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Created September 5, 2012 12:20
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TITLE: "Rebolide"
author: ["Shadwolf" "Steeve" "Massimiliano Vessi"]
date: 05/09/2012
credits: { Carl sassenrath, Steeve, Maxim, Coccinelle, Cyphre}
purpose: { Colored IDE for rebol in rebol }
version: 6.4.46
if not exists? %lucon.ttf [ request-download/to %lucon.ttf ]
; utility functions
sav-pref: func [][
;consol_path: fi/text
pref/bg_color: b1/color
pref/txt_color: b2/color
save %pref.dat pref
load-pref: func [][
if exists? %pref.dat [pref: do load %pref.dat]
either exists? %pref.dat [
pref: make object! [
;consol_path: copy system/options/boot
bg_color: 0.0.0
txt_color: 255.255.255
; LOAD TAB-panel widget Cyphre (TM)
do load decompress #{
do load decompress #{
; END of ctx-menu
area-tc: context [ ;** global context
colors: [
char! 0.180.40
date! 0.120.150
decimal! 0.120.150
email! 0.200.40
file! 0.200.40
integer! 0.120.150
issue! 0.180.40
money! 0.120.150
pair! 0.120.150
string! 0.180.40
tag! 0.180.40
time! 0.120.150
tuple! 0.150.150
url! 250.120.40
refinement! 160.120.40
comment! 255.150.0
datatype! 225.0.200
function! 0.255.255
native! 255.255.0
action! 0.255.255
error! 255.0.0
multi! 0.180.40
free-text! 0.0.200
insert tail colors compose [ block! (pref/txt_color) default! (pref/txt_color) ]
multi-chars: complement charset "^^}^/^-" ;** to detect end of rebol strings
save-color: color: start: end: out-style: x: str: type: f: value: multi: grow?: none
;** markers used in replacement of the draw comman PUSH. Much easy to track them.
expand: ;** marker for info messages (like errors)
hilight: 'push ;** marker for hilight background
no-edit: edit: 'aliased
edit-mode: none
abs-x: 0
;** rule to output draw dialect
;gen-draw: to-block end
gen-draw: [end: (
str: copy/part start end
unless tail? str [
color: any [
select colors type
select colors 'default!
0.0.0 ; this is the deafult color if the others are none
either save-color <> color [
;out-style: insert insert insert insert insert out-style
; 'pen color [text edit ] as-pair x * f/x + f/xy/x + f/origine-x 5 str
insert out-style reduce [
'pen color 'text 'edit (as-pair x * f/x + f/xy/x + f/origine-x 5 ) str
loop 6 [out-style: next out-style]
insert tail pick out-style -1 str
if type = 'error! [
out-style: insert/only insert out-style 'expand
reduce ['pen red 'text 'vectorial as-pair x * f/x + f/origine-x 5 + f/y reform [value/id value/arg1]]
x: x + length? str
save-color: color
if type = 'error! [grow?: true]
tab1: next tab2: next tab3: next tab4: " "
what: none
gen-tab: [(
what: pick [tab4 tab3 tab2 tab1] x // 4 + 1 ;** align tabs
out-style: insert insert insert out-style
[text edit] as-pair x * f/x + f/xy/x + f/origine-x 5 what
x: x + length? get what
save-color: none
spaces: exclude charset [#"^(1)" - #" "] charset "^/^-" ;** treat like space
braquets: charset "[]()"
;** rule to detect rebol values (uses load/next)
;** (heavy, because we handle errors too)
rebol-value: [skip (
error? set/any [value end] try [load/next start]
either error? :value [
value: disarm :value
either value/arg2/1 = #"{" [
end: any [find start newline tail start]
type: 'multi!
multi: case [
multi < 2 [3]
multi = 2 [4]
'else [multi]
end: skip start length? value/arg2
type: 'error!
case [
path? :value [value: first :value]
all [word? :value value? :value][value: get value]
any-string? :value [
if find/part start newline end [
end: find/part start newline end
multi: case [
multi < 2 [3]
multi = 2 [4]
'else [multi]
type: 'multi!
type: type?/word :value
color: none
) :end
no-tabs: complement charset "^/^-"
gen-to-end: [any [some no-tabs | end: tab :end gen-draw some [tab gen-tab] start:] gen-draw]
any-char: complement charset " ^-"
set 'colorize func [
face line out
/local check-multi check-free-text orig lvl-start lvl val cont pline pos
color: save-color: grow?: none
f: face
x: 0
orig: out-style: out
;** multi = -1, free text before REBOL header
;** multi = 0, code not parsed
;** multi = 1, normal code
;** multi = 2, end of multi-line string
;** multi = 3, begin of multi-line string
;** multi = 4, full multi-line string
lvl: lvl-start
multi: case [
head? line [-1]
2 < val: first pline: pick line -1 [4]
val = -1 [-1]
'else [1]
lvl: lvl-start: either pline [pline/3/2][1]
line: line/1
check-multi: either multi = 4 [none][[end skip]]
check-free-text: [(cont: either multi = -1 [none][[end skip]]) cont]
;**all [char? line/2 print line]
parse/all line/2 [
check-free-text "rebol" any #" " #"[" (multi: 1) end skip
| check-free-text (type: 'free-text!) gen-to-end
| opt [
check-multi start: some [
some multi-chars
| #"^^" [skip | end]
| end: tab :end (type: 'multi!) gen-draw some [tab gen-tab] start:
| #"}" (multi: 2) break ;** end of multi-line
| break ;** newline
(type: 'multi!) gen-draw
any [
start: [newline | end] break
| some spaces (type: 'blank!) gen-draw
| tab gen-tab
| [#"[" | #"("] (type: 'block! lvl: lvl + 1) gen-draw
| [#"]" | #")"] (type: 'block! lvl: lvl - 1) gen-draw
| #";"(type: 'comment!) gen-to-end
| rebol-value gen-draw
line/1: multi
line/3: as-pair lvl-start lvl
f/h-scroller/max-x: max f/h-scroller/max-x x * f/x + f/origine-x + (f/x * 10)
f/cursor/len: x
case [
empty? orig [ ;** if the text contains no chars, add a dummy line
append orig compose [text edit (as-pair f/origine-x + f/xy/x 5) (copy "")]
not same? back start find/reverse start any-char [
insert insert insert tail orig
[pen blue text no-edit]
as-pair x * f/x + f/origine-x + f/xy/x 5
grow? ;** notices if it's a simple line or a double-size line
;** cut text into lines
set 'build-data func [
text f /local out
out: f/data
clear out
parse/all text [any [pos: (out: insert/only out reduce [0 pos 0x0] ) thru newline]]
f/origine-x: f/x * (1 + length? to string! length? head out)
out: head out
;** boxline: [pen red fill-pen red box 0x1 32x18]
;** debug: display where show occurs
;show: func [f][print either in f 'cursor ['area-tc]['cursor-only] system/words/show f]
;** markers used in replacement of the draw comman PUSH. Much easy to track them with parse.
