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Created September 24, 2012 12:57
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"" vim: foldmethod=marker textwidth=0 fillchars=fold\:\
"set runtimepath+=,/home/wu/.vim/latex-suite/
set noswapfile
"" Systemabhängig {{{
"" Suchen die folgenden Begriffe in der Datei und kalibrieren sie
"" bei jedem neuen Einsatz in einem Fremdsystem
" set guifont
" set termencoding
" set helplang
" set spelllang
" set mouse
"" }}}
"" GUI Allgemeine Einstellung {{{
" set guifont=AR\ PL\ UMing\ CN\ Light\ 13
" set guifont=文泉驿等宽正黑\ Medium\ 13
" set guifont=DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ Book\ 12
set guioptions+=a
set guioptions+=t " Popup menu
" set guioptions-=m " Menü
set guioptions-=T " Toolbar
set winaltkeys=no
"" }}}
"" Allgemeine Einstellung {{{
set nocompatible
set nobackup " do not keep a backup file, use versions instead
set whichwrap+=<,>
" set showbreak=
"" set off the time out for nmap, imap, cmap
set notimeout
set ttimeout
"" Tags
set tags+=../tags,../../tags
if has("gui_running")
set mouse=a
set mouse=
set backspace=indent,eol,start
set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
set showcmd " display incomplete commands
"set incsearch " do incremental searching
if has("autocmd")
filetype plugin indent on
"" }}}
"" encoding {{{
"set fileencodings=utf-8,cp936,gb18030,gbk,big5,iso8859-1,ucs-2,ucs-bom,latin1
set fileencodings=utf-8,cp936,big5,ucs-bom,latin1,gbk,ucs-2,iso8859-1
set encoding=utf8
set fileformats=unix,dos
set termencoding=utf-8
"set termencoding=gbk
"" }}}
"" Locale und Sprachen {{{
"setlocal spelllang=de
set spelllang=de ",en_us
set helplang=cn
"language en
"" }}}
"" Aussehen {{{
"" Mein Farbenthma {{{
if has("gui_running")
set background=light
if version > 580
highlight clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
if v:version >= 700
highlight CursorColumn guibg=Grey90 gui=NONE
highlight CursorLine guibg=Grey90 gui=NONE
highlight Pmenu guibg=LightMagenta gui=NONE
highlight PmenuSel guibg=Grey gui=NONE
highlight PmenuSbar guibg=Grey gui=NONE
highlight PmenuThumb gui=NONE
highlight TabLine guibg=LightGrey gui=underline
highlight TabLineFill gui=reverse
highlight TabLineSel gui=bold
if has('spell')
highlight SpellBad guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#FF0000 gui=undercurl
highlight SpellCap guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#0000FF gui=undercurl
highlight SpellLocal gui=undercurl
highlight SpellRare gui=undercurl
highlight Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg gui=NONE
highlight CursorIM gui=NONE
highlight DiffAdd guibg=LightBlue gui=NONE
highlight DiffChange guibg=LightMagenta gui=NONE
highlight DiffDelete guifg=Blue guibg=LightCyan gui=bold
highlight DiffText guibg=Red gui=bold
highlight Directory guifg=Blue gui=NONE
highlight ErrorMsg guifg=White guibg=Red gui=NONE
highlight FoldColumn guifg=#000AFF guibg=#0013FF gui=NONE
highlight Folded guifg=#000AFF guibg=#FF6A00 gui=NONE
highlight IncSearch gui=reverse
highlight LineNr guifg=#0C00B4 guibg=#FF9D3B gui=NONE
highlight MatchParen guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#0400FF gui=NONE
highlight ModeMsg gui=bold
highlight MoreMsg guifg=SeaGreen gui=bold
