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Created April 8, 2010 16:02
The example given on Ajaxian:
// See comments below.
// standard style
var a = "ape",
b = "bat",
c = "cat",
d = "dog",
e = "elf",
f = "fly",
g = "gnu",
h = "hat",
i = "ibu";
// comma-first style
var a = "ape"
, b = "bat"
, c = "cat"
, d = "dog"
, e = "elf"
, f = "fly"
, g = "gnu"
, h = "hat"
, i = "ibu"
// error in standard style
var a = "ape",
b = "bat",
c = "cat",
d = "dog"
e = "elf",
f = "fly",
g = "gnu",
h = "hat",
i = "ibu";
// error in comma-first style
var a = "ape"
, b = "bat"
, c = "cat"
, d = "dog"
e = "elf"
, f = "fly"
, g = "gnu"
, h = "hat"
, i = "ibu"
// Objects:
// JSON.stringify style
var o = {
a : "ape",
b : "bat",
c : "cat",
d : "dog",
e : "elf",
f : "fly",
g : "gnu",
h : "hat",
i : "ibu"
a = [
[ "ape", "bat" ],
[ "cat", "dog" ],
[ "elf", "fly" ],
[ "gnu", "hat" ],
[ "ibu" ]
// comma-first
var o =
{ a : "ape"
, b : "bat"
, c : "cat"
, d : "dog"
, e : "elf"
, f : "fly"
, g : "gnu"
, h : "hat"
, i : "ibu"
, a =
[ [ "ape", "bat" ]
, [ "cat", "dog" ]
, [ "elf", "fly" ]
, [ "gnu", "hat" ]
, [ "ibu" ]
// errors in objects:
// JSON.stringify style
var o = {
a : "ape",
b : "bat",
c : "cat",
d : "dog"
e : "elf",
f : "fly",
g : "gnu",
h : "hat",
i : "ibu"
a = [
[ "ape", "bat" ],
[ "cat", "dog" ],
[ "elf", "fly" ]
[ "gnu", "hat" ],
[ "ibu" ]
// comma-first
var o =
{ a : "ape"
, b : "bat"
, c : "cat"
, d : "dog"
e : "elf"
, f : "fly"
, g : "gnu"
, h : "hat"
, i : "ibu"
, a =
[ [ "ape", "bat" ]
, [ "cat", "dog" ]
, [ "elf", "fly" ]
[ "gnu", "hat" ]
, [ "ibu" ]
// Addendum: effects on the return statement.
// It does not break.
return [ 1
, 2
, 3
] // returns [1,2,3]
return { a : "ape"
, b : "bat"
} // returns {a:"ape",b:"bat"}
// even just separating two values by commas is fine,
// though a bit silly
return 1
, 2
, 3
, 4 // returns the last value, 4
// this, however is wrong:
, 2 // returns undefined, because of semicolon-insertion.
// so is this. otb == fail.
{ a : "ape"
, b : "bat"
} // returns undefined,
// then creates a block with two named statements.
// this is ok:
return (
, 2
) // returns 2
// so is this:
return (
{ a : "ape"
, b : "bat"
) // returns {a:"ape",b:"bat"}
JSLint says:
Problem at line 15 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
var a = "ape"
Problem at line 16 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, b = "bat"
Problem at line 17 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, c = "cat"
Problem at line 18 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, d = "dog"
Problem at line 19 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, e = "elf"
Problem at line 20 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, f = "fly"
Problem at line 21 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, g = "gnu"
Problem at line 22 character 9: Bad line breaking before ','.
, h = "hat"
Problem at line 30 character 10: Missing semicolon.
d = "dog"
Problem at line 31 character 10: Missing semicolon.
e = "elf",
Problem at line 31 character 12: Expected an identifier and instead saw ','.
e = "elf",
Problem at line 31 character 12: Stopping, unable to continue. (17% scanned).
That last one... read "this sucks, I give up"
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