expand: ;** marker for info messages (like errors)
hilight: 'push ;** marker for hilight background
no-edit: ;** marker for text no editable
edit: 'aliased
render-text: func [
f inc
/local pos char color draw-txt
prev-col draw-sblk nb line data n decal
;start: now/precise
prev-col: none
case [
stay [
inc: inc - 1
data: skip f/data inc
inc < 0 [
inc: negate min abs inc ((index? f/data) - 1)
data: f/data: skip f/data inc
inc > 0 [
inc: min max 0 ((length? f/data) - f/nb-lines) inc
data: f/data: skip f/data inc
'else [data: f/data]
draw-txt: any [find f/effect/draw 'push tail f/effect/draw]
case [
stay [
draw-txt: clear skip draw-txt max 0 inc * 4
nb: min f/nb-lines f/nb-lines - inc
empty? draw-txt [
nb: f/nb-lines
inc > 0 [
remove/part draw-txt 4 * inc
draw-txt: tail draw-txt
nb: min f/nb-lines inc
data: skip data either f/nb-lines > inc [f/nb-lines - inc][0]
;** A FAIRE, si inc dépasse le nombre de lignes affichées,
;** parser les lignes skipées (non affichées)
;** pour détecter les strings multi-ligne
inc < 0 [
clear skip draw-txt max 0 4 * (f/nb-lines + inc)
nb: min f/nb-lines abs inc
'else [return true]
nb: min nb length? data
n: 1
decal: as-pair 0 f/y
while [n <= nb][
line: at data n
draw-txt: insert draw-txt 'push
draw-sblk: insert insert insert make block! 50
[hilight none pen 128.128.128 text no-edit] as-pair f/xy/x 5
reverse copy/part reverse head insert change clear "" " " (n - 1 + index? data) (f/origine-x - f/x / f/x)
if colorize f line draw-sblk [
decal: as-pair 0 2 * f/y
draw-txt: insert insert insert/only draw-txt head draw-sblk 'translate decal
decal: as-pair 0 f/y
n: n + 1
set-y f 5 ;** recalc all y offset of texts (which can be absolute only)
unless f/cursor/selection? [show f]
;** probe difference now/precise start
set-y: func [f y /local blk pair line idx gb lgb chg-y][
blk: f/effect/draw
blk: find f/effect/draw 'push
lgb: index? f/data
gb: f/cursor/global-idx
idx: 2
f/cursor/show?: false
chg-y: [thru 'text ['edit | 'no-edit] pair: pair! (pair/1/y: y)]
foreach [cmd value] blk [
switch cmd [
translate [y: y + value/y]
push [
if gb = lgb [
f/cursor/xy/y: y
f/cursor/data: at blk idx
f/cursor/show?: true
parse value [
any chg-y
any [thru 'push into [any chg-y to end break]]
lgb: lgb + 1
idx: idx + 2
move-x: func [f x /local blk pair chg-x][
blk: f/effect/draw
blk: find f/effect/draw 'push
chg-x: [thru 'text ['edit | 'no-edit] pair: pair! (pair/1/x: x + pair/1/x)]
foreach [cmd value] blk [
switch cmd [
translate [x: x + value/x]
push [
parse value [
any chg-x
any [thru 'push into [any chg-x to end break]]
f/cursor/xy/x: f/cursor/xy/x + x
;** return the inner face matching the point
map-inner: func [face point /local pane][
unless pane: face/pane [return face]
unless block? pane [pane: to block! pane]
foreach face pane [
if within? point face/offset face/size [return map-inner face point - face/offset]
get*: func [v][do back change/only [none] v] ;** if v is a word, get value in the world
any-char: complement space: charset " ^-"
context [
origin: off-mem: save-size: 0x0
drag: track: false
;** find a free place in the whole area to display the info box
find-free-places: func [
/local data end x len l-len r-pos stack-l stack-r
stack-l: clear []
stack-r: clear []
data: f/data
loop len: f/nb-lines [
line: data/1/2
end: any [find line newline tail line]
;** length of the left free zone
pos: any [find/part line space end line]
l-len: -1 + index? pos
;** start of the rigth free zone
pos: ant [find/reverse end any-char end]
r-start: index? pos
stack-l: insert stack-l l-len
stack-r: insert stack-r r-len
data: next data
x: maximum-of stack-l
loop len [
stack-l: next stack-l
insert-event-func func [face event /local tmp][
;print [event/type event/key]
switch event/type [
time none ;** a lot of time events are sent, check it first
key [ ;** key handler for faces without text and caret (actually only for areat-tc)
if event/1 = 'time [return event] ;** FUUUUUCK, why we receive that crap event here ???
if all [
tmp: system/view/focal-face
in tmp 'style
tmp/style = 'area-tc
tmp/feel/engage tmp 'key event
move [
either drag [
tmp: track/offset
drag/feel/drag drag event/offset - origin
origin: origin + track/offset - tmp ;** correct the origin, if the tracked face has moved
return false ;** disable move event
][off-mem: event/offset ] ;** for mouse wheel motion
resize [
tmp: negate saved-size - saved-size: face/pane/1/size
foreach fa face/pane/1/pane [
if in fa/feel 'resize [fa/feel/resize fa tmp]
down [
face: map-inner event/face event/offset
if in face/feel 'drag [
;** the draging face which contains the pointer may be different from the draged (track) face
drag: face
origin: event/offset
track: drag/feel/drag/track drag event/offset
up [drag: false]
scroll-line [
face: event/face
face: map-inner event/face off-mem
if in face/feel 'scrollwheel [
face/feel/scrollwheel face event off-mem - win-offset? face
active [saved-size: face/pane/1/size]
];[print [event/type event/offset]]
;scroller function
scroll-panel-vert: func [pnl bar][
pnl/pane/offset/y: negate bar/data * (max 0 pnl/pane/size/y - pnl/size/y) show pnl
key-to-insert: make bitset! #{
stylize/master [
; list of function widget
func-view: box with [
edge: [ size: 1x1 color: 'black]
;offset: 0x0
;delay: 0
current-line: 1
tmp-data: []
pane: []
;effect: make effect [ draw: []]
create-list-data: func [f /local n nblines line dt rule ] [
n: 1 nblines: length? f/data
clear self/tmp-data
dt: head f/data
while [ n <= nblines ] [
line: second dt/:n
; on ne prend que du debut de la ligne jusqu'au premier newline
;ou jusqu'a la fin du buffer.