highlight NonText guifg=Blue gui=bold
highlight Normal guifg=#000000 guibg=#FFB469 gui=NONE
highlight Question guifg=#1100FF guibg=#12F303 gui=bold
highlight Search guifg=#000000 guibg=Yellow gui=NONE
highlight SignColumn guifg=DarkBlue guibg=Grey gui=NONE
highlight SpecialKey guifg=Blue gui=NONE
highlight StatusLine guifg=#0029FF gui=bold,reverse
highlight StatusLineNC guifg=#000000 gui=reverse
highlight Title guifg=Magenta gui=bold
highlight VertSplit guifg=#E78D24 guibg=bg gui=reverse
highlight Visual guibg=#FD6B5B gui=underline
highlight VisualNOS gui=bold,underline
highlight WarningMsg guifg=Red gui=NONE
highlight WildMenu guifg=Black guibg=Yellow gui=NONE
highlight link Boolean Constant
highlight link Character Constant
highlight Comment guifg=#0C9800 gui=NONE
highlight link Conditional Statement
highlight Constant guifg=#FF0003 gui=NONE
highlight link Debug Special
highlight link Define PreProc
highlight link Delimiter Special
highlight Error guifg=White guibg=Red gui=NONE
highlight link Exception Statement
highlight link Float Number
highlight link Function Identifier
highlight Identifier guifg=DarkCyan gui=NONE
highlight Ignore guifg=#0600FF gui=NONE
highlight link Include PreProc
highlight link Keyword Statement
highlight link Label Statement
highlight link Macro PreProc
highlight link Number Constant
highlight link Operator Statement
highlight link PreCondit PreProc
highlight PreProc guifg=#159E00 gui=bold,reverse
highlight link Repeat Statement
highlight Special guifg=#E100B8 gui=NONE
highlight link SpecialChar Special
highlight link SpecialComment Special
highlight Statement guifg=#0600FF gui=bold
highlight link StorageClass Type
highlight link String Constant
highlight link Structure Type
highlight link Tag Special
highlight Todo guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#EE6B29 gui=bold
highlight Type guifg=#0097B3 gui=bold
highlight link Typedef Type
highlight Underlined guifg=#888888 gui=underline
colorscheme desert
"" }}}
"set shiftwidth=4
"set tabstop=4
if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
syntax on
set hlsearch
set nu
"set cursorline
"set nowrap
set textwidth=0
"set fillchars=fold:\
set fillchars=fold:~
set foldtext=getline(v:foldstart).'\ \ <'.(v:foldend-v:foldstart).'>'
"" }}}
"" Match Overline {{{
"" kontrollieren, dass eine Zeile innerhalb 80 Zeichen hat.
highlight OverLength ctermbg=red ctermfg=white guibg=#592929
function! MatchOverLength()
call UnmatchOverLength()
let w:m_overlength = matchadd("OverLength", "\\%81v.\\+")
function! UnmatchOverLength()
if exists("w:m_overlength")
call matchdelete(w:m_overlength)
unlet w:m_overlength
"" Match Overline as default?
" call MatchOverLength()
autocmd FileType c call MatchOverLength()
autocmd FileType cpp call MatchOverLength()
autocmd FileType perl call MatchOverLength()
autocmd FileType haskell call MatchOverLength()
autocmd FileType vim call MatchOverLength()
"" }}}
"" kontrollieren, dass kein leerzeichen am ende einer Zeile steht {{{
"match ERROR /\s\+$/
call matchadd("ERROR", "\\s\\+$")
"" }}}
"" Abkürzungen {{{
ab inlcude include
ab cosnt const
"" }}}
"" Allgemeine Bindungen {{{
noremap <silent><C-L> :nohlsearch<CR><C-L>
map <F2> :help function-list<CR>
map <F9> :make<CR>
map <silent><F10> :call ToggleQuickfix()<CR>
