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Created August 17, 2012 15:37
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phpBB Development Meeting #3 - 8/17/2012
[11:00:11] <imkingdavid> alright, let's get this started
[11:00:15] <imkingdavid> ping: unknownbliss
[11:00:27] <imkingdavid> first item is 'Attachment Improvements needs a final review and dependencies need to be reviewed and merged."
[11:00:35] <unknownbliss> imkingdavid: thanks
[11:00:59] <imkingdavid> bantu was the one that brought that up, I think
[11:01:33] <imkingdavid> Fyorl: if you're around, do you have anything to say about it?
[11:01:45] <bantu> Dependency is
[11:01:52] <bantu> I don't know what to do with that.
[11:02:07] <naderman> I guess I need to do that?
[11:02:09] <bantu> Plupload / Attachment Improvements is
[11:02:13] <naderman> I think it was pretty much ok in current form
[11:02:30] <bantu> could be merged without 881 and could be changed later on
[11:02:42] <bantu> basically, I want Plupload on area51 so we can acutally use and test it
[11:02:50] <naderman> nah let's get 881 merged
[11:03:11] <bantu> I don't want to merge the big pull requests because I was kind of involved.
[11:03:16] <naderman> I'll review it another time later today
[11:03:22] <bantu> Especially
[11:03:22] <naderman> 881 that is
[11:03:26] <bantu> ok
[11:03:41] <naderman> stuck on the train for a few more hours anyway ;-)
[11:04:15] <imkingdavid> alright, so that will be reviewed and then we can move forward with that
[11:04:24] <imkingdavid> anything else about this topic?
[11:04:37] <bantu> seems to be ready for merge as well.
[11:05:01] <bantu> Can not merge that because half of the commits are mine.
[11:05:05] <brunoais> You didn't call me... Oh well
[11:05:17] <imkingdavid> brunoais: sorry, I thoguht you were around
[11:05:24] <imkingdavid> bantu: lol, alright I will look at it later
[11:05:24] <brunoais> k
[11:05:31] <brunoais> let me just update myself
[11:05:50] <naderman> imkingdavid: ok so you do 936, I do 881 and 833?
[11:05:59] <imkingdavid> naderman: okay
[11:06:59] <imkingdavid> well, if there's nothing else, the next point of discussion is
[11:07:06] <imkingdavid> which I basically know nothing about :/
[11:07:55] <brunoais> I don't anything else to say too
[11:08:00] <naderman> to be honest I think that's unecessary and a waste of time
[11:08:02] <brunoais> I don't like that idea
[11:08:06] <naderman> we have a lot more important things to implement
[11:08:11] <unknownbliss> +!
[11:08:14] <unknownbliss> +1*
[11:08:14] <imkingdavid> after reading it, I agree
[11:08:15] <naderman> so if someone has some ready made PR for it we can discuss it
[11:08:20] <Fyorl> Uhh
[11:08:26] <naderman> but other than that, it's not something we need to prioritize
[11:08:44] <imkingdavid> I haven't seen a PR for it
[11:09:11] <unknownbliss> I dont even think there is a ticket
[11:09:15] <naderman> and I as well as a lot of others think it doesn't make sense anyway
[11:09:24] <naderman> so really let's just move on to the next subject
[11:09:37] <imkingdavid> alright, so that's a low/no priority item, so next up is
[11:09:45] <imkingdavid> adding Tahoma for some languages
[11:10:29] <brunoais> I'm neutral
[11:10:36] <imkingdavid> basically they just want the font added to the font family list for rtl languages
[11:10:41] <imkingdavid> if I'm reading it right
[11:10:51] <imkingdavid> i'm okay with that
[11:10:53] <naderman> well if this is for 3.1
[11:11:00] <naderman> then they can just do it in the language specific theme
[11:11:17] <naderman> as imagesets were replaced with a language specific stylesheet anyway
[11:11:23] <brunoais> I'm neutral as this does not affect me
[11:11:32] <naderman> so I'm not sure what the point of that RFC is
[11:11:36] <naderman> it's already doable in 3.1
[11:11:56] <imkingdavid> that should be noted in the RFC, I think
[11:12:00] <naderman> anyone have anything to add to that?
