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Created September 18, 2012 09:42
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Macro AST plus application
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ()
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
type MacroMap = M.Map B.ByteString Macro
type ArgMap = M.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString
data MacroChunk =
StringChunk B.ByteString
| VariableChunk B.ByteString
| CallChunk B.ByteString [MacroChunk]
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Macro = Macro {
macroName :: B.ByteString,
macroArgs :: [B.ByteString],
macroChunks :: [MacroChunk]
deriving (Show, Eq)
callMacro :: MacroMap -> Macro -> [B.ByteString] -> Maybe B.ByteString
callMacro macros macro args =
B.concat `fmap` (applyMacro macros macro args >>= mapM strings)
applyMacro :: MacroMap -> Macro -> [B.ByteString] -> Maybe [MacroChunk]
applyMacro macros (Macro _ mArgs chunks) args =
concat `fmap` (mapM (substArgs argMap) chunks >>= mapM (substCalls macros))
argMap = M.fromList $ zip mArgs args
substArgs :: ArgMap -> MacroChunk -> Maybe MacroChunk
substArgs argMap (VariableChunk name) =
StringChunk `fmap` M.lookup name argMap
substArgs argMap (CallChunk name chunks) =
CallChunk name `fmap` mapM (substArgs argMap) chunks
substArgs _ other = return other
substCalls :: MacroMap -> MacroChunk -> Maybe [MacroChunk]
substCalls _ ch@(StringChunk _) = return [ch]
substCalls macros (CallChunk name args) = do
macro <- M.lookup name macros
guard $ length (macroArgs macro) == length args
strArgs <- mapM strings args
applyMacro macros macro strArgs
substCalls _ _ =
-- Variable chunks should've been substituted
strings :: MacroChunk -> Maybe B.ByteString
strings (StringChunk s) = return s
strings _ = Nothing
-- Example macros
testMacro :: Macro
testMacro = Macro "test" ["a", "b"] [StringChunk "foo", VariableChunk "b"]
testMacro2 :: Macro
testMacro2 = Macro "test2" ["a"] [StringChunk "bar", CallChunk "test" [StringChunk "10", VariableChunk "a"]]
testMacros :: MacroMap
testMacros = M.fromList [("test", testMacro), ("test2", testMacro2)]
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