line: copy/part line any [ find line newline tail line ]
; example donné par Steeve
; parse t [ some [ copy str thru ":" "func" (print str) | thru newline ]]
rule: [
some [
"set" "'" copy tmpstr thru " " [ "func" | "function" ]
(unless find tmpstr ";" [ insert/only tail self/tmp-data compose [(tmpstr) (n)]])
| copy tmpstr
thru ": " [ "func" | "function" | "make function!" | " does" | "use" ]
( unless find tmpstr ";" [ insert/only tail self/tmp-data compose [(tmpstr) (n)]] )
| thru end
parse line rule
n: n + 1
;probe self/tmp-data
feel: make feel [
resize: func [f size+][
probe "resize event de la liste /My Funcs/ "
f/size/y: f/size/y + size+/y - 5
detect: func [face event] [
switch event/type [
scroll-line [
scrl/data: either event/offset/y > 0 [min 1 scrl/data + .05] [max 0 sscrl/data - .05]
scroll-panel-vert bx1 scrl show scrl
render-list: func [ /local dt n nblines line ind lay ] [
dt: head self/tmp-data
n: 1
nblines: length? self/tmp-data
lay: make block! [ origin 0x0 space 0x0 backdrop white]
;self/data: make block! []
while [ n <= nblines ][
insert tail lay compose/deep [ text (first dt/:n) [ t/goto-line (second dt/:n) ]]
n: n + 1
;probe lay ; halt
bx1/pane: layout/offset lay 0x0
; support du scroller attention mode boucherie
scrl/data: 0
scrl/redrag bx1/size/y / bx1/pane/size/y
show self
draw-list: func [ f ] [
;1) construit la liste interne des données [ "toto" 6 "titi" 14 etc.. nom-function indice_ligne]
;2) dessine a l'écran les entrée que l'on peut affiché uniquement
create-list-data f
append init [
insert self/pane layout/offset compose [
origin 0x0 space 0x0 across
bx1: box white (as-pair self/size/x - 15 self/size/y )
scrl: scroller (as-pair 15 self/size/y) [ scroll-panel-vert bx1 scrl ]
] 0x0
bx1/pane: make block! []
; arec text color
area-tc: box with [
style: 'area-tc
rate: 1
text: none
para: make para [origin: 0x0 margin: 0x0]
delay: 0
ask: 'recycle ;** command to delay
color: pref/bg_color
x: 8 ;** current x size oh 1 char
y: 18 ; ** current y size of a line
origine-x: 3 * x ;** stock la position a la quelle le texte démarre apres le rendu des numéro de ligne
data: []
fnt-sz: 14
font-obj: make face/font [ name: "Lucida Console" style: none offset: 0x0 size: 14 align: 'left valign: 'top ]
nb-lines: 0
xy: 0x0 ;** scroll offset
move-offset: 0x0
effect: [draw [pen none font font-obj line-width 0 translate xy]]
open-file: func [ file [file! none!] /local ][
if any [file file: first request-file][
;** data: build-data detab/size read file 4 self
data: build-data read file self
render-text/stay t 1
feel/inc-font-size self 0 ; on replace le curseur apres chargement du fichier
;l/draw-list self
new-file: func [][
file-name: %temp.txt
tmp: "Rebol []"
loop 30 [append tmp newline]
write file-name tmp
data: build-data (read file-name) self
render-text/stay self 1
feel/inc-font-size self 0
write-file: func [/local str-tmp n line nbline dt] [
dt: head data
str-tmp: copy ""
n: 1
nbline: length? dt
while [n <= nbline ] [
line: second dt/:n ; on transfert le pointeur vers le document dans data vers un autre pointeur
append str-tmp copy/part line any [ find line newline tail line] ;on copy jusqu'a newline ou jusqu'a la fin
append str-tmp newline
n: n + 1
write file-name str-tmp
save-file: func [/local dt ] [
dt: head data
if 0 <> length? dt [
either none? file-name [ ; data is full but we don't have a file-name
if file-name: request-file/save/title "Save as..." "save"
if block? file [file: first file]
write-file ]
] [
; data is full and we have a file name
run_scr: func [] [
;call/console rejoin [ pref/consol_path file-name ]
launch file-name
search: func [ f-what [string!] /local dt n nline line str-tmp move-to current-line ][
current-line: index? data
str-tmp: ""
n: 1
dt: head data
nline: length? dt
while [ n <= nline ] [
line: second dt/:n
str-tmp: copy/part line any [ find line newline tail line ]
if find str-tmp f-what [
either current-line < ( n - 1 ) [
move-to: n - 1
;current-line: n - 1
render-text self current-line
move-to: n - ( current-line + 1 )
;current-line: n
render-text self move-to
;probe n render-text self (n - 1) break ]
n: n + 1
search-next: func [ f-what [string!] /local str-tmp dt n nline line move-to current-line] [
; l'idée c'est de se servir de la position ligne courante
current-line: index? data
n: current-line + 1
dt: head data
nline: length? dt
while [ n <= nline ][
line: second dt/:n
str-tmp: copy/part line any [ find line newline tail line ]
if find str-tmp f-what [
;probe str-tmp
move-to: n - current-line
;current-line: n
render-text self move-to
;probe reduce [n current-line move-to ]
n: n + 1
search-prev: func [ f-what [string!] /local str-tmp dt n nline line move-to current-line ][
current-line: index? data
nline: 1
dt: head data
n: current-line - 1
while [ n >= nline ][
line: second dt/:n
str-tmp: copy/part line any [ find line newline tail line ]
if find str-tmp f-what [
;probe str-tmp- 1
move-to: n - current-line
;current-line: n
render-text self move-to
;probe reduce [n current-line move-to ]
n: n - 1
goto-line: func [ line-gt /local move-to current-line][
current-line: index? data
either line-gt > current-line [