" map ><F11> :cclose<CR>
"map <F11> :cnext<CR>
map Y y$
command! -nargs=* W w <args>
command! -nargs=0 Wsudo w !sudo tee %
if has("gui_running")
map <silent><C-Z> :shell<CR>
"" für klapp
map <silent><F8> :call Change_fold_method()<CR>
function! Change_fold_method()
if &foldmethod == "manual"
set foldmethod=syntax
echo "set fold by syntax"
elseif &foldmethod == "syntax"
set foldmethod=indent
echo "set fold by indent"
elseif &foldmethod == "indent"
set foldmethod=marker
echo "set fold by marker"
elseif &foldmethod == "marker"
set foldmethod=manual
echo "set fold by manual"
"" für die nicht-deutsche Tastatur mit deutschem Layout
map W <
map W <
map E >
map <C-X>W <C-X><
map <C-X>E <C-X>>
map <C-X>w <C-X><
map <C-X>e <C-X>>
inoremap <C-F> <C-R>=ListZeichen()<CR>
function! ListZeichen()
call complete(col('.'), ['<', '>', '|', '^', '!', '§', '$', '%', '&', '/', '(', ')', '=', '?', '`', "'", '°', '{', '[', ']', '}', '#', '+', '~', '*', 'ß', 'ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'Ä', 'Ö', 'Ü'])
return ''
map <UP> gk
map <DOWN> gj
map <C-W><C-M> <C-W><C-_>
"" Manche VI-Version hat Problem bei K, deshalb bind ich eine alternative:
"map K wbywo<ESC>pI:!man <ESC>"zdd@z
"" für die neue Tab-Eigenschaft in Vim7
map <C-W>0 :tabnew<CR>
map <C-W>1 :tabnext 1<CR>
map <C-W>2 :tabnext 2<CR>
map <C-W>3 :tabnext 3<CR>
map <C-W>4 :tabnext 4<CR>
map <C-W>5 :tabnext 5<CR>
map <C-W>6 :tabnext 6<CR>
map <C-W>7 :tabnext 7<CR>
map <C-W>8 :tabnext 8<CR>
map <C-W>9 :tabnext 9<CR>
"" für Emacs kompatibel
map <C-X><C-S> :w<CR>
"map <C-X><C-C> :q<CR>
map <C-X><C-B> :buffers<CR>
map <C-X>b :buffer
"" }}}
"" Autocmd: FileType {{{
"" vim / vimhelp {{{
autocmd FileType help set nu
" }}}
"" Tex / LaTeX {{{
let g:use_latex_suite = 0
if g:use_latex_suite
autocmd FileType tex call s:LatexSuiteMode()
function! s:LatexSuiteMode()
"" Für Latex Suite
set shiftwidth=2
set grepprg=grep\ -nH\ $*
set shellslash
filetype plugin on
filetype indent on
let g:tex_flavor='pdflatex'
let g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
let g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode $*'
" let &l:makeprg = 'pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode $*'
" let g:tex_ignore_makefile = 1
" My Latex Mode {{{
autocmd FileType tex call s:LatexMode()
function! s:LatexMode() "{{{
setlocal spell
" call Hunspell_Enable()
" call Hunspell_Buffer()
setlocal expandtab
setlocal shiftwidth=2
setlocal autoindent
setlocal iskeyword+=:
setlocal iskeyword+=_
imap <buffer><silent><TAB> <C-R>=HaskellTab()<CR>
call UnmatchOverLength()
let g:tex_flavor='pdflatex'
" let g:tex_ignore_makefile = 1
compiler tex
"" if use this, can not use `make clean` any more
" let &l:makeprg = 'pdflatex --interaction=nonstopmode ' . expand("%:p")
let &l:makeprg = 'make'
noremap <buffer><silent><C-J> <ESC>:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><C-J> <C-R>=LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
imap <buffer><F7> <C-R>=LatexInsert()<CR>
" call LatexSuiteMode()
" Falten Latex Ohne LatexSuite
" runtime ftplugin/tex/TexFold.vim
" runtime ftplugin/tex/TexSyntaxFold.vim
" call MakeTexFolds(1)
set omnifunc=LatexRefComplete
" Shortkeys {{{
"" Environment for Table and Figure {{{
" FIXME: sollte in die <F7> Funktion eingebaut.
