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Created September 8, 2012 01:30
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misaki directory
; my misaki's directory
; #"^_" is ignore pattern.
; *base-dir* "/" ;
; :public-dir "_public/" ;
; :tag-out-dir "tag/" ; :public-dir/:tag-out-dir
; :coffee-script-out-dir "script/" ; :public-dir/:coffee-out-dir
; :lesscss-out-dir "style/" ; :public-dir/:lesscss-out-dir
; :template-dir *base-dir*
; :post-dir "_post/" ; :template-dir/:post-dir
; :layout-dir "_layout/" ; :template-dir/:layout-dir
; :coffee-script-in-dir "script/" ; :template-dir/:coffee-in-dir
; :lesscss-in-dir "style/" ; :template-dir/:lesscss-in-dir
; Compiler
; * bouzuya :clj ; atom.xml.clj skip, _config.clj true
; * coffee-script :coffee
; * lesscss :less
; * ignore :* ; #"^_" directory & file true
; * default :clj :cljs
; * copy :*
+- _public/
| +- yyyy/
| | +- mm/
| | +- dd/
| | +- title.html
| +- image/
| | +- main.png
| +- script/
| | +- main.js
| +- style/
| | +- main.css
| +- tag/
| | +- tag1.html
| +- atom.xml
| +- favicon.ico
| +- index.html
| +- static.html
+- _post/
| +- yyyy-mm-dd-title.markdown ; post content
| +- yyyy-mm-dd-title.clj ; post meta info
+- _layout/
| +- default.clj ; enlive Clojure source code
| +- default.html ; enlive HTML template
| +- post.clj
| +- post.html
| +- tag.clj
| +- tag.html
| +- index.html
+- image/ ; (by Copy Compiler)
| +- main.png ; .png -> .png (by Copy Compiler)
+- script/ ; (by Copy Compiler)
| +- ; .coffee -> .js (by CoffeeScript Compiler)
+- style/ ; (by Copy Compiler)
| +- main.css.less ; .less -> .css (by LESS CSS Compiler)
+- _config.clj ;
+- atom.xml.clj ; .clj -> .xml (by Default Compiler)
+- favicon.ico ; .ico -> .ico (by Copy Compiler)
+- index.html.clj ; .clj -> .html (by bouzuya Compiler)
+- static.html ; .html -> .html (by Copy Compiler)
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