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Created August 20, 2012 16:55
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Why isn't my ElasticSearch server returning keyword results
1.9.2p290 :015 > Entity.leads_search({"keywords"=> ["plumbing supply", "bath and kitchen supply"]})
=> #<Tire::Results::Collection:0x007fb57ed366d0 @response={"took"=>145, "timed_out"=>false, "_shards"=>{"total"=>5, "successful"=>5, "failed"=>0}, "hits"=>{"total"=>0, "max_score"=>nil, "hits"=>[]}}, @options={:load=>true, :page=>nil, :per_page=>nil}, @time=145, @total=0, @facets=nil, @wrapper=Tire::Results::Item>
class Entity
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
# removed field definitions for brevity
index :twitter, :sparse => true
index :found_at_url, :sparse => true
index :host_names
index "new_profiles.username"
index [["facebook", Mongo::ASCENDING], ["name", Mongo::ASCENDING]]
index [["new_profiles.service", Mongo::ASCENDING],["new_profiles.username", Mongo::ASCENDING]]
# ElasticSearch Components
include Tire::Model::Search
include Tire::Model::Callbacks
index_name ::BONSAI_INDEX_NAME
tire.mapping do
indexes :name, :analyzer => "snowball"
indexes :keywords, :type => 'string', :analyzer => 'keyword'
indexes :presence_score, :type => 'integer', :index => :not_analyzed
indexes :name, :analyzer => "snowball"
indexes :description, :analyzer => "snowball"
def to_indexed_json
# cleanup existing stuff for indexation
rv = {|x| x["service"] }.uniq rescue []
shares = share_counts_stat rescue {}
fb_clicks = shares["Facebook"]["click_count"] rescue nil
fb_comments = shares["Facebook"]["comment_count"] rescue nil
fb_likes = shares["Facebook"]["like_count"] rescue nil
fb_shares = shares["Facebook"]["share_count"] rescue nil
:id => id.to_s,
:type => 'entity',
:name => name,
:tags => tags,
:keywords => keywords,
:reachable_via => rv,
:description => description,
:ignore_project_ids => ignore_project_ids,
:project_listeners => project_listeners,
:presence_score => presence_score,
:created_at => created_at,
:updated_at => updated_at,
:found_at_url => found_at_url,
:twitter => twitter,
:facebook => facebook,
:profiles_retrieved => profiles_retrieved,
:stumble_upon => shares["StumbleUpon"],
:reddit => shares["Reddit"],
:facebook_clicks => fb_clicks,
:facebook_comments => fb_comments,
:facebook_likes => fb_likes,
:facebook_shares => fb_shares,
:delicious_share => shares["Delicious"],
:plus_one_share => shares["GooglePlusOne"],
:twitter_share => shares["Twitter"],
:pinterest_share => shares["Pinterest"],
:linked_in_share => shares["LinkedIn"],
:project_time_additions => project_time_additions
def self.leads_search(params) true, page: params[:page], per_page: params[:per_page]) do
query do
boolean do
must { term :keywords, params[:keywords] }
must { term :profiles_retrieved, true }
must_not { terms :ignore_project_ids, [params[:current_project_id]] } if params[:current_project_id]
sort { by :presence_score, "desc" }
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