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Created May 16, 2017 10:44
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ClojureScript Reagent - conference app - REPL experiements
(ns conference-reagent.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
;; Conference data
(def john {:title "My not so secret Spacemacs addiction"
:description "Sharing my journey into unleashing the power of Spacemacs to drive my digital world"
:speaker-name "John Stevenson"
:speaker-biography "There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."
:twitter-handle "jr0cket"
:github-handle "jr0cket"
:speakers-website ""})
;; Application State
(defonce app-state (atom {:conference-name "ClojureX"
:schedule []}))
(defonce schedule-counter (atom 0))
;; Helper functions
(defn add-session [details]
(let [talk-id (swap! schedule-counter inc)]
(swap! app-state assoc :schedule {:id talk-id :title (:title details)})))
;; Components
(defn build-conference []
[:h1 (:conference-name @app-state)]
(for [talk (get @app-state :schedule)]
[:div (:title (apply hash-map talk))])])
;; Render components
(reagent/render [build-conference] (js/document.getElementById "app"))
;; Interact with the REPL
;; (in-ns conference-reagent.core)
#_(swap! app-state assoc :text "I feel the power of the REPL")
;; Experiment with the model for state
#_(swap! app-state assoc :schedule [])
#_(swap! app-state update :schedule conj {:title "Opening Keynote"
:description "Something very inspirational"
:twitter-handle "jr0cket" })
;; Show the current app-state
#_(swap! app-state assoc :schedule conj john)
#_(swap! app-state assoc :schedule conj {:title "My not so secret Spacemacs addiction"
:description "Sharing my journey into unleashing the power of Spacemacs to drive my digital world"
:speaker-name "John Stevenson"
:speaker-biography "There's a frood who really knows where his towel is."
:twitter-handle "jr0cket"
:github-handle "jr0cket"
:speakers-website ""})
#_(reset! app-state {:conference-name "ClojureX"
:schedule []})
(defn reset-app-state! []
(reset! app-state {:conference-name "ClojureX"
:schedule []}))
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