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Created September 14, 2012 23:46
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html_fmt -- HTML Reformatter
# Copyright 2012 Jeffrey Kegler
# This file is part of Marpa::R2. Marpa::R2 is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
# either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# Marpa::R2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser
# General Public License along with Marpa::R2. If not, see
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw( -no_match_vars );
use Marpa::R2::HTML;
use HTML::Tagset;
use Fatal qw(open close);
use Getopt::Long;
sub usage
say {*STDERR} "$PROGRAM_NAME html_fmt [uri|file]" or die "say failed: $ERRNO";
exit 1;
my $help_flag = 0;
my @avoid_whitespace_flags = qw(comment yes);
my $avoid_whitespace_flag = 'yes';
my $ws_ok_before_end_tag_flag = 0;
if not Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
'help' => \$help_flag,
'avoid-whitespace=s' => \$avoid_whitespace_flag,
'ws-ok-before-end-tag' => \$ws_ok_before_end_tag_flag,
usage() if $help_flag or scalar @ARGV > 1;
if ( not $avoid_whitespace_flag ~~ \@avoid_whitespace_flags ) {
die "Bad avoid-whitespace flag\n",
'avoid-whitespace must be one of the following: ', join q{ },
my $locator = shift;
my $document;
if ( not defined $locator ) {
local $RS = undef;
## no critic(InputOutput::ProhibitExplicitStdin)
$document = <STDIN>;
if ( $locator =~ /\A [[:alnum:]]+ [:] /xms ) {
require WWW::Mechanize;
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1 );
$document = $mech->content;
undef $mech;
} ## end if ( $locator =~ /\A [[:alnum:]]+ [:] /xms )
local $RS = undef;
open my $fh, q{<}, $locator;
$document = <$fh>;
close $fh;
} ## end GET_DOCUMENT:
sub post_process {
my ($value) = @_;
my @text_pieces = ();
DATUM: for my $line_data ( @{ $value->[0] } ) {
my ( $type, $indent ) = @{$line_data};
if ( $type eq 'text' ) {
my $text = $line_data->[2];
my $has_trailing_ws = $text =~ s/ \s+ \z//xms;
if ( $text =~ s/ \A \s+ //xms ) {
push @text_pieces, [ 'whitespace', $indent ];
my @lines = grep { $_ =~ /\S/xms } split /\n/xms, $text;
for my $line_no ( 0 .. $#lines ) {
my $line = $lines[$line_no];
$line =~ s/\A[ \t]+//xms;
$line =~ s/[ \t]+\z//xms;
$line =~ s/[ \t]+/ /xms;
push @text_pieces, [ 'whitespace', $indent ] if $line_no;
push @text_pieces, [ 'text', $indent, $line ];
} ## end for my $line_no ( 0 .. $#lines )
push @text_pieces, [ 'whitespace', $indent ] if $has_trailing_ws;
next DATUM;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'text' )
if ( $type eq 'msg: missing start tag' ) {
my $location = $line_data->[2];
my $tagname = $line_data->[3];
given ($location) {
when ('preceeding') {
push @text_pieces,
'html_fmt comment',
$indent + 1,
'Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one'
} ## end when ('preceeding')
when ('following pre') {
push @text_pieces,
'html_fmt comment', $indent,
"Inside following <pre>, a start tag is missing: <$tagname>"
} ## end when ('following pre')
default {
"Internal error: unprovided-for missing start tag location: $_"
} ## end given
next DATUM;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'msg: missing start tag' )
if ( $type eq 'msg: missing end tag' ) {
my $location = $line_data->[2];
my $tagname = $line_data->[3];
given ($location) {
when ('following') {
push @text_pieces,
'html_fmt comment',
$indent + 1,
'Following end tag is replacement for a missing one'
} ## end when ('following')
when ('following pre') {
push @text_pieces,
'html_fmt comment', $indent,
"Inside following <pre>, an end tag is missing: <$tagname>"
} ## end when ('following pre')
default {
"Internal error: unprovided-for missing end tag location: $_"
} ## end given
next DATUM;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'msg: missing end tag' )
if ( $type eq 'msg: cruft' ) {
my $location = $line_data->[2];
my $cruft = $line_data->[3];
given ($location) {
when ('following') {
push @text_pieces,
[ 'html_fmt comment', $indent, 'Next line is cruft' ];
