends ProbabilityTreeImpl<Key, Value>, Key, Value>
pt_builder() {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(null);
* Change the probability of selecting the child located via {@code path} to
* {@code newProbabilityWeight} (given that its parent is selected).
* <i><b>WARNING:</b> this is an expensive operation: the cumulativeWeight
* of every sibling is recalculated, all siblings are removed and then
* re-added to their parent.</i>
* @param path
* the path of the node whose probabilityWeight to change (see
* {@link SimpleTree#getNode(SimpleTree.Path)}).
* @param newProbabilityWeight
* new the 'weight' of the node located via {@code path}, nodes
* with high weight have higher chance to be selected with
* {@link #getRandomChild()}; <i>NOTE: {@code weight} is like a
* probability, but is not exactly a probability since the sum of
* the weights of the children of a node don't have to add up to
* 1.0.</i>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code path} points to the root, since the root cannot
* have a probability.
public void setProbabilty(Path<Key> path, double newProbabilityWeight)
throws IllegalArgumentException
Node<Key, Value> parent;
try {
parent = getNode(path.parent());
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Root of this Tree cannot have a probability.",
Key child = path.getLast();
parent.setProbabilty(child, newProbabilityWeight);
* @param path
* the path of the node whose probabilityWeight to change (see
* {@link SimpleTree#getNode(SimpleTree.Path)}).
* @return
* Retrieve the probability of selecting the Node identified by {@code path}
* given that its parent is selected.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* If {@code path} points to the root, since the root cannot
* have a probability.
public double getProbability(Path<Key> path) throws IllegalArgumentException {
Node<Key, Value> parent;
try {
parent = getNode(path.parent());
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Root of this Tree cannot have a probability.",
Key child = path.getLast();
return parent.getProbability(child);
* @return a {@link RandomWalker} which selects a random child at each call
* of {@link RandomWalker#next()}
public Iterator<? extends Path<Key>> randomWalker() {
return new RandomWalker();
protected Node<Key, Value> getNode(Path<Key> path) {
SimpleTree.Node<Key, Value> result = super.getNode(path);
assert(result instanceof Node);
return (Node<Key, Value>)result;
package net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Stores {@code Value} in a tree structure indexed by {@link Path} of
* {@code Key}.
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @author Kasper van den Berg
public class SimpleTree<Key, Value> implements Tree<Key, Value> {
* Contains the data of this SimpleTree
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
protected static class Node<Key, Value> {
* The direct children of this tree node
protected final Map<Key, Node<Key, Value>> children = new HashMap<Key, Node<Key, Value>>();
* The {@code Key} that identifies this node among its siblings
protected final Key key;
* The value stored in this node
* @see #getValue()
protected final Value value;
* Construct a Node with the given {@code key} and {@code value} at its
* root.
* The constructed Node does not contain any children. Use
* {@link SimpleTree#add(SimpleTree)} to add these node.
* @param key
* the {@code Key} to identify this node with.
* @param value
* the {@code Value} to store in this Node
public Node(Key key, Value value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
* @return The value stored at this node
public Value getValue() {
return value;
* @return the key that identifies this node
public Key getKey() {
return key;
* Traverse the tree nodes via {@code path} and return the Node {@code path}
* points to.
* @param path
* The {@link Path} that defines the location of the Node to
* retrieve.
* @return the tree Node at the location {@code path}
* @throws NoSuchElementException
* when {@code path} is invalid for this tree
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* when {@code path.getFirst()} is not the {@link #key} of this
* Node
public Node<Key, Value> getNode(Path<Key> path)
throws NoSuchElementException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (path.startsWith(this.key)) {
if (path.size() == 1) {
return this;
} else {
Path<Key> subpath = path.stripFirst();
Key subkey = subpath.getFirst();
if (children.containsKey(subkey)) {
return children.get(subkey).getNode(subpath);
} else {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Path not found: " + path);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Paths in this tree should start with " + this.key);
* Add {@code child} as a direct child of this node.
* The child's location is
* {@code new SimpleTree.Path(this.getThisPAth(), child.key)}.
* @param child
* a Node to add as a direct child of this Node
public void add(Node<Key, Value> child) {
children.put(child.key, child);
* @param thisPath
* the Path to this Node
* @return all direct children of this Node
public Collection<Path<Key>> getChildren(Path<Key> thisPath) {
return Collections2.transform(children.keySet(), Path.toPath(thisPath));
* Follow the Path through the SimpleTree, starting at the root of the tree, until
* the end of the Path.
