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Created September 1, 2012 04:45
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NUnit のプロジェクトファイルは, Windows 環境の GUI で作成すると,対象アセンブリのパスのディレクトリ区切り文字がバックスラッシュになって Linux や Mac OS の環境でうまく動かないのでスラッシュに変換する。
// Usage:
// 1. Fsi.exe NUnitAssemblyPathConvertor.fsx BarTest.nunit
// 2. Get-Content FooTest.nunit | Fsi.exe NUnitAssemblyPathConvertor.fsx
#r "System.Xml.Linq.dll"
open System
open System.IO
open System.Xml.Linq
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives
type Trial<'a, 'b> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of 'b
type Error =
| None = 0
| IO = 1
| InvalidArgument = 2
| InvalidInput = 3
let exit = EnumToValue >> Environment.Exit
let doEdit edit =
| Success input ->
Success (edit input)
| ex -> Failure (ex, Error.InvalidInput)
| Failure (ex, error) ->
Failure (ex, error)
let getUserInput () =
match fsi.CommandLineArgs with
| [| _ |] ->
Success <| Console.In.ReadToEnd ()
| ex -> Failure (ex, Error.IO)
| [| _; path |] ->
Success <| File.ReadAllText (path)
| ex -> Failure (ex, Error.IO)
| args ->
let filename = Path.GetFileName (args.[0])
let message = sprintf "Usage: Fsi.exe %s [project.nunit]" filename
let ex = ApplicationException (message) :> exn
Failure (ex, Error.InvalidArgument)
let editProject rawProjectXml =
let project = XDocument.Parse rawProjectXml
query {
for assembly in project.Descendants (XName.Get ("assembly")) do
select (assembly.Attribute (XName.Get ("path")))
// UNIX だとディレクトリの区切り文字は '\' だとうまくいかないが Windows だと '/' でも OK。
|> Seq.iter (fun attribute -> attribute.Value <- attribute.Value.Replace ('\\', '/'))
getUserInput ()
|> doEdit editProject
|> function
| Success result ->
Console.WriteLine (result)
| Failure (ex, error) ->
Console.Error.WriteLine (ex.Message)
|> exit
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