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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Arduino UNO code that listens for MIDI signals on the serial port (RX). A snare and bass drum are struck by 12V solenoid motors connected to ports 8, 9 and 10. If the MIDI signal calls for a repeat snare strike quicker than 100ms, the second snare motor is used to give the first motor time to recover. If the pedal on port 4 is pressed, the MIDI …
#include <MIDI.h>
byte pedal = 4;
byte bassDrum = 8;
byte snareDrum1 = 9;
byte snareDrum2 = 10;
byte snareAlternate = true;
byte bassDrumPitch = 36;
byte snareDrumPitch = 38;
unsigned long now = 0;
unsigned long bassDrumStart = 0;
unsigned long snareDrum1Start = 0;
unsigned long snareDrum2Start = 0;
// hold down the motors for this long so that there's enough current going through the motor to cause it to smack down on the drum
// this method ignores the note=OFF/velocity=0 messages from the MIDI controller
byte holdDuration = 40;
byte pedalState = 0;
// This function will be called by the Midi Library
// when a MIDI NOTE ON message is received.
void MyHandleNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
if (velocity > 0) {
if(pitch == snareDrumPitch){
if(snareAlternate == true){
digitalWrite(snareDrum1, HIGH);
snareDrum1Start = millis();
snareAlternate= false;
digitalWrite(snareDrum2, HIGH);
snareDrum2Start = millis();
snareAlternate = true;
}else if (pitch == bassDrumPitch){
digitalWrite(bassDrum, HIGH);
bassDrumStart = millis();
void turnOffNotes(){
now = millis();
if (now - snareDrum1Start > holdDuration){
digitalWrite(snareDrum1, LOW);
if (now - snareDrum2Start > holdDuration){
digitalWrite(snareDrum2, LOW);
if (now - bassDrumStart > holdDuration){
digitalWrite(bassDrum, LOW);
void setup() {
pinMode(pedal, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(snareDrum1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(snareDrum2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bassDrum, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
pedalState = digitalRead(pedal);
if(pedalState == LOW){;
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