move-to: line-gt - current-line
current-line: line-gt
move-to: negate current-line - line-gt
current-line: line-gt
;probe move-to
render-text self move-to
show self
v-scroller: make face [
offset: 0x0 size: 13x0 color: none edge: none
size-box: 0x0
para: none
effect: [draw [pen sky line-width 2 fill-pen none box 0x0 size-box 2]]
feel: make feel [
redraw: func [f a /local p l][
if all ['show = a p: f/parent-face 0 < l: length? head p/data][
f/size/y: max 25 p/nb-lines / l * p/size/y
either (l - p/nb-lines) = 0 [ ;This is to avoid a strange bug of divide by zero
f/offset/y: (index? p/data) / 1 * (p/size/y - f/size/y)
] [f/offset/y: (index? p/data) / (l - p/nb-lines) * (p/size/y - f/size/y)]
f/size-box: f/size - 2x2
drag: func [f offset /track /local coeff][
f/parent-face/delay: 3 ;** don't perturb the scroll please
if track [return f]
if 1 <= abs coeff: offset/y / (f/size/y / f/parent-face/nb-lines) [
render-text f/parent-face to integer! coeff
if f/parent-face/cursor/selection? [
f/parent-face/feel/expand-selector f/parent-face/cursor
show f/parent-face
engage: func [f a e][false] ;** don't send events to the area
h-scroller: make face [
offset: 0x0 size: 0x13 color: none edge: none
size-box: 0x0
text: none
edge: none
font: make font [align: 'right size: 10 style: 'bold color: red]
para: make para [origin: 0x0]
max-x: 1
effect: [draw [pen sky line-width 2 fill-pen none box 0x0 size-box 2]]
feel: make feel [
redraw: func [f a /local parent][
if 'show = a [
f/show?: if f/max-x > f/parent-face/size/x [
parent: f/parent-face
f/offset/x: to integer! negate parent/xy/x / f/max-x * parent/size/x
f/size/x: to integer! (parent/size/x ** 2) / f/max-x
f/size-box: f/size - 2x2
drag: func [scroller offset /track /local parent save-x decal x][
f: scroller/parent-face
f/delay: 3 ;** don't perturb the scroll please
if track [return scroller]
if f/x <= abs offset/x [
offset/x: to integer! offset/x + 4 / f/x * f/x
save-x: f/xy/x
x: f/xy/x: min 0 max
f/size/x - scroller/max-x
f/xy/x - offset/x
;** change change skip tail boxline -2
;** as-pair negate x 1 as-pair 32 - x 18
if 0 <> decal: x - save-x [move-x f decal]
show f
engage: func [f a e][false] ;** don't send events to the area
cursor: make face [
offset: 0x5 size: 2x18 para: color: edge: none
xy: as-pair origine-x 5
; len et old len ont été renomé en col et old-col apparement ... dans les version suivante
sub-string: idx: global-idx: col: old-col: len: old-len:
old-idx: tmp-offset: pos-len: old-pos-len: none
selection?: false
selector-xy: [0x0]
head?: false
data: pos-blk: []
blink-color: red
size-box: 2x16
effect: [draw [pen blink-color fill-pen blink-color box 0x1 size-box]]
feel: make feel [
redraw: func [f a][
if a = 'show [
f/offset: f/xy
if f/selection? [
f/selector-xy/1/x: f/xy/x - f/parent-face/xy/x
engage: func [f a e][] ;** disable events
feel: make feel [
scrollwheel: func [f event offset] [
f/delay: 3
dir: either event/offset/y > 0 ['down]['up]
switch dir [
down [render-text f 3]
up [render-text f -3]
if f/cursor/selection? [expand-selector f/cursor show f]
resize: func [f size+][
f/size: f/size + size+
f/nb-lines: to-integer (f/size/y - 10 / f/y)
f/v-scroller/offset: as-pair f/size/x - 13 2
f/h-scroller/offset: as-pair 2 f/size/y - 13
render-text/stay f 1
if f/cursor/selection? [expand-selector f/cursor show f]
begin-selection: func [
cursor /local f
f: cursor/parent-face
cursor/selection?: true
insert-selector f next cursor/data/1 cursor/xy/x + f/xy/x
cursor/selector-xy: back tail cursor/data/1/2
cursor/old-idx: cursor/global-idx
cursor/old-pos-len: cursor/pos-len
get-col cursor
cursor/old-col: cursor/col
drag: func [f offset /track /local cursor][ ;** drag = selection
;** beware, it's the cursor which moves, not the area.
if track [return f/cursor]
unless f/cursor/selection? [begin-selection f/cursor]
;** not enough displacement to move the cursor
if all [f/x > abs offset/x f/y > abs offset/y][exit]
case [
all [positive? offset/y f/cursor/idx = f/nb-lines][render-text f 1] ;** scroll down
all [negative? offset/y f/cursor/idx = 1][render-text f -1] ;** scroll up
click f f/cursor/xy + offset
expand-selector f/cursor
show f
save-x: 0
detect: func [f e][
;**print remold [e/1 e/2 e/3 e/4 e/5 e/6]
if e/type = 'move [
;** because of the timer, 'move events are received, even if there is no move
if all [find [info-position recycle] f/ask f/move-offset <> e/offset][
f/ask: 'info-position
f/delay: 2
f/move-offset: e/offset
return false
engage: func [f a e /local key tmp cursor select?][
;**print remold [a e/type e/key e/1 e/2 e/3 e/4 e/5 e/6]
if a = 'time [
;print [now/time f/ask f/delay]
either find [recycle info-position] f/ask [
f/cursor/blink-color: get first reverse [red none]
show f/cursor
][f/cursor/blink-color: red]
case [
0 > f/delay: f/delay - 1 [
;** if f/ask <> 'show [print ["timer:" now/time f/ask] ]
switch f/ask [
show []
recycle [recycle]
f/ask: 'recycle
f/rate: 1 ;** default rate, 1 event per second
f/delay: 5 ;** recycle after 5 secs of inactivity
show f ;** DON't remove the show here (needed to update the face rate)
return false
cursor: f/cursor
select?: cursor/selection?