* @author Kasper van den Berg
protected class PathIterator implements Iterator<Path<Key>> {
private Path<Key> followedPath;
private Iterator<Key> partIter;
public PathIterator(Path<Key> path_) {
this.followedPath = new Path<Key>();
this.partIter =;
public boolean hasNext() {
return partIter.hasNext();
public Path<Key> next() {
followedPath = followedPath.append(;
return followedPath;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Interface for constructing {@link SimpleTree}s.
* Use {@link SimpleTree#builder()} to retrieve a {@code Builder} for this tree.
* @author Kasper van den Berg
* @param <T>
* The concrete type of {@code Builder} this fluent
* interface returns. {@link SimpleTree#builder() } will take care of
* selecting the correct type.
* @param <TTree> The type of Tree this Builder returns with
* {@link #build() }.
* @param <Key>
* The type of to identify {@code Values} with.
* @param <Value>
* The type to store into this {@link SimpleTree}
public interface Builder<T extends Builder<T, TTree, Key, Value>,
TTree extends SimpleTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value>
extends Tree.Builder<T, TTree, Key, Value> {
* Builds {@link SimpleTree}
* @author Kasper van den Berg
* @param <Key>
* see {@link Builder} & {@link SimpleTree}
* @param <Value>
* see {@link Builder} & {@link SimpleTree}
static private class BuilderImpl<Key, Value> implements
Builder<BuilderImpl<Key, Value>, SimpleTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value> {
/** Builders are linked together via {@code previous} */
protected final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous;
protected BuilderImpl(BuilderImpl<Key, Value> previous_) {
previous = previous_;
public SimpleTree<Key, Value> build() {
SimpleTree<Key, Value> result = new SimpleTree<Key, Value>(buildNode());
return result;
* Chain a specialized {@link BuilderImpl} which returns {@code key_} in
* {@link #getKey()}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> key(final Key key_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(this) {
protected Key getKey() {
return key_;
* Chain a specialized {@link BuilderImpl} which returns {@code value_}
* in {@link #getValue()}
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> value(final Value value_) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(this) {
protected Value getValue() {
return value_;
* Create and return a fresh Builder chain.
* The {@link #parent()}-method in the fresh chain returns the current
* chain. The chain {@code parent} returns is appended with a specialized
* {@link BuilderImpl} that adds the subtree to the SimpleTree in its
* {@link #addChildren}-method.
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child() {
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parentPrevious = this;
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(null) {
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> child) {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(parentPrevious) {
protected ImmutableList.Builder<Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableList.Builder<Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
return super.addChildren(builder).add(child.buildNode());
public BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent() throws IllegalStateException {
return parent(this);
* Recurses back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain to find a parent.
* @see BuilderImpl#parent()
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param caller
* The outermost instance on which {@link #parent()} is
* called is preserved for use in {@link #child()}.
* @return the parent Builder this Builder is a {@link #child()} of (see
* {@link #parent()})
* @throws IllegalStateException
* when this builder is no child of an other builder. (see
* {@link #parent()})
protected BuilderImpl<Key, Value> parent(
final BuilderImpl<Key, Value> caller)
throws IllegalStateException {
if (previous != null) {
return previous.parent(caller);
throw new IllegalStateException("This is not a child builder.");
* Recurses back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the key
* for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code key_} as supplied to {@link #key(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #key(Object)} was never called on
* this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Key getKey() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getKey() : null;
* Recurses back into the {@link BuilderImpl} chain and retrieve the
* value for the {@link SimpleTree} being build.
* @see BuilderImpl#key(Object)
* @return <ul>
* <li>{@code value_} as supplied to {@link #value(Object)} most
* recent on this chain; or</li>
* <li>{@code null} if {@link #value(Object)} was never called
* on this chain.</li>
* </ul>
protected Value getValue() {
return (previous != null) ? previous.getValue() : null;
* Build a list of children to add to this node.
* @see BuilderImpl#child()
* @param builder to build the List of children
* @return {@code builder} with all previously specified children added
protected ImmutableList.Builder<Node<Key, Value>> addChildren(
ImmutableList.Builder<Node<Key, Value>> builder) {
if(previous != null)
return previous.addChildren(builder);
return builder;
* Recursively construct a node and its children as specified with
* {@link AbstractMethodError#key}, {@link #value}, and {@link #child}.
