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Created September 16, 2012 16:51
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Code for the Word Chain kata, see the October edition of PragPub magazine
-- word list is at
import Data.Set(Set, fromDistinctAscList, member)
import System.IO.Unsafe(unsafePerformIO)
import Data.Tree
import Data.List(inits,tails)
-- first step - generating valid next words
one_step :: String -> [String]
one_step = filter is_valid_word . generate_candidates
generate_candidates :: String -> [String]
generate_candidates []
= []
generate_candidates (c:cs)
= [ x : cs | x <- ['a'..'z'], x /= c ] -- new letter at front
++ [ c : xs | xs <- generate_candidates cs ] -- old letter at front
generate_v2 :: String -> [String]
generate_v2 w = [ before ++ d : tail after
| (before, after) <- all_splits_of w
, not (null after)
, d <- ['a' .. 'z']
, d /= head after ]
all_splits_of :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
all_splits_of w = zip (inits w) (tails w)
-- second step - load dictionary and add validity test
dict :: Set String
dict = fromDistinctAscList
$ lines
$ unsafePerformIO (readFile "fours.txt")
is_valid_word :: String -> Bool
is_valid_word w = member w dict
-- third step - generating and traversing the state space
state_tree :: (s -> [s]) -> s -> Tree s
state_tree children_of state
= Node state [ state_tree children_of s | s <- children_of state ]
prune :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
prune d (Node x cs)
| d <= 0 = Node x []
| otherwise = Node x [ prune (d - 1) c | c <- cs ]
bft :: Tree a -> [a]
bft t = bft_ [t]
bft_ :: [Tree a] -> [a]
bft_ trees = [ x | Node x _ <- trees ] ++ bft_ (concat $ map subForest trees)
-- step four: doing a simple search
breadth_first_search :: (s -> Bool) -- goal test
-> (s -> [s]) -- state generator
-> s -- initial state
-> [s] -- solutions out
breadth_first_search is_goal children_of
= filter is_goal
. bft
. state_tree children_of
word_chain a b = breadth_first_search (\w -> w == b) one_step a
-- step five - ensuring we get paths out
type Path = [String]
goal_path :: String -> Path -> Bool
goal_path target ws = target == head ws
-- there's an extra optimization here, of disallowing child words which have already
-- been seen in the current path, hence avoiding lead -> head -> lead -> ...
-- it doesn't cause BFS to fall over, but is fatal for DFS!
-- see discussion at end
child_paths :: Path -> [Path]
child_paths (w:ws)
= [ s : w : ws | s <- one_step w, s `notElem` ws ]
init_path :: String -> Path
init_path w = [w]
word_chain_path a b = breadth_first_search (goal_path b) child_paths (init_path a)
-- step six: some quick tests
-- abbreviations for common tests
-- yes you can build X-unit assertions for stuff like this
[t1,t2] = map word_chain_path ["ruby", "lead"]
t_r_c = t1 "code"
-- stress-test, for profiling
main = sequence [ print $ take (min 1 n) $ word_chain_path "ruby" "code" | n <- [1..1000]] >>= print
{- -------------------
-- last words
"child_paths" contains an extra test to prevent looping between the same words on a path.
I forgot about this detail when writing the article - oops! You definitely need it when
trying DFS or best-first.
Another optimization: we don't want to repeat work already done, ie if "lead" gave
"head" and "bead", then it's pointless having "bead" explored as a child of "head" - so
when searching "head" we do not need to visit its child "bead" because it was already
covered as a sibling of "head".
EXERCISE: try adding this. Hint: when you generate child_paths from W then you have a
list of the words under W. Why not pass this around with the path value? (You can
define a new record type for this, or use tuples.
See for
a quick intro to tuples.
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