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Created August 26, 2012 13:30
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Asking for Newsletter Details (with git config fetching)
# First Run Callback
firstRunCallback: (data,next) ->
# Prepare
consoleInterface = @
commander = @commander
docpad = @docpad
balUtil = require('bal-util')
# Log
consoleInterface.confirm "Thanks for installing DocPad. As DocPad moves very very fast, would you like to subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with the latest releases and tutorials? [Y/n]", true, (ok) ->
if ok
commands = [
balUtil.spawnMultiple commands, (err,results) ->
# Fetch
name = results[0][1]
email = results[1][1]
username = results[2][1]
# Fallbacks
tasks = new balUtil.Group (err) ->
console.log "Sweet! We've subscribed you to our newsletter. You're looking super sexy today!"
return next()
# Name Fallback
tasks.push (complete) ->
return complete() if name
consoleInterface.prompt "Awesome! So, what is your name?", (result) ->
name = result
# Email Fallback
tasks.push (complete) ->
return complete() if email
consoleInterface.prompt "Amazing! and your email?", (result) ->
email = result
# Username Fallback
tasks.push (complete) ->
return complete() if username
consoleInterface.prompt "Groovey! and what username would you like for our cloud services when they come?", (result) ->
username = result
# Run fallbacks
# Chain
# Prompt for input
prompt: (message,next) ->
# Prepare
consoleInterface = @
commander = @commander
# Log
commander.prompt message+' ', (result) ->
# Parse
unless result.trim() # no value
return consoleInterface.prompt(message,next)
# Forward
return next(result)
# Chain
# Confirm an option
confirm: (message,fallback,next) ->
# Prepare
consoleInterface = @
commander = @commander
# Log
commander.prompt message+' ', (ok) ->
# Parse
unless ok.trim() # no value
if fallback? # has default value
ok = fallback # set to default value
else # otherwise try again
return consoleInterface.confirm(message,fallback,next)
else # parse the value
ok = /^y|yes|ok|true$/i.test(ok)
# Forward
return next(ok)
# Chain
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