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Created September 1, 2012 08:10
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Test program for 'minimum image convention' routines for triclinic cells
#!/usr/bin/env python
'''Test program for 'minimum image convention' routines for triclinic cells
This program is public domain.
Author(s): Toon Verstraelen
The minimum image convention (MIC) is a standard method in molecular
simulations of periodic systems. The convention states that one can
approximate the interaction between atom i and all periodic images of atom j
by considering only the pair (i,j) whose separation is the smallest of all
possible periodic images of j.
The problem is that most algorithms to find (efficiently) the minimum image
pair (i,j) only work well for orthorombic cells. They become somewhat
unreliable for triclinic cells, especially when the cell is very skewed and
the length of the relative vectors is of the order of the distance between
two principal crystal planes.
The reference implementation is a brute force approach that loops over
all near images and takes the shortest relative vector. It is too slow to be
useful in serious simulations. Two 'faster' implementations (naive and
lammps) are also added for comparison. Both do not work for all possible
relative vectors. This program compares the brute force implementation with
one of the fast implementations, using randomly generated relative vectors,
until 100 failures are encountered.
The top of this file contains all control parameters: unit cell & choice of
the fast mic routine.
If you encounter mistakes or know better MIC routines, please contact me
through This program was written as part of a
question posted at
import numpy as np
# real-space cell vectors
rvecs = np.array([
[5.0, 0.0, 0.0], # cell vector a
[1.0, 5.0, 0.0], # cell vector b
[1.0, 1.0, 5.0], # cell vector c
#fast_name = 'naive'
fast_name = 'lammps'
# reciprocal cell vectors as rows, without factor 2*pi that is common in
# plane wave codes
gvecs = np.linalg.inv(rvecs).T
if fast_name == 'lammps':
# compute the rectangular bounding box around the unit cell
box_low = np.array([np.PINF, np.PINF, np.PINF])
box_high = np.array([np.NINF, np.NINF, np.NINF])
for i0 in -0.5, 0.5:
for i1 in -0.5, 0.5:
for i2 in -0.5, 0.5:
corner =, [i0, i1, i2])
mask = box_low > corner
box_low[mask] = corner[mask]
mask = box_high < corner
box_high[mask] = corner[mask]
# check conditions from lammps domain code, for which lammps_mic should work
assert rvecs[0,1] == 0.0
assert rvecs[0,2] == 0.0
assert rvecs[1,2] == 0.0
assert abs(rvecs[1,0]/(box_high[0]-box_low[0])) < 0.5
assert abs(rvecs[2,0]/(box_high[0]-box_low[0])) < 0.5
assert abs(rvecs[2,1]/(box_high[1]-box_low[1])) < 0.5
def brute_mic(r):
# Basic idea = triple loop over all nearby image, pick shortest relative vector.
# This is horribly slow, and for very skewed cells, n has to become very large.
r = naive_mic(r)
result = None
n = 2
for i0 in xrange(-n, n+1):
for i1 in xrange(-n, n+1):
for i2 in xrange(-n, n+1):
rp =, [i0,i1,i2])
d = np.linalg.norm(rp)
if (result is None) or (result[1] > d):
result = (rp, d)
return result[0]
def naive_mic(r):
# transform to fractional coordinates, apply mic for cubic and transform
# back. This is what I came up with myself.
f =, r)
f -= np.floor(f+0.5)
return, f)
def lammps_mic(r):
# the one implemented in lammps, unless I'm mistaken.
rp = r.copy()
for i in 2, 1, 0:
if abs(rp[i]) > rvecs[i,i]/2:
if rp[i] < 0:
rp += rvecs[i]
rp -= rvecs[i]
return rp
# select mic routine
if fast_name == 'naive':
fast_mic = naive_mic
elif fast_name == 'lammps':
fast_mic = lammps_mic
raise NotImplementedError
def print_vec(label, vec):
d = np.linalg.norm(vec)
print '%s: (%10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f) d = %10.5f' % (
label.rjust(20), vec[0], vec[1], vec[2], d
return d
# compare mic routines using random relative vectors
counter = 0
fail_counter = 0
eps = 1e-5 # safe margin for roundoff errors
while fail_counter < 100:
counter += 1
f_orig = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 3) # fractional
r_orig =, f_orig) # real space
r_brute = brute_mic(r_orig)
r_fast = lammps_mic(r_orig)
if abs(r_brute-r_fast).max() > eps:
fail_counter += 1
print 'Failure %i/%i' % (fail_counter, counter)
results = []
for label, r in ('original', r_orig), ('brute', r_brute), (fast_name, r_fast):
d = print_vec(label, r)
results.append((d, label))
print 'Shortest:', [label for d, label in results if d < results[0][0]+eps]
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