when ('following pre') {
# Make sure the cruft quoted inside
# the HTML comment does not
# disrupt the comment.
( my $safe_cruft = $cruft ) =~ s/--/- -/xms;
push @text_pieces,
'html_fmt comment', $indent,
qq{Inside the following <pre>, there is this cruft:\n$safe_cruft}
} ## end when ('following pre')
default {
"Internal error: unprovided-for cruft location: $_");
} ## end given
next DATUM;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'msg: cruft' )
push @text_pieces, [ $type, $indent, $line_data->[2] ];
} ## end DATUM: for my $line_data ( @{ $value->[0] } )
my @ws_unsafe;
$ws_unsafe[scalar @text_pieces] = 0; # size the array
$ws_unsafe[0] = 0;
my $last_non_comment_ix = scalar @text_pieces;
my $safe_after_piece = 0;
TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces ) {
my ( $type, $indent, $text ) = @{ $text_pieces[$text_piece_ix] };
my $safe_before_piece = 0;
# If a comment, after-piece is whatever current value
# of $safe_after_piece,
# leave before as-is
last WHITESPACE_BY_TYPE if $type eq 'html_fmt comment';
last WHITESPACE_BY_TYPE if $type eq 'comment';
if ( $type eq 'whitespace' ) {
# Safe before and after other whitespace
$safe_before_piece = $safe_after_piece = 1;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'whitespace' )
if ( $type eq 'end tag' ) {
# Unsafe after an end tag, but safe before it
$safe_before_piece = $ws_ok_before_end_tag_flag;
$safe_after_piece = 0;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'end tag' )
if ( $type eq 'start tag' ) {
# Leave safe status as-is before start tag
# Whitespace safe after a start tag
$safe_after_piece = 1;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'start tag' )
if ( $type eq 'text' ) {
# Leave safe status as-is before text
# Whitespace not safe after a start tag
$safe_after_piece = 0;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'text' )
# Blocks can occur inline, etc.
# So with everything else, be conservative.
# Whitespace is unsafe after, and left as-is before.
$safe_after_piece = 0;
$ws_unsafe[ $text_piece_ix + 1 ] = $safe_after_piece ? 0 : 1;
if ($safe_before_piece) {
for my $ix ( $last_non_comment_ix + 1 .. $text_piece_ix ) {
$ws_unsafe[$ix] = 0;
if ( $type ne 'comment' and $type ne 'html_fmt comment' ) {
$last_non_comment_ix = $text_piece_ix;
} ## end TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces )
$ws_unsafe[scalar @text_pieces] = 0; # EOF is whitespace safe
my @output = ();
if ( $avoid_whitespace_flag eq 'comment' ) {
TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces ) {
my ( $type, $indent, $text ) =
@{ $text_pieces[$text_piece_ix] };
next TEXT_PIECE if $type eq 'whitespace';
my $suffix = $ws_unsafe[ $text_piece_ix + 1 ] ? '<!--' : q{};
my $indentation = q{ } x $indent;
if ( $ws_unsafe[$text_piece_ix] ) {
$indentation =
. ' html_fmt: this comment is to avoid introducing whitespace'
. "\n"
. $indentation . '-->';
} ## end if ( $ws_unsafe[$text_piece_ix] )
if ( $type eq 'text' and $text =~ /\S/xms ) {
push @output, $indentation . $text . $suffix;
if ( $type eq 'html_fmt comment' ) {
push @output,
. '<!-- html_fmt: '
. $text . ' -->'
. $suffix;
} ## end if ( $type eq 'html_fmt comment' )
push @output, $indentation . $text . $suffix;
} ## end TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces )
} ## end if ( $avoid_whitespace_flag eq 'comment' )
if ( $avoid_whitespace_flag eq 'yes' ) {
TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces ) {
my ( $type, $indent, $text ) =
@{ $text_pieces[$text_piece_ix] };
next TEXT_PIECE if $type eq 'whitespace';
if ( $ws_unsafe[$text_piece_ix] ) {
if ( $type eq 'html_fmt comment' ) {
$text = '<!-- html_fmt: ' . $text . ' -->';
$output[-1] .= $text;
} ## end if ( $ws_unsafe[$text_piece_ix] )
my $indentation = q{ } x $indent;
