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zed/ Secret

Created April 18, 2011 02:19
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from constraint import AllDifferentConstraint, Problem
from ruleparser import RuleParser
def solutions(rule, possible_values):
problem = Problem()
# each tuple should occur only once in the solution
# add constraints defined by the rule
p = RuleParser()
for variables, constraint in p.parse(rule):
problem.addConstraint(constraint, variables)
# declare all variables and define their possible values
problem.addVariables(p.seen_variables, possible_values)
# yield solutions
short_names = dict((val, "T%d" % i)
for i, val in enumerate(possible_values, 1))
for solution in problem.getSolutionIter():
yield [(variable, short_names[value])
for variable, value in sorted(solution.items())]
if __name__ == "__main__":
for solution in solutions("T(1)[1] = T(2)[1] AND T(1)[3]>=T(3)[1]",
[(1, 2, 3, 4), (3, 2, 4), (4,), (1, 5, 3, 6, 7)]):
print(", ".join("%s: %s" % t for t in solution))
from collections import namedtuple
from operator import eq, ne, gt, lt, le, ge
try: reduce = reduce
except NameError:
from functools import reduce # py3k
from lepl import Digit, Drop, DroppedSpace, Eos, Literal, Or, args
__all__ = ['RuleParser']
OPERATORS = {'=': eq, '!=': ne, '>': gt, '<': lt, '<=': le, '>=': ge}
Item = namedtuple('Item', 'var i')
class RuleParser(object):
>>> import pprint
>>> pp = pprint.pprint
>>> p = RuleParser()
>>> pp(list(p.parse(
... 'T(1)[2] = T(1)[1] AND T(2)[3] != T(3)[4] AND'
... 'T(4) [5] < T(5)[6] AND T(7)[8] <= T(9)[10]'
... ))) # doctest:+ELLIPSIS
[(('T(1)', 'T(1)'), <function contraint<2, =, 1> at 0x...>),
(('T(2)', 'T(3)'), <function contraint<3, !=, 4> at 0x...>),
(('T(4)', 'T(5)'), <function contraint<5, <, 6> at 0x...>),
(('T(7)', 'T(9)'), <function contraint<8, <=, 10> at 0x...>)]
>>> sorted(p.seen_variables)
['T(1)', 'T(2)', 'T(3)', 'T(4)', 'T(5)', 'T(7)', 'T(9)']
>>> f = p._parse
>>> f('T(0)[1] <= T(11)[2]')
[(Item(var='T(0)', i=1), '<=', Item(var='T(11)', i=2))]
>>> 'T(1)' in p.seen_variables
>>> 'T(11)' not in p.seen_variables
>>> pp(f('T(1)[2] = T(1)[1] AND T(2)[3] != T(3)[4]'))
[(Item(var='T(1)', i=2), '=', Item(var='T(1)', i=1)),
(Item(var='T(2)', i=3), '!=', Item(var='T(3)', i=4))]
def __init__(self):
self._seen_variables = set()
# define parser
# allowed operators
op = reduce(Or, map(Literal, OPERATORS.keys()))
# index value
index = Digit()[1:, ...] # \d+
with DroppedSpace(): # ignore whitespace
# T(i)
T = 'T' & ('(' & index) & ')' > (lambda x: ''.join(map(str, x)))
# T(i)[j]
item = (T & Drop('[') & (index >> int) & Drop(']')) > args(Item)
# T(j)[i] op T(k)[l]
clause = item & op & item > tuple
# Clause (AND Clause)*
condition = clause[1:, Drop('AND')]
# match only complete strings
rule = condition & Eos()
self._parse = rule.get_parse()
def parse(self, rule_str):
for first, op, second in self._parse(rule_str):
variables = first.var, second.var
constraint = _make_constraint(first.i, op, second.i)
yield variables, constraint
def seen_variables(self):
return tuple(self._seen_variables)
def _make_constraint(i, op, j):
i -= 1; j -= 1
def constraint(a, b):
# a[i] op b[j]
return len(a) > i and len(b) > j and OPERATORS[op](a[i], b[j])
constraint.__name__ = 'contraint<%s, %2s, %s>' % (i+1, op, j+1)
return constraint
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