if f/ask <> 'show [f/ask: 'info-cursor f/delay: 3]
cursor/blink-color: red
unless find [up down] key: e/key [save-x: 0]
if all [e/5 not select? any [word? key key < #" "]][
select?: true
begin-selection cursor
switch a [
down [click f e/offset]
key [
;probe key
;** e/6 = true for ctrl
switch/default key[
page-up [render-text f negate f/nb-lines]
page-down [render-text f f/nb-lines]
#"^P" [inc-font-size f 1] ;** increase font size
#"^L" [inc-font-size f -1] ;** decrease font size
#"^B" [bold f]
locate-cursor cursor
switch/default key [
#"^M" [split-line f]
#"^[" []
#"^~" [ ;** delete
either select? [
do-selection/delete f
delete-char cursor
recolorize cursor
show f
#"^H" [ ;** backtab
either select? [
do-selection/delete f
move-cursor/left cursor
delete-char cursor
recolorize cursor
show f
right [
either e/6 [
right-word cursor
move-cursor/right cursor
show cursor ]
left [
either e/6 [
left-word cursor
move-cursor/left cursor
show cursor
;page-up [render-text f negate f/nb-lines]
;page-down [render-text f f/nb-lines]
down [down-cursor cursor]
up [up-cursor cursor]
end [
constraint f as-pair 100000 cursor/xy/y
show cursor
home [
constraint f as-pair f/origine-x + f/xy/x cursor/xy/y
show cursor
#"^S" [
either e/shift [
;Save as
file-name: first request-file
if file-name [f/save-file]
if request "Save file ? " [ f/save-file]
#"^O" [ if request "Open a file?" [ f/open-file none]]
#"^N" [ if request "Start a new file?" [f/data: build-data "" f render-text/stay f 1 ]]
;#"^P" [inc-font-size f 1] ;** increase font size
;#"^L" [inc-font-size f -1] ;** decrease font size
f1 [t/run_scr] ;run script in editor
f3 [ either e/shift [
if 0 < length? s-text [ t/search-prev s-text ]
if 0 < length? s-text [ t/search-next s-text ]
#"^-" [
insert-char f/cursor " "
recolorize f/cursor
show f
#"^C" [do-selection/clip f]
#"^X" [do-selection/clip/delete f]
#"^V" [
tmp: read clipboard://
write %temp.txt tmp
tmp: read/lines %temp.txt
foreach item tmp [
insert-char f/cursor item
recolorize f/cursor
split-line f
show f
#"^F" [ view/new search-win ] ;[t/search f]
#"^G" [ view/new goto-win ]
if all [char? key find key-to-insert key ][
if select? [
do-selection/delete f
;** insert a char
locate-cursor f/cursor
insert-char f/cursor e/key
recolorize f/cursor
;** auto-scroll horizontaly
if f/x * 10 + cursor/xy/x > f/size/x [
scroll-x f f/x * 10
show f
if select? [
either any [e/5 e/6 a = 'up] [
expand-selector cursor
remove-selector cursor
show f
bold: func [f][
f/font-obj/style: either f/font-obj/style [none]['bold]
inc-font-size f 0
split-line: func [f /local tmp str blanks][
insert-char f/cursor "^/" ;insert newline char
tmp: at f/data f/cursor/idx
str: tmp/1/2
blanks: copy/part str find str any-char
insert str: find/tail str newline blanks
insert/only next tmp reduce [0 str 0x0]
render-text/stay f f/cursor/idx
replace/all blanks tab " "
f/cursor/xy/x: f/origine-x + f/xy/x + (f/x * length? blanks)
down-cursor f/cursor
save-x: 0
inc-font-size: func [f inc /local tmp][
f/font-obj/size: max 10 min 30 f/font-obj/size + inc
f/origine-x: f/origine-x / f/x
f/xy/x: f/xy/x / f/x
;this is didec way used to compute the X size of a char on screen
fa: make face [ font: f/font-obj text: "MM"
size: 100x100 para: make face/para [origin: 0x0 margin: 0x0]
edge: make face/edge [size: 0x0]]
tx-test: fa/text
forall tx-test [
tmp: caret-to-offset fa tx-test
;probe tmp
; we use size-tex for Y size of a char on screen
tmp2: size-text fa
;probe tmp2
tmp/y: tmp2/y
;f/x: round to integer! tmp/x / 2
f/x: to integer! tmp/x
f/y: tmp/y + 4 ; make the margin more spaced and easier to read
f/xy/x: f/xy/x * f/x
f/origine-x: f/origine-x * f/x
f/cursor/size/y: f/y
f/cursor/size-box/y: f/y - 2
tmp: f/cursor/xy
resize f 0
click f tmp
do-selection: func [
/delete /clip
/local cursor data idx old-idx start end str start-col end-col scroll n y
cursor: f/cursor
if clip [clip: make string! 256]
idx: cursor/global-idx
old-idx: cursor/old-idx
get-col cursor
either old-idx < idx [
set [start end] reduce [old-idx idx]
set [start-col end-col] reduce [cursor/old-col cursor/col]
either start < index? f/data [
scroll: start - index? f/data
n: -1 + min start to-integer f/nb-lines / 2
scroll: scroll - n
y: n * f/y + 2
y: cursor/xy/y +(start - end * f/y)
set [start end] reduce [idx old-idx]
set [start-col end-col] reduce [cursor/col cursor/old-col]
data: at head f/data start
if start = end [
set [start-col end-col] sort reduce [start-col end-col]
if delete [
locate-cursor cursor
delete: copy/part data/1/2 start-col - 1
loop end - start [
if clip [
append clip append copy/part at data/1/2 start-col
any [find data/1/2 newline tail data/1/2]
either delete [remove data][data: next data]
start-col: 1
str: data/1/2
case/all [
clip [
append clip copy/part at str start-col at str end-col
write clipboard:// clip
clip: none
delete [
data/1/2: delete
case [
scroll [render-text f scroll]
start <> end [render-text/stay f 1]
'else [recolorize cursor]
if y [cursor/xy/y: y]
constraint f cursor/xy
append delete copy/part at str end-col any [find str newline tail str]
recolorize cursor
; f/delete /clip
; /local cursor data idx old-idx start end str start-len end-len
; ][
; cursor: f/cursor
; if clip [clip: make string! 256]
; idx: cursor/global-idx
; old-idx: cursor/old-idx
; either old-idx <= idx [
; set [start end] reduce [old-idx idx]
; set [start-len end-len] reduce [cursor/old-pos-len cursor/pos-len]
; ][
; set [start end] reduce [idx old-idx]
; set [start-len end-len] reduce [cursor/pos-len cursor/old-pos-len]
; ]
; data: at head f/data start
; ;**print [start-len end-len]
; if start <> end [
; str: data/1/2
; case [
; clip [append clip append copy/part skip str start-len any [find str newline tail str] newline]
; delete [data/1/2: copy/part str start-len]
; ]
; data: next data
; start-len: 0
; ]
; loop end - start - 1 [
; case [
; clip [
; append clip append
; copy/part data/1/2 any [find data/1/2 newline tail data/1/2]
; newline
; data: next data
; ]
; delete [remove data]
; ]
; ]
; str: data/1/2
; case [
; clip [
; append clip copy/part skip str start-len skip str end-len
; probe clip
; write clipboard:// clip
; clip: none
; ]
; delete [
; data/1/2: str: copy/part str any [find str newline tail str]
; remove/part skip str start-len skip str end-len
; render-text/stay f 1
; ]
; ]
; ]
click: func [f offset][
;** We don't use the focus function to avoid this dummy system caret (whe have our own)
unless same? system/view/focal-face f [
if system/view/focal-face [unfocus]
system/view/focal-face: f
constraint f either offset/x - f/xy/x < f/origine-x
[as-pair f/origine-x offset/y][offset]
show f/cursor
expand-selector: func [
/local idx f pos curr-idx add-selector del-selector upd-selector str
x upd-tail upd-head add-tail add-head calc-tail add-middle upd-middle old-idx
f: cursor/parent-face
idx: cursor/global-idx
old-idx: cursor/old-idx
curr-idx: index? f/data
del-selector: [change pos none]
calc-tail: [
x: 0
parse pos [some [
thru 'text skip pair! [set str string! | set str word! (str: get str)]
(x: x + length? str)
x: x + 1 * f/x
upd-middle: [cursor/selector-xy: back tail pos/1]
upd-tail: [do calc-tail change back tail pos/1 as-pair x f/y + 7]
upd-head: [change back tail pos/1 as-pair f/origine-x f/y + 7]
add-head: [insert-selector f pos f/origine-x]
add-tail: [do calc-tail insert-selector f pos x]
add-middle: [print "Beginning of the selection lost, TO DO !!!"]