if ( $type eq 'text' and $text =~ /\S/xms ) {
push @output, $indentation . $text;
if ( $type eq 'html_fmt comment' ) {
push @output,
. '<!-- html_fmt: '
. $text . ' -->';
} ## end if ( $type eq 'html_fmt comment' )
push @output, $indentation . $text;
} ## end TEXT_PIECE: for my $text_piece_ix ( 0 .. $#text_pieces )
return join "\n", @output, q{};
} ## end sub post_process
sub do_pre {
my @new_line_data = ();
for my $value ( @{ Marpa::R2::HTML::values() } ) {
for my $line_data ( @{$value} ) {
if ( $line_data->[0] =~ /\A msg [:] /xms ) {
push @new_line_data,
$line_data->[0], 0,
'following pre',
@{$line_data}[ 3 .. $#{$line_data} ]
} ## end if ( $line_data->[0] =~ /^msg:/ )
} ## end for my $line_data ( @{$value} )
} ## end CHILD: for my $value ( @{ Marpa::R2::HTML::values() } )
my $original = Marpa::R2::HTML::original();
push @new_line_data, [ 'pre', 0, $original ];
return \@new_line_data;
} ## end sub do_pre
sub do_cruft {
my $literal = Marpa::R2::HTML::literal();
my @new_line_data = ( [ 'msg: cruft', 0, 'following', $literal ] );
push @new_line_data, [ 'cruft', 0, $literal ];
return \@new_line_data;
} ## end sub do_cruft
sub do_comment {
my $literal = Marpa::R2::HTML::literal();
return [ [ 'comment', 0, $literal ] ];
sub do_default {
my $tagname = Marpa::R2::HTML::tagname();
my @new_line_data = ();
my @descendant_data =
@{ Marpa::R2::HTML::descendants('token_type,value,original') };
my $first_child = $descendant_data[0];
my $first_content_child = 0;
## no critic(Variables::ProhibitPackageVars)
my $tag_type =
? 'empty element'
: 'start tag';
##use critic
if ( defined $first_child->[0] and $first_child->[0] eq 'S' ) {
push @new_line_data, [ $tag_type, 0, $first_child->[2] ];
$first_content_child = 1;
else {
push @new_line_data, [ $tag_type, 0, '<' . $tagname . '>' ];
push @new_line_data,
[ 'msg: missing start tag', 0, 'preceeding', $tagname ];
my $last_child = $descendant_data[-1];
my $last_content_child = $#descendant_data;
my $end_tag_child;
if ( defined $last_child->[0] and $last_child->[0] eq 'E' ) {
$end_tag_child = $last_child;
$last_content_child -= 1;
for my $descendant_data_ix ( $first_content_child .. $last_content_child )
my ( $token_type, $value, $original ) =
@{ $descendant_data[$descendant_data_ix] };
if ( defined $value ) {
for my $line_data ( @{$value} ) {
my ( $type, $indent, @data ) = @{$line_data};
push @new_line_data, [ $type, $indent + 1, @data ];
next CHILD;
} ## end if ( defined $value )
push @new_line_data, [ 'text', 1, $original ];
} ## end CHILD: for my $descendant_data_ix ( $first_content_child .. ...)
my $tag_type = 'end tag';
if ( defined $end_tag_child ) {
push @new_line_data, [ $tag_type, 0, $end_tag_child->[2] ];
## no critic(Variables::ProhibitPackageVars)
last END_TAG_PROCESSING if $HTML::Tagset::emptyElement{$tagname};
## use critic
push @new_line_data,
[ 'msg: missing end tag', 0, 'following', $tagname ];
push @new_line_data, [ $tag_type, 0, '</' . $tagname . '>' ];
return \@new_line_data;
} ## end sub do_default
my $html_args = {
'script' => sub {
return [ [ 'script', 0, Marpa::R2::HTML::original() ] ];
':CRUFT' => \&do_cruft,
':COMMENT' => \&do_comment,
'pre' => \&do_pre,
q{*} => \&do_default,
':TOP' => sub { return Marpa::R2::HTML::values(); }
my $value_ref = Marpa::R2::HTML::html( \$document, $html_args );
die 'Internal error: no parse' if not defined $value_ref;
require Data::Dumper;
print post_process($value_ref) or die "print failed: $ERRNO";
exit 0;
=head1 NAME
html_fmt - Reformat HTML, indented according to structure
=head1 Synopsis
html_fmt [--avoid-whitespace=[yes|comment]]
[--ws-ok-before-end-tag|--no-ws-ok-before-end-tag] [uri|file]
=head1 Description
Writes its input to C<STDOUT>,
reformatted and
indented according to the HTML structure.