[11:12:00] <naderman> yes
[11:12:04] <naderman> I will just post that and close it
[11:12:07] <imkingdavid> alright
[11:13:36] <imkingdavid> next item, then? nn- was wanting us to evaluate the progress and goals of search backend refactoring
[11:13:56] <imkingdavid> for some reason I apparently typed search engine optimization in the agenda topic
[11:13:57] <naderman> well I'm not sure who added that to the meeting
[11:14:03] <unknownbliss> "Evaluate progress of goals for search engine optimization"
[11:14:04] <naderman> and what the point of the discussion in that topic was
[11:14:08] <naderman> (re language stuff)
[11:14:29] <naderman> imkingdavid: well I guess that's something I should look at, nothing I can say about that right now
[11:14:42] <imkingdavid> alright
[11:14:51] <naderman> anyone else have anything to add to that?
[11:14:59] <-- Hardolaf ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:15:00] <-- Hardolaf|Laptop ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:15:16] <imkingdavid> well we're moving pretty quickly here, lol
[11:15:33] <-> Dhruv1 is now known as Dhruv
[11:15:35] <imkingdavid> next item is WYSIWYG, which is brunoais
[11:15:37] <-- Dhruv (~Dhruv@ has quit (Changing host)
[11:15:38] --> Dhruv (~Dhruv@unaffiliated/dhruv) has joined #phpBB-dev
[11:15:40] --> Hardolaf ( has joined #phpBB-dev
[11:15:41] <brunoais>
[11:15:47] --> Hardolaf|Laptop ( has joined #phpBB-dev
[11:15:57] <brunoais> it added the sid to the url
[11:16:04] <brunoais>
[11:16:35] <brunoais> I'd like to have a discussion about the current lose ends
[11:16:38] <naderman> personally I still we ought to fix bbcode parsing before we even attempt adding a wysiwy editor
[11:16:47] <naderman> *still think
[11:16:53] <unknownbliss> I agree, whats the status of the new bbcode engine?
[11:16:59] <naderman> brunoais: can you try and make your posts a bit more concise
[11:17:05] <naderman> so one doesn't need to spend hours just to read them?
[11:17:06] <-- Hardolaf|Laptop ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:17:06] <-- Hardolaf ( has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:17:11] <brunoais> hum...
[11:17:32] <brunoais> I don't really know how to make a resume of this. That's already a resume per-se
[11:17:37] --> Hardolaf|Laptop ( has joined #phpBB-dev
[11:17:39] --> Hardolaf ( has joined #phpBB-dev
[11:17:40] <brunoais> we have hours and hours of chat
[11:17:55] <naderman> alright what is it you want to discuss here and now?
[11:18:01] <-- Rahber (~Rahber@phpbb/styles/Rahber) has quit (Quit: Go Went Gone!)
[11:18:12] <brunoais> I wanted to have the tools to continue
[11:18:18] <naderman> the tools?
[11:18:42] <brunoais> there are lose ends. There are options to solve the problems in the open and we don't know which one is the best to use for phpBB
[11:19:27] <brunoais> All you need to know to discuss is in that post
[11:19:40] <naderman> well this time slot is limited to 10 minuts
[11:19:41] <naderman> *minutes
[11:19:47] <naderman> I'm not going to be able to read the post in that time
[11:19:53] <naderman> is there anyone here who has read the post?
[11:19:57] <brunoais> It's a resume about all that there's on the table about the WYSIWYG editor
[11:20:06] <brunoais> _Vinny_?
[11:20:16] <naderman> imkingdavid: bantu: igorw: nickvergessen?
[11:20:33] <imkingdavid> i skimmed over it
[11:20:35] <naderman> brunoais: why don't you just put the open problems into questions
[11:20:38] <naderman> that we can discuss right now?
[11:20:41] <brunoais> k
[11:21:14] <brunoais> One of the biggest ones is when there's one token for the match and multiple in the final HTML
[11:21:33] <brunoais> I have this example:
[11:21:33] <naderman> how is that possible?
