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Created September 18, 2012 02:03
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trait Serializer {
fn emit_uint(v: uint);
fn emit_rec(f: fn());
fn emit_rec_field(f_name: &str, f_idx: uint, f: fn());
trait Serializable {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(s: S);
impl uint: Serializable {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(s: S) { s.emit_uint(self) }
type t = { mut x: uint };
impl t: Serializable {
fn serialize<S: Serializer>(s: S) {
do s.emit_rec || {
s.emit_rec_field("x", 0, || self.x.serialize(s));
fn main() { } 20:46 error: illegal borrow unless pure: creating immutable alias to mutable field s.emit_rec_field("x", 0, || self.x.serialize(s));
^~~~~~ 20:56 note: impure due to access to impure function s.emit_rec_field("x", 0, || self.x.serialize(s));
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