* @return a fresh Node
protected Node<Key, Value> buildNode() {
Node<Key, Value> result = new Node<Key, Value>(getKey(), getValue());
ImmutableList<Node<Key, Value>> children = addChildren(
ImmutableList.<Node<Key, Value>>builder()).build();
for(Node<Key, Value> child: children) {
return result;
protected final Node<Key, Value> root;
* Clients use {@link #builder()} to construct a SimpleTree.
* Construct a SimpleTree with the given {@link Node} as its root.
* @param root_ the root of this SimpleTree.
protected SimpleTree(Node<Key, Value> root_) {
this.root = root_;
* Builder pattern; see {@link Builder}
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @return a {@link Builder} to construct {@link SimpleTree}s with
public static <Key, Value> Builder<? extends Builder<?, ? extends SimpleTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value>,
? extends SimpleTree<Key, Value>, Key, Value> builder() {
return new BuilderImpl<Key, Value>(null);
* @param path Path to the node whose value to return.
* @return The value stored at the node
public Value getValueOf(Path<Key> path) {
return getNode(path).getValue();
* @return The path that identifies the root of this SimpleTree
public Path<Key> getRoot() {
return new Path<Key>(root.getKey());
* @param parentPath
* Path to the node whose children to retrieve
* @return a collection of {@link Path}s to the children of {@code parentPath}
public Collection<Path<Key>> getChildren(Path<Key> parentPath) {
return getNode(parentPath).getChildren(parentPath);
* @param path
* the path to follow
* @return an iterator that visits all this SimpleTree and all its descendants on
* {@code path}
public Iterator<? extends Path<Key>> followPath(Path<Key> path) {
return new PathIterator(path);
* @param path
* The path of the node
* @return {@link Node} {@code path} points to
protected Node<Key, Value> getNode(Path<Key> path) {
return root.getNode(path);
* © Kasper van den Berg <> 2012
package net.kaspervandenberg.smokingBehaviourSimulation.monteCarloRandomTreeWalk;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
* Stores {@code Value} in a tree structure indexed by {@link Path} of
* {@code Key}.
* @param <Key>
* The type to identify {@code Values} with
* @param <Value>
* The type to store in this SimpleTree
* @author Kasper van den Berg <>
public interface Tree<Key, Value> {
* Interface for constructing {@link Tree}s.
* Classes implementing {@link Tree} should have a static method
* {@code builder()} which returns a builder that can build concrete
* {@code Trees}
* @author Kasper van den Berg
* @param <T> The concrete type of {@code Builder} this fluent
* interface returns. The implementation should select the
* correct type.
* @param <TTree> The type of Tree this Builder returns with
* {@link #build() }.
* @param <Key>
* The type of to identify {@code Values} with.
* @param <Value>
* The type to store into this {@link Tree}
public interface Builder<T extends Builder<T, TTree, Key, Value>, TTree extends Tree<Key, Value>, Key, Value> {
* @return a {@link Tree} build to as specified using this
* {@code Builder}.
public TTree build();
* Set the {@code Key} of this {@link Tree}.
* @param key_
* the value for the constructed tree's key
* @return this {@code Builder} so that calls can be chained.
public T key(Key key_);
* Set the {@code value} contained in this node of the {@link Tree}.
* @param value_
* the {@code value} for the this node in the constructed
* Tree.
* @return this {@code Builder} so that calls can be chained.
public T value(Value value_);
* Add a child to the {@link Tree} to construct.
* @return a fresh Builder with which the building of the child is
* directed. <i>NOTE: This return differs from the other methods
* in {@code Builder}.</i>
public T child();
* @return the {@code Builder} with which to construct the parent of
* this node.
* @throws IllegalStateException
* when this {@code Builder} was not created via
* {@link #child()}
public T parent() throws IllegalStateException;
* @param path
* the path to follow
* @return an iterator that visits all this SimpleTree and all its descendants on
* {@code path}
Iterator<? extends Path<Key>> followPath(Path<Key> path);
* @param parentPath
* Path to the node whose children to retrieve
* @return a collection of {@link Path}s to the children of {@code parentPath}
Collection<Path<Key>> getChildren(Path<Key> parentPath);
* @return The path that identifies the root of this SimpleTree
Path<Key> getRoot();
* @param path Path to the node whose value to return.
* @return The value stored at the node
Value getValueOf(Path<Key> path);
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