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Created September 24, 2012 03:12
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Erlang'12 + CUFP Report: for Erlang Study Meeting in Tokyo 28-SEP-2012

Erlang Workshop 2012
+ CUFP 2012 report
(28-SEP-2012 by Kenji Rikitake)


  • DGI-byen, Copenhagen, Denmark



  • 13th: CUFP Tutorial: Erlang Web Frameworks
  • 14th: ACM Erlang Workshop 2012
  • 15th: CUFP Talks

Erlang Web Frameworks

  • CUFP Tutorial by Steve Vinoski
  • Erlang Intro
  • Hands-on: Mochiweb, Webmachine, Yaws
  • Talk only: Nitrogen, Chicago Boss
  • Slides and code: CUFP web site

ACM Erlang Workshop 2012

  • 8 presentations
  • 3 posters
  • 1 panel discussion

Keynote: HanoiDB

  • By Krasten Krab Thorup (@drkrab)
  • For "Common Medicine Card"
  • LevelDB with Pure Erlang (~2K LOC)
  • LSM-Btree / append-only storage
  • For massive write operation

Kostis' team did it again

  • Preserving Term Sharing in Erlang VM
  • ErLLVM: HiPE backend for LLVM
  • Scalability Benchmark Suite

Other notable papers

  • ADVERTISE: sending ads to 40,000 STBs
  • Riak Pipe: connecting multiple phases
  • Hansei: property-based TDD
  • Poster: Automatic Actor Pinning
  • Poster: Erlang/SP

Panel: towards massive cores

  • OTP distribution will not scale >100 cores
  • But OTP does scale on 64 cores
  • Erlang = concurrency, NOT parallelism
  • Adaptation towards real hardware (e.g. NUMA, Infiniband, networks between the cores)
  • Lightweight cooperation mechanism needed

CUFP Talks (videos online)

  • Keynote: OOP -> FP by @drkrab
  • Yaron Minsky: FP on trading systems
  • Laura Castro: ADVERTISE
  • FP (=Erlang) for Power Grid in Germany
  • Parallel Scientific: Haskell + FPGA


  • Torben Hoffman as the Workshop Chair
  • John Hughes as the Program Chair
  • Basho engineers, for speaking American English
  • And all the other ICFP/CUFP 2012 staff

Erlang'13: Boston, MA, USA

  • Steve Vinoski for Workshop Chair
  • Laura Castro for Program Chair
  • with ICFP, CUFP, and other events!



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