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Created March 20, 2010 14:57
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# spec/controllers/admin/messages_controller.rb
def stub_user(is_administrator)
user = stub_model(User)
# because the application is going to call is_administrator in a before filter
# because the application is going to call find_by_id in a before filter
# helper method to simulate a regular user being logged in
def setup_user
@user = stub_user(false)
session[:user_id] =
# helper method to simulate an admin being logged in
def setup_admin
@admin = stub_user(true)
session[:user_id] =
describe Admin::MessagesController do
describe ':delete :destroy' do
# this before :each will happen before every example and in every context
# in this describe (:delete :destroy)
before :each do
context 'with valid id' do
# this before :each will happen for everything in this context (with valid id)
before :each do
# we need a fake object for the application to work with
@message = stub_model(Message)
# set an expectation that the application is supposed to call :find_by_id.
# when it does, we need to return the fake object we just created. .with(
# is used to make sure the id is being pulled from the params hash. Notice the
# delete :destroy line below. It uses the same thing. This is just a safety
# precaution in case someone hard-codes a value during experimenation. Unless the
# same value is hard-coded (not real likely), this will catch it before it goes
# to QA or Production.
# setting an expectation that the application code should call object.destroy. Since
# this is a destroy action, if this doesn't happen, the action is not doing what it is
# supposed to do
# kick it all off!
delete :destroy, {:id =>}
# these macros are from Remarkable, a gem that helps to DRY up your specs.
should_not_assign_to :message
should_set_the_flash :info, :to => Messages::MESSAGE_DELETED
should_redirect_to { admin_messages_path }
context 'with invalid id' do
# this before each applies to the examples in this context only
before :each do
# we want to simulate what happens when an invalid id is provided to the
# controller, so return nil. :find_by_id should still be called, but it will
# not be successful
# it doesn't really matter what id is used here. In fact, you could probably leave
# it out altogether. I prefer not to.
get :show, {:id => 1}
should_assign_to :message, :with => nil
should_redirect_to { error_path(404) }
# app/controllers/admin/messages_controller.rb
class Admin::MessagesController < Admin::BaseController
def destroy
message = Message.find_by_id(params[:id])
redirect_to error_path(404) unless message
flash[:info] = Messages::MESSAGE_DELETED
redirect_to admin_messages_path
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