[11:21:33] <brunoais> [titled]{text}[/titled] -> <span>{text}:</span><span>{text}</span>
[11:21:37] <naderman> ah
[11:21:42] <naderman> ok?
[11:21:45] <naderman> where's the problem?
[11:21:53] <brunoais> we have ideas about how to solve the problem
[11:22:06] <brunoais> I came up with the idea of using a prefix in the token. Something like {C_*} (E.g. "{C_TEXT}") in which, this one would be the one that is meant to keep and the other is meant not to keep. Even if it's changed, those changes are ignored for the {TEXT} and only the {C_TEXT} is taken attention when going back to the BBCode.
[11:22:06] <brunoais> EXreaction came up with a different idea. His idea is to use javascript to keep all off those in sync. Sounds good, no? Well... not really. To have that working, we'll need to be prepared for our "friend"IE8. Yes... IE8 (I won't repeat myself, just read it below) (...). So... We can then question ourselves... how to do this? Well... if we change the source code of SCE and prepare it for IE8 in such way that we override the copy of the
[11:22:06] <brunoais> current block element to do the new line into placing a <br> (or it's xHTML counterpart) we may have this made easier. Another problem... How should such code work? I'll leave that question opened.
[11:22:11] <brunoais> EXreaction Also came up with another possible solution which is to use HTML comments to delimitate where are each of the informations needed for the BBCode.
[11:22:43] <imkingdavid> should be a simple replace all {text} with the value?
[11:22:49] <naderman> indeed
[11:22:51] <naderman> brunoais: I'm sorry but I'm not even sure what half of that means
[11:22:55] <brunoais> the problem is the other way around
[11:23:06] <brunoais> from HTML to BBCode
[11:23:08] <naderman> I think you should discuss this further with whoever wants to work on the wysiwyg editor and just try out what works
[11:23:19] <naderman> this is really not something we can discuss with 20 people in 10 minutes
[11:23:24] <brunoais> if that's the way to go, then we'll use that
[11:23:42] <naderman> if you put something on the chat agenda again please make sure that it's ready in a way that can actually be discussed within 10 minutes
[11:23:57] <naderman> otherwise it should be discussed in a smaller group
[11:24:17] <brunoais> I had doubpts that it would be correct to put in the agenda
[11:24:26] <brunoais> but it was placed, anyway
[11:24:34] <naderman> well no problem
[11:24:46] <imkingdavid> in the future I'll ensure that agenda items have clear concise points that can be quickly discussed
[11:24:56] <imkingdavid> instead of just broad topics
[11:24:59] <naderman> but let's go to the next subject
[11:25:02] <imkingdavid> "Progress update on events, migrations, and related components"
[11:25:12] <imkingdavid> nickvergessen isn't around atm so I'm not sure about events
[11:25:22] <unknownbliss> its finished
[11:25:29] <unknownbliss> Just needs review and merge
[11:25:30] <imkingdavid> ready for merge after review?
[11:25:31] <naderman> imkingdavid: yes please
[11:25:31] <naderman> can we start with events?
[11:25:43] <naderman> ok
[11:25:55] <naderman> which is the current PR that should be reviewed?
[11:25:55] <imkingdavid> i have a couple of commits in that PR, so I can't merge it right?
[11:26:05] <naderman> imkingdavid: if it's not much it doesn't matter
[11:26:08] <imkingdavid> okay
[11:26:20] <unknownbliss> joas one
[11:26:22] <naderman> I'm sure at this point enough other people have looked at those commits?
[11:26:54] <unknownbliss>
[11:27:05] <unknownbliss> naderman: me, joas and oleg have seen all of them
[11:27:13] <naderman> well ok
[11:27:19] <naderman> then imkingdavid: you review & merge
[11:27:21] <unknownbliss> and joas just went through and checked all the events when checking docs
[11:27:21] <imkingdavid> okay
[11:27:29] <imkingdavid> unknownbliss: can that PR be closed?