"" without smart indent:
" inoremap <buffer> EFI \begin{figure}[<++>]<CR> \centering<CR>\includegraphics*[<++>]{<++>}<CR>\caption{<++>}<CR>\label{<++>}<CR><BS><BS>\end{figure}<CR>%<ESC>6k0:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
"" with smart indent:
inoremap <buffer> EFI \begin{figure}[<++>]<CR>\centering<CR>\includegraphics*[<++>]{<++>}<CR>\caption{<++>}<CR>\label{<++>}<CR><BS><BS>\end{figure}<CR>%<ESC>6k0:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
"" without smart indent:
" inoremap <buffer> ET \begin{table}[<++>]<CR> \begin{center}<CR>\begin{tabular}{<++>}<CR> <++><CR><BS><BS>\end{tabular}<CR>\caption{<++>}<CR>\label{<++>}<CR>\end{center}<CR><BS><BS>\end{table}<CR>%<ESC>9k0:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
"" with smart indent:
inoremap <buffer> ET \begin{table}[<++>]<CR>\centering<CR>\begin{tabular}{<++>}<CR><++><CR><BS><BS>\end{tabular}<CR>\caption{<++>}<CR>\label{<++>}<CR><BS><BS>\end{table}<CR>%<ESC>9k0:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
"" }}}
"" tja, mit den folgenden Zeilen habe ich viele Varianten versucht,
"" aber für Kompatibilität mit der Gewöhnlichkeit von C oder anderen
"" Sprachen, nutze ich die automatische $$ [] und {} nicht
inoremap <buffer> $$ $<++>$<++><ESC>2F$:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> {} {<++>}<++><ESC>F{:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> [] [<++>]<++><ESC>F[:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> () (<++>)<++><ESC>F(:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> \[\] \[ <++> \]<++><ESC>F[:call LatexGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer> ,, {,}
inoremap <buffer> ,0 {,}0
inoremap <buffer> ,1 {,}1
inoremap <buffer> ,2 {,}2
inoremap <buffer> ,3 {,}3
inoremap <buffer> ,4 {,}4
inoremap <buffer> ,5 {,}5
inoremap <buffer> ,6 {,}6
inoremap <buffer> ,7 {,}7
inoremap <buffer> ,8 {,}8
inoremap <buffer> ,9 {,}9
setlocal indentexpr=TeXIndent()
setlocal nosmartindent
setlocal indentkeys+=},=\\item,=\\bibitem
endfunction "}}}
let s:LatexRefTable = []
function! LatexGetRefTable(code) "{{{
" erzeugen die Tabelle von \label
for line in a:code
" rekursiv in die \include & \input Dateien
if line =~ '\\\label{[^}]\+}'
" TODO: jetzt wird nur das erste \label in der Zeile
let line = substitute(line, '^.\{-}\label{\s*\([^}]\{-1,}\)\s*}.*$', '\1', '')
call add(s:LatexRefTable, line)
elseif line =~ '^.\{-}\%(\input\|\include\)\s*{\s*[^}]\{-1,}\s*}.*$'
"" in andere Dateien
let line = substitute(line, '^.\{-}\%(\input\|\include\)\s*{\s*\([^}]\{-1,}\s*\)}.*$', '\1', "")
if line !~ '\.tex$'
let line .= '.tex'
call LatexGetRefTable(readfile(line))
endfunction "}}}
function! LatexRefComplete(findstart, base) "{{{
if a:findstart
let line = getline('.')
let line = strpart(line, 0, col('.') - 1)
" vorsicht! \\\( muss 3 \ haben
" $ ist hier kein Zeileende
if line =~ '^.\{-}\\\%(page\)\?ref\s*{\s*[^}]*$'
let length = strlen( substitute(line, '^\(.\{-}\\\%(page\)\?ref\s*{\)\s*[^}]*$', '\1', ""))
let key = substitute(line, '^.\{-}\\\%(page\)\?ref\s*{\s*\([^}]*\)$', '\1', "")
" TODO: fill the RefTable
call LatexGetRefTable(getline(1,'$'))
let i = 0
while i < len(s:LatexRefTable)
if stridx(s:LatexRefTable[i], key) != 0 " oder == -1
call remove(s:LatexRefTable, i)
let i += 1
return length
let s:LatexRefTable = []
return -1
return s:LatexRefTable
endfunction "}}}
" Tabelle für <F7>-Insert-Funktion {{{
"" nur für die Ausdrücke mit mehrer "{}"
let s:LatexInsertTabList = [
\ ["\multicolumn", "\\multicolumn{Anzahl<++>}{Format<++>}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["\multirow", "\\multirow{zeilen<++>}*{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["align", "\\begin{align}<++>"],
\ ["array", "\\begin{array}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["begin", "\\begin{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["block", "\\begin{block}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["caption", "\\caption{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["center", "\\begin{center}<++>"],
\ ["cfrac", "\\cfrac{<++>}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["cite", "\\cite{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["comment", "\\begin{comment}<++>"],
\ ["dfrac", "\\dfrac{<++>}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["displaymath", "\\begin{displaymath}<++>"],