upd-selector: [(
either old-idx < idx [
case [
curr-idx < old-idx del-selector
curr-idx > idx del-selector
curr-idx = idx upd-middle ;** cover until the position of the cursor
'else upd-tail ;** cover the tail of the line
case [
curr-idx < idx del-selector
curr-idx > old-idx del-selector
curr-idx = idx upd-middle ;** cover until the position of the cursor
'else upd-head ;** cover the head of the line
curr-idx: curr-idx + 1
add-selector: [(
either old-idx < idx [
case [
curr-idx < old-idx none
curr-idx > idx none
curr-idx = idx [do add-head do upd-middle] ;** cover tail
curr-idx = old-idx [do add-middle 'do upd-tail];** cover middle to tail
'else [do add-head do upd-tail] ;** cover the whole line
case [
curr-idx < idx none
curr-idx > old-idx none
curr-idx = idx [do add-tail do upd-middle] ;** cover tail
curr-idx = old-idx [do add-middle 'do upd-head];** cover middle to head
'else [do add-tail do upd-head] ;** cover the whole line
curr-idx: curr-idx + 1
parse f/effect/draw [
any [
thru 'push into ['hilight pos: [block! upd-selector | add-selector ] to end]
insert-selector: func [f where x][ ;** append an highlight box in the current block at relative x position
change/only where
compose [pen 255.200.10 fill-pen 250.200.10 box (as-pair x 7) (as-pair x f/y + 7)]
remove-selector: func [cursor /local f tmp][
cursor/selection?: false
parse cursor/parent-face/effect/draw [
any [thru 'push into ['hilight tmp: (change tmp none) to end]]
left-word: func [cursor /local f x str blk pos s-blk][
f: cursor/parent-face
str: get-sub-string cursor
blk: skip s-blk: cursor/pos-blk -2
case [
find/reverse blk 'edit none ;** not head of line
not head? str none ;** neither
'else [
cursor/xy/x: 100000
if up-cursor cursor [left-word cursor]
x: 0
foreach stuff reduce [any-char space][
while [
all [
not find/reverse str stuff
blk: find/reverse blk 'edit
x: x - 1 + index? str
str: tail get* blk/3
x: x - length? str
str: any [find/reverse str stuff str]
x: x + length? str
either str/1 = #" " [x: x - 1][x: x + (index? str) - index? head str]
if x = 0 [x: -1 + index? str]
constraint f cursor/xy + as-pair x * negate f/x 0
get-sub-string: func [cursor][
at head do back change [none] cursor/sub-string cursor/pos-len
right-word: func [cursor /local x str blk pos][
f: cursor/parent-face
blk: s-blk: cursor/pos-blk
str: get-sub-string cursor
case [
find blk 'edit none ;** not tail of line
not tail? str none ;** neither
'else [
cursor/xy/x: f/origine-x + f/xy/x
if down-cursor cursor [right-word cursor]
x: 0
foreach stuff reduce [space any-char][
while [
all [
not find str stuff
blk: find/tail blk 'edit
x: x + length? str
str: get* blk/2
x: x - index? str
str: any [find str stuff str]
x: x + index? str
if str/1 = #" " [x: x + length? str]
if x = 0 [x: length? str]
constraint f cursor/xy + as-pair x * f/x 0
scroll-x: func [f x][
f/h-scroller/feel/drag f/h-scroller as-pair x 0
locate-cursor: func [cursor /local x idx f][
f: cursor/parent-face
unless cursor/show? [
either (idx: cursor/global-idx) < index? f/data [
render-text f idx - index? f/data
render-text f idx - f/nb-lines + 1 - index? f/data
x: cursor/xy/x
if any [
x > (f/size/x - f/x)
x < f/x
][scroll-x f f/x * 20 + f/xy/x + cursor/xy/x - f/size/x ]
move-cursor: func [
/left /right
/local f pos offset len
f: cursor/parent-face
locate-cursor cursor
;** print remold [cursor/pos-len cursor/sub-string]
case [
left [
if len: either string? cursor/sub-string [
either cursor/pos-len = 1 [1][
cursor/pos-len: cursor/pos-len - 1
cursor/sub-string: back cursor/sub-string
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x - f/x
either cursor/pos-len = 1 [1][
cursor/pos-len: 1
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x - (f/x * length? get cursor/sub-string)
either pos: find/tail/reverse skip cursor/pos-blk -2 'edit [
either string? pos/2 [
len: length? pos/2
cursor/sub-string: at pos/2 len
cursor/sub-string: pos/2
cursor/pos-len: len
cursor/xy/x: pos/1/1 + (len - 1 * f/x)
cursor/pos-blk: skip pos 1
if cursor/global-idx > 1 [
cursor/xy/x: 100000
up-cursor cursor
right [
if len: either string? cursor/sub-string [
either tail? cursor/sub-string [2][
cursor/pos-len: cursor/pos-len + 1
cursor/sub-string: next cursor/sub-string
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + f/x
either cursor/pos-len > 1 [2][
cursor/pos-len: index? tail get cursor/sub-string
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + (f/x * length? get cursor/sub-string)
either pos: find/tail cursor/pos-blk 'edit [
either string? pos/2 [
cursor/sub-string: at pos/2 len
