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Created September 16, 2012 11:08
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Save hiratara/3732003 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of Simpath algorithm.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Simpath;
sub count($); sub count($) {
my $node = shift;
return 0 unless $node;
return 1 unless ref $node;
$node->{count} //= count($node->{low}) + count($node->{high});
my $zdd = solve(9, 9);
print +(count $zdd), "\n";
package Simpath;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT = qw(solve);
sub grid_edges($$) {
my ($width, $height) = @_;
my @edges;
for my $n (0 .. $width + $height - 1) {
for my $x (0 .. $n) {
my $y = $n - $x;
$x < $width && $y < $height or next;
push @edges, ["$x,$y", ($x + 1) . ",$y"] if $x + 1 < $width;
push @edges, ["$x,$y", "$x," . ($y + 1)] if $y + 1 < $height;
sub low_node($$) {
my ($node, $grid_edge) = @_;
my %mate = %{$node->{mate}};
my $next_grid_node = $grid_edge->[1];
$mate{$next_grid_node} = $next_grid_node unless exists $mate{$next_grid_node};
{mate => \%mate};
sub high_node($$) {
my ($node, $grid_edge) = @_;
my %mate = %{$node->{mate}};
my @grid_nodes;
# loop detection
return undef if ($mate{$grid_edge->[0]} // '') eq $grid_edge->[1];
for my $grid_node ($grid_edge->[0], $grid_edge->[1]) {
if (! exists $mate{$grid_node}) {
push @grid_nodes, $grid_node; # That's the new grid node
} elsif (! defined $mate{$grid_node}) { # Have already connected :/
return undef;
} else {
push @grid_nodes, $mate{$grid_node};
$mate{$grid_node} = undef; # Connect to new grid node
$mate{$grid_nodes[0]} = $grid_nodes[1];
$mate{$grid_nodes[1]} = $grid_nodes[0];
{mate => \%mate};
sub has_one_route($$$) {
my ($node, $start_grid_node, $end_grid_node) = @_;
my $has_route;
for (keys %{$node->{mate}}) {
if ($_ eq $start_grid_node) {
$node->{mate}{$_} eq $end_grid_node or return;
$has_route = 1;
if ($_ eq $end_grid_node) {
$node->{mate}{$_} eq $start_grid_node or return;
$has_route = 1;
defined $node->{mate}{$_} and return; # Mustn't contain unwanted routes
return $has_route;
sub node_id($) {
my $node = shift;
my $mate = $node->{mate};
join "\t", map {"$_-" . ($mate->{$_} // '')} sort keys %$mate;
sub solve($$) {
my ($col_width, $col_height) = @_;
my $width = $col_width + 1;
my $height = $col_height + 1;
my $start = "0,0";
my $goal = sprintf "%d,%d", $width - 1, $height - 1;
my @grid_edges = grid_edges $width, $height;
my %route_left;
for (@grid_edges) {
$route_left{$_}++ for @$_;
my $top_node = {mate => {}, low => undef, high => undef};
my @active_nodes = ($top_node);
for my $grid_edge (@grid_edges) {
my @done_grid_nodes;
for (@$grid_edge) {
--$route_left{$_} or push @done_grid_nodes, $_;
my %next_nodes_map;
for my $node (@active_nodes) {
# calc low and high node
my $low_node = low_node $node, $grid_edge;
my $high_node = high_node $node, $grid_edge;
# free used mate
delete $node->{mate};
# delete mate which isn't frontier
my $child_node = sub {
my $new_node = shift;
defined $new_node or return undef;
my $new_mate = $new_node->{mate};
for (@done_grid_nodes) {
if ($_ eq $start || $_ eq $goal) {
return undef unless defined $new_mate->{$_} &&
$new_mate->{$_} ne $_;
} elsif (defined $new_mate->{$_} &&
$new_mate->{$_} ne $_
) {
return undef; # won't be connected forever
delete $new_node->{mate}{$_};
return 1 if has_one_route $new_node, $start => $goal;
$next_nodes_map{node_id $new_node} //= $new_node;
$node->{low} = $child_node->($low_node);
$node->{high} = $child_node->($high_node);
@active_nodes = values %next_nodes_map;
return $top_node;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Simpath;
use Test::More;
is_deeply Simpath::high_node(
{mate => {A => "B", B => "A", C => "D", D => "C"}}, ["B", "C"]
), {mate => {A => "D", B => undef, C => undef, D => "A"}};
is_deeply Simpath::low_node(
{mate => {A => "B", B => "A", C => "D", D => "C"}}, ["B", "C"]
), {mate => {A => "B", B => "A", C => "D", D => "C"}};
is_deeply Simpath::high_node(
{mate => {A => "B", B => "A",}}, ["B", "C"]
), {mate => {A => "C", B => undef, C => "A"}};
is_deeply Simpath::low_node(
{mate => {A => "B", B => "A",}}, ["B", "C"]
), {mate => {A => "B", B => "A", C => "C"}};
is_deeply Simpath::high_node(
{mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}}, ["B", "D"]
), undef, "Loop detected";
is_deeply Simpath::low_node(
{mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}}, ["B", "D"]
), {mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}};
is_deeply Simpath::high_node(
{mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}}, ["D", "A"]
), undef, "cross route detected";
is_deeply Simpath::low_node(
{mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}}, ["D", "A"]
), {mate => {A => undef, B => "D", C => undef, D => "B"}};
ok Simpath::has_one_route(
{mate => {"A" => "D", C => undef, D => "A"}},
"A" => "D",
ok ! Simpath::has_one_route(
{mate => {"A" => "B", B => "A", D => "D"}},
"A" => "B",
), "It contains unwanted routes.";
ok ! Simpath::has_one_route(
{mate => {"A" => "D", C => undef, D => "A"}},
"C" => "A",
), "Route isn't terminated.";
ok ! Simpath::has_one_route(
{mate => {}},
"C" => "A",
), "Has no route.";
is Simpath::node_id(
{mate => {"A" => "D", C => undef, D => "A"}}
), "A-D C- D-A", "Route isn't terminated.";
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