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Created August 22, 2012 21:36
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sample page object in php
namespace WebDriver;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../PHPWebDriver/WebDriverWait.php');
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../PHPWebDriver/WebDriverBy.php');
class SauceLoginPage {
private $locators = array(
"username" => array(\PHPWebDriver_WebDriverBy::ID, 'username'),
"password" => array(\PHPWebDriver_WebDriverBy::ID, 'password'),
"submit button" => array(\PHPWebDriver_WebDriverBy::ID, 'submit'),
"errors" => array(\PHPWebDriver_WebDriverBy::CSS_SELECTOR, '.error')
function __construct($session) {
$this->session = $session;
function __get($property) {
switch($property) {
case "errors":
list($type, $string) = $this->locators[$property];
$e = $this->session->element($type, $string);
return $e->text();
case "title":
return $this->session->title();
return $this->$property;
function __set($property, $value) {
switch($property) {
case "username":
case "password":
list($type, $string) = $this->locators[$property];
$e = $this->session->element($type, $string);
$this->$property = $value;
function open() {
return $this;
function wait_until_loaded() {
$w = new \PHPWebDriver_WebDriverWait($this->session, 30, 0.5, array("locator" => $this->locators['submit button']));
function($session, $extra_arguments) {
list($type, $string) = $extra_arguments['locator'];
return $session->element($type, $string);
return $this;
function validate() {
assert('$this->title == "Login - Sauce Labs" /* title should be "Login - Sauce Labs" */');
return $this;
function login_as($username, $password, $success=true) {
$this->username = $username;
$this->password = $password;
list($type, $string) = $this->locators['submit button'];
$e = $this->session->element($type, $string);
if ($success) {
$p = new \DashboardPage($this->session);
return $p;
} else {
$w = new \PHPWebDriver_WebDriverWait($this->session, 30, 0.5, array("locator" => $this->locators['errors']));
function($session, $extra_arguments) {
list($type, $string) = $extra_arguments['locator'];
$e = $session->element($type, $string);
return $e->displayed();
return $this;
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