len: index? tail get pos/2
cursor/sub-string: pos/2
cursor/pos-len: len
cursor/xy/x: pos/1/1 + (len - 1 * f/x)
cursor/pos-blk: skip pos 1
if cursor/global-idx < index? back tail f/data [
cursor/xy/x: f/origine-x + f/xy/x
down-cursor cursor
delay-show: func [f][
f/ask: 'show ;** delay the show event, speed issue
f/delay: 1 ; wait 2 checks
f/rate: 10 ; check 10 times per second
down-cursor: func [cursor /local p tmp][
p: cursor/parent-face
if cursor/global-idx < index? back tail p/data [
if cursor/idx = p/nb-lines [
delay-show p
render-text p 1
tmp: cursor/xy + third cursor/data
if save-x = 0 [save-x: tmp/x]
constraint p as-pair save-x tmp/y
unless p/ask = 'show [show cursor]
up-cursor: func [cursor /local p tmp][
p: cursor/parent-face
if cursor/global-idx > 1 [
if cursor/idx = 1 [
delay-show p
render-text p -1
tmp: cursor/xy - pick cursor/data -2
if save-x = 0 [save-x: tmp/x]
constraint p as-pair save-x tmp/y
unless p/ask = 'show [show cursor]
insert-char: func [cursor char /local f text refresh?][
f: cursor/parent-face
if cursor/selection? [
do-selection/delete f
locate-cursor cursor
refresh?: true
text: cursor/sub-string
either string? text [
insert text char
insert insert
either cursor/pos-len = 1 [cursor/pos-blk][next cursor/pos-blk]
collect cursor
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + either char = tab [4 * f/x][f/x * length? form char]
if refresh? [
render-text/stay f 1
constraint f cursor/xy
; f: cursor/parent-face
; text: cursor/sub-string
; either string? text [
; insert text char
; ][
; insert insert
; either cursor/pos-len = 1 [cursor/pos-blk][next cursor/pos-blk]
; 'new
; char
; ]
; collect cursor
; cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + either char = tab [4 * f/x][f/x]
; if f/x * 10 + cursor/xy/x > f/size/x [
; scroll-x f f/x * 10
; ]
delete-char: func [cursor /local pos f data str1 str2 end][
text: cursor/sub-string
unless either string? text [
unless tail? text [remove text]
if cursor/pos-len = 1 [remove back cursor/pos-blk] ;**remove the offset
either pos: find/tail cursor/pos-blk 'edit [
either string? pos/2 [
remove pos/2
remove pos ;** remove the offset
regroup-2-lines cursor
collect cursor
get-col: func [cursor /local col pos][
col: 0
pos: cursor/data/1
while [pos: find/tail pos 'edit][
if same? pos: next pos cursor/pos-blk [break]
col: col + either string? pos/1 [length? head pos/1][1]
col: col + either string? cursor/sub-string
[either cursor/pos-len > 1 [2][1]]
cursor/col: col
collect: func [cursor /local full txt pos len][
full: clear {}
len: 0
add-full: [(
len: len + either char? txt [1][length? get* txt]
full: insert full either word? txt [#"^-"][txt]
parse cursor/data/1 [
any [thru 'edit opt [
opt ['new set txt skip add-full]
set txt skip add-full
opt ['new set txt skip add-full]
cursor/old-len: len
poke first at cursor/parent-face/data cursor/idx 2 copy head full
regroup-2-lines: func [cursor][
f: cursor/parent-face
data: at head f/data cursor/global-idx
unless tail? next data [
str1: either end: find data/1/2 newline [copy/part data/1/2 end][data/1/2]
str2: either end: find data/2/2 newline [copy/part data/2/2 end][data/2/2]
append str1 str2
poke data/1 2 str1
remove next data
render-text/stay f cursor/idx
;*** Reconstruct a line (draw block) after an insert
;*** (which contains modified sub-strings)
;* if the line contains a multi-line string, then other lines below
;* may be reconstructed too.
recolorize: func [
/local line f multi-p multi data pos-head
f: cursor/parent-face
data: cursor/data
line: at f/data cursor/idx
change skip data 2
either colorize f line clear find/tail data/1 string!
[as-pair 0 2 * f/y][as-pair 0 f/y]
;** move the cursor, after insertion
;**cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + probe (cursor/len - cursor/old-len * f/x)
loop f/nb-lines - cursor/idx [
if tail? next line [break]
multi-p: line/1/1
multi: line/2/1
if any [
all [find [1 2] multi-p find [1 3] multi]
all [find [3 4] multi-p find [2 4] multi]
data: find/tail data 'push
line: next line
change skip data 2
either colorize f line clear find/tail data/1 string!
[as-pair 0 2 * f/y][as-pair 0 f/y]
constraint f cursor/xy
set-y f 5
constraint: func [
f offset
/local cursor y blk pair text cont stop idx save-pair
y: idx: 0
cont: none
stop: [cont: 'break]
cursor: f/cursor
parse f/effect/draw [
some [
thru 'push blk: block! skip set pair pair!
(idx: idx + 1 if offset/y <= (y + pair/y) stop) cont (y: y + pair/y)
:blk into [
(cont: none)
thru 'edit set pair pair! pos-head: text: skip
any [
thru 'edit set save-pair pair!
