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Created September 22, 2012 18:28
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Save BFTrick/3767319 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
WordPress Plugin Deploy Script
#! /bin/bash
# A modification of Dean Clatworthy's deploy script as found here:
# The difference is that this script lives in the plugin's git repo & doesn't require an existing SVN repo.
# main config
MAINFILE="______your-plugin-name______.php" # this should be the name of your main php file in the wordpress plugin
# git config
GITPATH="$CURRENTDIR/" # this file should be in the base of your git repository
# svn config
SVNPATH="/tmp/$PLUGINSLUG" # path to a temp SVN repo. No trailing slash required and don't add trunk.
SVNURL="" # Remote SVN repo on, with no trailing slash
SVNUSER="______your-wp-username______" # your svn username
# Let's begin...
echo ".........................................."
echo "Preparing to deploy wordpress plugin"
echo ".........................................."
# Check version in readme.txt is the same as plugin file
NEWVERSION1=`grep "^Stable tag" $GITPATH/readme.txt | awk -F' ' '{print $3}'`
echo "readme version: $NEWVERSION1"
NEWVERSION2=`grep "^Version" $GITPATH/$MAINFILE | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'`
echo "$MAINFILE version: $NEWVERSION2"
if [ "$NEWVERSION1" != "$NEWVERSION2" ]; then echo "Versions don't match. Exiting...."; exit 1; fi
echo "Versions match in readme.txt and PHP file. Let's proceed..."
echo -e "Enter a commit message for this new version: \c"
git commit -am "$COMMITMSG"
echo "Tagging new version in git"
git tag -a "$NEWVERSION1" -m "Tagging version $NEWVERSION1"
echo "Pushing latest commit to origin, with tags"
git push origin master
git push origin master --tags
echo "Creating local copy of SVN repo ..."
echo "Exporting the HEAD of master from git to the trunk of SVN"
git checkout-index -a -f --prefix=$SVNPATH/trunk/
echo "Ignoring github specific & deployment script"
svn propset svn:ignore "
.gitignore" "$SVNPATH/trunk/"
echo "Moving assets-wp-repo"
mkdir $SVNPATH/assets/
mv $SVNPATH/trunk/assets-wp-repo/* $SVNPATH/assets/
svn add $SVNPATH/assets/
svn delete $SVNPATH/trunk/assets-wp-repo
echo "Changing directory to SVN"
cd $SVNPATH/trunk/
# Add all new files that are not set to be ignored
svn status | grep -v "^.[ \t]*\..*" | grep "^?" | awk '{print $2}' | xargs svn add
echo "committing to trunk"
svn commit --username=$SVNUSER -m "$COMMITMSG"
echo "Updating WP plugin repo assets & committing"
cd $SVNPATH/assets/
svn commit --username=$SVNUSER -m "Updating wp-repo-assets"
echo "Creating new SVN tag & committing it"
svn copy trunk/ tags/$NEWVERSION1/
svn commit --username=$SVNUSER -m "Tagging version $NEWVERSION1"
echo "Removing temporary directory $SVNPATH"
rm -fr $SVNPATH/
echo "*** FIN ***"
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@BFTrick Hey man, I'm using your super useful deploy script and I have a problem that sometimes when I deploy the plugin has a "trunk/" folder there when it shouldn't. Is there anything I could be doing wrong?

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I can report the same issue as @marcobarbosa. The problem seems to occur if the svn directory is left intact between deploys. If you delete the svn directory it works OK.

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kakoma commented May 10, 2017

For a more robust solution:

NEWVERSION2=`grep "^Version" $GITPATH/$MAINFILE | awk -F' ' '{print $2}'`

should be:

NEWVERSION1=`grep "^Stable tag" $GITPATH/readme.txt | awk -F':' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' '`

and then also, this should be used:

NEWVERSION2=`grep "Version:" $GITPATH/$MAINFILE | awk -F':' '{print $2}' | tr -d ' '`

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