With no arguments,
C<html_fmt> looks for its input
on C<STDIN>.
If it has an argument that looks like a URI,
C<html_fmt> treats that argument
as a URI.
If it has an argument that does not
look like a URI,
C<html_fmt> uses that argument
as the name
of its input file.
C<html_fmt> considers its argument to
"look like a URI",
if it
starts with alphanumerics followed by a colon.
When reformatting and indenting,
C<html_fmt> takes measures
to avoid introducing
whitespace that will affect the way in which the HTML
The standards differ on whitespace treatment;
when the standards agree
they often allow considerable
latitude to the browsers;
and specific implementions will
exploit the allowed latitude in different ways,
or exceed it.
All of which is to say that
C<html_fmt>'s attempts to avoid introducing
whitespace are not always successful.
C<html_fmt> supplies missing start and end tags.
If C<html_fmt> cannot find required start and end tags,
it supplies them.
C<html_fmt>'s grammar is very liberal in its interpretation
of what is valid HTML.
Finally, if this is not sufficient to turn the input
into valid HTML,
will treat problem sections of the input
as noise or "cruft",
ignoring them in determining
the structure of the document.
C<html_fmt> never rejects its input,
whatever its contents.
C<html_fmt> adds
a missing start tag,
it follows the new start tag with a comment.
C<html_fmt> adds
a missing end tag,
it preceeds the new end tag with a comment.
When C<html_fmt> classifies characters
as "cruft",
it adds a comment to that effect before the "cruft".
C<pre> and C<script>
elements receive special treatment.
The contents of
C<pre> and C<script> elements are not reformatted.
When missing tags or cruft occur inside a C<pre> element,
the comments to that effect are placed
before the C<< <pre> >> start tag.
The contents of C<script> elements are not
=head1 Options
No single set of reformatting choices is anywhere
near adequate to the variety of standards,
renderers and application requirements out there.
C<html_fmt> would have many options customizing its behavior.
As of this writing, there are only two.
=head2 avoid-whitespace
The C<--avoid-whitespace> option
may take one of two values:
C<yes> and C<comment>.
If the value is C<yes>,
C<html_fmt> does not try to add indentation
in whitespace-sensitive places.
This avoids clutter but,
because of the missed indentation,
the structure of the
document becomes harder to follow.
C<yes> is the default value.
If the value is C<comment>,
HTML (SGML) comments are used to achieve proper
indentation without introducing whitespace.
This works, but does get a bit cluttered.
=head2 ws-ok-before-end-tag
The C<--ws-ok-before-end-tag> option is a Boolean.
If set, C<html_fmt> will add whitespace before an end tag when
that is useful.
If the SGML standards
are adhered to, the added whitespace will not
be rendered.
However, the HTML standards, while they allow SGML-adherent behavior
for whitespace before end tags,
do not require it.
In practice,
many browsers will render whitespace found before
end tags.
If C<--ws-ok-before-end-tag> is false,
C<html_fmt> will not add whitespace before
end tags.
C<--ws-ok-before-end-tag> is false by default.
This is always safe,
in the sense that it will not change
what is there to be rendered.
But it limits the ability of
C<html_fmt> to make its output readable.
=head1 Example
Given this input:
<title>Test page<tr>x<head attr="I am cruft"><p>Final graf
to this command:
html_fmt --avoid-whitespace=comment --ws-ok-before-end-tag
the output is
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
Test page
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
html_fmt: this comment is to avoid introducing whitespace
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Preceeding start tag is replacement for a missing one -->
html_fmt: this comment is to avoid introducing whitespace
--><!-- html_fmt: Next line is cruft --><!--
html_fmt: this comment is to avoid introducing whitespace
--><head attr="I am cruft"><!--
html_fmt: this comment is to avoid introducing whitespace
Final graf
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
<!-- html_fmt: Following end tag is replacement for a missing one -->
=head1 Acknowledgements
The starting template for this code was
L<HTML::TokeParser|HTML::TokeParser>, by Gisle Aas.
Copyright 2007-2012 Jeffrey Kegler, all rights reserved.
Marpa is free software under the Perl license.
For details see the LICENSE file in the Marpa distribution.
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