(if offset/x < save-pair/x stop) cont
text: skip (pair: save-pair)
either string? text/1 [
offset: min length? text/1 to integer! offset/x - pair/x / f/x
cursor/xy: as-pair
offset * f/x + pair/x
y + 7
cursor/sub-string: skip text/1 offset
cursor/pos-len: offset + 1
;** special case, for tabulation
cursor/xy: as-pair pair/x y + 7
cursor/sub-string: text/1
cursor/pos-len: either find text 'edit [1][index? tail get text/1]
cursor/head?: pos-head
cursor/data: blk
cursor/pos-blk: text
cursor/idx: idx
cursor/global-idx: idx - 1 + index? f/data
case [
cursor/xy/x < 0 [scroll-x f -20 * f/x + cursor/xy/x]
cursor/xy/x > f/size/x [scroll-x f f/x * 20 + f/xy/x + cursor/xy/x - f/size/x]
]; fin feel
append init [
data: append/only make block! 1000 reduce [0 ""]
v-scroller: make v-scroller []
h-scroller: make h-scroller []
cursor: make cursor []
pane: reduce [cursor v-scroller h-scroller]
edge: make edge []
data: build-data "" self
feel/resize self first reduce [size size: 0]
export: context [
font+: func [f][f/feel/inc-font-size f +1]
font-: func [f][f/feel/inc-font-size f -1]
bold: func [f][f/feel/bold f]
]; fin feel:
] ;** end of global context
; API layouts
pref_win: layout [
;text "Rebol VM path:"
;fi: field 300 pref/consol_path btn "..." [ if none? (fi/text: request-file/title/filter "Choose REBOL VM" "Select" "*.exe" ) [ fi/text: pref/consol_path ] show fi]
text "API Colors"
text "Background color:" b1: box 20x20 pref/bg_color btn "..." [ if none? b1/color: request-color [b1/color: white ] show b1 ]
text "Default text color:" b2: box 20x20 pref/txt_color btn "..." [ if none? b2/color: request-color [ b2/color: black ] show b2]
return tab
btn "Ok" [ sav-pref t/color: pref/bg_color unview/only pref_win render-text/stay t 1 show t]
btn "Cancel" [ unview/only pref_win ]
search-win: layout [
label "Find what:"
fi-s: field [
if 0 < length? fi-s/text [ s-text: fi-s/text t/search-next s-text ]
unview/only search-win
pad 150
btn-enter [
if 0 < length? fi-s/text [ s-text: fi-s/text t/search-next s-text ]
unview/only search-win
btn-cancel [ unview/only search-win ]
s-text: ""
goto-win: layout [
text "Enter line number:" return
f-goto: field 100 return
tab btn "OK" [ i-goto: to integer! f-goto/text if i-goto < length? t/data [ t/goto-line i-goto ] unview/only goto-win ]
btn "Cancel" [ unview/only goto-win ]
about-win: layout [
text font [size: 16 style: 'bold] "Viva-Rebol IDE for REBOL in REBOL"
text ""
text "Web site: "text underline blue "" [ browse ]
text "Version note:"
text "This version works on windows XP/Vista/7"
btn "Close" [ unview/only about-win ]
;Special function
inni: func [testo2 /local tmp] [
tmp: testo2
write %temp.txt tmp
tmp: read/lines %temp.txt
foreach item tmp [
insert-char t/cursor item
recolorize t/cursor
split-line t
show t
insert-char: func [cursor char /local f text refresh?][
f: cursor/parent-face
if cursor/selection? [
do-selection/delete f
locate-cursor cursor
refresh?: true
text: cursor/sub-string
either string? text [
insert text char
insert insert
either cursor/pos-len = 1 [cursor/pos-blk][next cursor/pos-blk]
collect cursor
cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + either char = tab [4 * f/x][f/x * length? form char]
if refresh? [
render-text/stay f 1
constraint f cursor/xy
; f: cursor/parent-face
; text: cursor/sub-string
; either string? text [
; insert text char
; ][
; insert insert
; either cursor/pos-len = 1 [cursor/pos-blk][next cursor/pos-blk]
; 'new
; char
; ]
; collect cursor
; cursor/xy/x: cursor/xy/x + either char = tab [4 * f/x][f/x]
; if f/x * 10 + cursor/xy/x > f/size/x [
; scroll-x f f/x * 10
; ]
do-selection: func [
/delete /clip
/local cursor data idx old-idx start end str start-col end-col scroll n y
cursor: f/cursor
if clip [clip: make string! 256]
idx: cursor/global-idx
old-idx: cursor/old-idx
get-col cursor
either old-idx < idx [
set [start end] reduce [old-idx idx]
set [start-col end-col] reduce [cursor/old-col cursor/col]
either start < index? f/data [
scroll: start - index? f/data
n: -1 + min start to-integer f/nb-lines / 2
scroll: scroll - n
y: n * f/y + 2
y: cursor/xy/y +(start - end * f/y)
set [start end] reduce [idx old-idx]
set [start-col end-col] reduce [cursor/col cursor/old-col]
data: at head f/data start
if start = end [
set [start-col end-col] sort reduce [start-col end-col]
if delete [
locate-cursor cursor
delete: copy/part data/1/2 start-col - 1
loop end - start [
if clip [
append clip append copy/part at data/1/2 start-col
any [find data/1/2 newline tail data/1/2]
either delete [remove data][data: next data]
start-col: 1
str: data/1/2
case/all [
clip [
append clip copy/part at str start-col at str end-col
write clipboard:// clip
clip: none
delete [
data/1/2: delete
case [
scroll [render-text f scroll]
start <> end [render-text/stay f 1]
'else [recolorize cursor]
if y [cursor/xy/y: y]
constraint f cursor/xy
append delete copy/part at str end-col any [find str newline tail str]
recolorize cursor
;Let's start
IDE: layout [
across space 0x0 origin 0x0
mn: menu with [
size: 720x20 data: compose/deep [
"File" [
"New" # "Ctrl+N" [if request "Start a new file?" [t/new-file]]
"Open" # "Ctrl+O" [t/open-file none ]
"Save" # "Ctrl+S" [ if all [ request "Save file ? "] [ t/save-file]]
"Save as..." # "SHIFT+CTRL+S" [
file-name: first request-file
if file-name [f/save-file]
"Exit" [quit]
"Search" [
"Find..." # "CTRL+F" [ view/new search-win ]
"Find Next" # "F3" [ if 0 < length? s-text [ t/search-next s-text ]]
"Find Prev" # "SHIFT+F3" [ if 0 < length? s-text [ t/search-prev s-text ]]
"Go to ..." # "CTRL+G" [ view/new goto-win ]
"View" [
"Text Size" sub [
"Text +" [t/export/font+ t]
"Text -" [t/export/font- t]
"BOLD/NORMAL" [t/export/bold t]
"Functions" [l/draw-list t]
"Script" [
"Run" # "F1" [ if request "Run this Script ?" [ t/run_scr ] ]
"Tools" [
"Preferencies" [ view/new pref_win ]
"Help" [
"About..." [ view/new about-win ]
] return
;below across
do [do %simple-tooltip-style.r ]
tb: tab-panel data [
"Core" [corebox: box 300x300 with [ pane: layout/offset [
origin 0x0
style button btn white
style group-box panel 255.255.255 frame black 2x2
group-box [
text "Comparison"
button -1 "<" [ inni "< " ] help "Returns TRUE if the first value is less than the second value"
button -1 "<=" [ inni "<= " ] help "Returns TRUE if the first value is less than or equal to the second value"
button -1 "<>" [ inni "<> " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are not equal"
button -1 "=" [ inni "= " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are equal"
button -1 "==" [ inni "== " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are equal and of the same datatype"
button -1 "=?" [ inni "=? " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are identical.(same memory)"
button -1 ">" [ inni "> " ] help "Returns TRUE if the first value is greater than the second value"
button -1 ">=" [ inni ">= " ] help "Returns TRUE if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value"
button -1 "!=" [ inni "!= " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are not equal"
button -1 "!==" [ inni "!== " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are not equal and not of the same datatype"
button -1 "=?" [ inni "?= " ] help "Returns TRUE if the values are identical"
] 0x0
"File" [button "Ciao" [save %tdata t/data]
button "Roma"
t: area-tc 550x500
view/new/options IDE [resize]
; if exists? %./viva-rebol.r [ t/open-file %./viva-rebol.r ]
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