[11:27:29] <unknownbliss> s/checking docs/creating docs
[11:27:36] <naderman> template events I think no progress, unless oleg did something I'm not aware of
[11:27:37] <unknownbliss> thats the correct pr. :P
[11:27:44] <naderman> same for migrations but I have those open and am working on them
[11:28:01] <imkingdavid> so which PR is the one that needs to be reviewed an merged? there have been like 4 or 5 floating around recently :P lol
[11:28:01] <naderman> extension admin I saw a bunch of comments from igor earlier which I imagine should be addressed
[11:28:09] <naderman> unknownbliss: can't you send a URL?
[11:28:12] <naderman> then it's clear at least
[11:28:20] <unknownbliss> I did
[11:28:24] <unknownbliss> <unknownbliss>
[11:28:25] <-- marc1706 (~Marc@phpbb/modifications/marc1706) has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:28:25] <naderman> oh missed it
[11:28:49] <naderman> would be good if anyone who has any event PR open that should not be merged, closes it
[11:28:50] <unknownbliss> extension admin, I fixed a few of igors issue. A couple that will be done later
[11:29:08] <unknownbliss> but once thats done then its ready for merge
[11:29:15] <imkingdavid> okay
[11:29:28] <unknownbliss> naderman: oleg has 2
[11:29:35] <naderman> unknownbliss: well please tell him
[11:29:43] <unknownbliss> nn-: ^^
[11:29:46] <imkingdavid> the template events one should remain open, no?
[11:29:50] <unknownbliss> yes
[11:30:12] <naderman> ok that's all of those points, right?
[11:30:13] <imkingdavid> alright, so that's that. and naderman you said you're working on migrations?
[11:30:19] <imkingdavid> how close is that to being done?
[11:30:20] <naderman> yeah
[11:30:20] <unknownbliss> migrations?
[11:30:28] <naderman> imkingdavid: some time next week?
[11:30:31] <imkingdavid> alright
[11:30:36] <imkingdavid> I think that's it
[11:30:45] <imkingdavid> does anyone have anything else to add?
[11:30:46] <Hardolaf> If I could interrupt, I was wondering if some people would be willing to review my PR Authentication Plugin Refactoring and User Integration as it is the end of GSoC.
[11:30:47] <naderman> kind of depends on how much time I have for it, I'm travelling and can only work on it in between every now and then
[11:31:07] <naderman> bantu: imkingdavid: you guys mind looking over Hardolaf's PR?
[11:31:11] <imkingdavid> I would also like some review/testing of the Post Revisions PR:
[11:31:13] <naderman> it's rather long ;-)
[11:31:15] <imkingdavid> naderman: yes I can
[11:31:23] <naderman> imkingdavid: yeah I need to look over yours still
[11:31:36] <naderman> imkingdavid: make sure you document all these responsibilities in the summary ;-)
[11:31:44] <imkingdavid> will do
[11:32:38] <imkingdavid> alright, well I think that does it for this meeting
[11:32:50] <imkingdavid> can we discuss frequency of these meetings?
[11:32:54] <naderman> thanks everyone for coming :)
[11:32:58] <naderman> imkingdavid: yes we should
[11:33:05] <brunoais> now the meating's over
[11:33:05] <naderman> so weekly is clearly too often it seems?
[11:33:08] <imkingdavid> is once a week too much or should we move to twice a month or something?
[11:33:09] <brunoais> pls go here
[11:33:10] <imkingdavid> yeah I think so
[11:33:13] <naderman> or we just do it dynamically based on agenda items?
[11:33:20] <brunoais>
[11:33:29] <brunoais> I say it should be dynamic depending on the agenda items
[11:33:33] <imkingdavid> so every time we get 6 good items to discuss, we start a doodle for the next meeting?
[11:33:44] <brunoais> ^ +1 for me
[11:33:49] <naderman> imkingdavid: well or if one of them is time critical or so
[11:33:55] <naderman> imkingdavid: but yeah I'd basically do that
[11:34:00] <imkingdavid> alright, that sounds fine
[11:34:05] <naderman> imkingdavid: we can say at least 1 per month
[11:34:11] <naderman> and earlier if we have enough items
[11:34:11] <imkingdavid> okay
[11:34:36] <naderman> imkingdavid: and you're in charge of meetings now ;-)
[11:34:55] <imkingdavid> got it :P
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