\ ["document", "\\begin{document}<++>"],
\ ["end", "\\end{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["enumerate", "\\begin{enumerate}<++>"],
\ ["eqnarray", "\\begin{eqnarray}<++>"],
\ ["equation", "\\begin{equation}<++>"],
\ ["exampleblock", "\\begin{exampleblock}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["figure", "\\begin{figure}[<++>]<++>"],
\ ["flushleft", "\\begin{flushleft}[<++>]"],
\ ["footnote", "\\footnote{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["footnotetext", "\\footnotetext{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["frac", "\\frac{<++>}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["frame", "\\begin{frame}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["framebox", "\\framebox{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["frametitle", "\\frametitle{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["hat", "\\hat{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["hspace", "\\hspace{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["include", "\\include{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["includegraphics", "\\includegraphics[clip<++>]{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["index", "\\index{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["input", "\\input{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["invisible", "\\invisible<<++>>{<++>}"],
\ ["itemize", "\\begin{itemize}<++>"],
\ ["label", "\\label{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["lstinline", "\\lstinline!<++>!<++>"],
\ ["lstlisting", "\\begin{lstlisting}<++>"],
\ ["mathbf", "\\mathbf{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["mathrm", "\\mathrm{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["mbox", "\\mbox{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["minipage", "\\begin{minipage}[tbcs<++>]{0.49\\textwidth}<++>"],
\ ["onslide", "\\onslide<<++>>{<++>}"],
\ ["overline", "\\overline{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["paragraph", "\\paragraph{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["ref", "\\ref{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["section", "\\section{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["sqrt", "\\sqrt{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["stackrel", "\\stackrel{<++>}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["subequations", "\\begin{subequations}<++>"],
\ ["subparagraph", "\\subparagraph{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["subsection", "\\subsection{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["subsubsection", "\\subsubsection{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["table", "\\begin{table}[<++>]<++>"],
\ ["tabular", "\\begin{tabular}{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["uncover", "\\uncover<<++>>{<++>}"],
\ ["underline", "\\underline{<++>}<++>"],
\ ["verbatim", "\\begin{verbatim}<++>"],
\ ["vspace", "\\vspace{<++>}<++>"],
"" }}}
function! LatexGotoNextMark() " {{{
" if search('<+[^+]*+>') != 0
if search('<++>') != 0
let pos = getpos(".")
let col = pos[2]
let text_akt_zeile = getline(".")
let text_vor = strpart(text_akt_zeile, 0, col - 1)
" lösch 4 zeichen:
let text_nach = strpart(text_akt_zeile, col + 3)
let text_akt_zeile = text_vor . text_nach
call setline(".", text_akt_zeile)
call setpos(".", pos)
return ""
endfunction " }}}
function! LatexInsertTabListComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{
" prepare the insert table completion for <F7>
let list_ret = []
for [abk, ersatz] in s:LatexInsertTabList
if stridx(abk, a:ArgLead) == 0
let list_ret += [abk]
return list_ret
endfunction "}}}
function! LatexInsert() "{{{
let eingabe = input("einzufügen: ","","customlist,LatexInsertTabListComplete")
for [abk, ersatz] in s:LatexInsertTabList
if eingabe == abk
let text_akt_zeile = getline(".")
let col = col(".")
let text_vor = strpart(text_akt_zeile, 0, col - 1)
let text_nach = strpart(text_akt_zeile, col - 1)
let text_akt_zeile = text_vor . ersatz . text_nach
call setline(".", text_akt_zeile)
" call append(".", text_akt_zeile)
call LatexGotoNextMark()
return ""
" echo "Die Abkürzung \"".eingabe."\" ist leider nicht definiert"
return ""
endfunction "}}}
" "" Fold Debug FIXME: {{{
" map <silent><F4> :call LatexFakeSyntaxFoldScan()<cr>
" function! LatexFakeSyntaxFoldScan()
" call LatexFakeSyntaxFoldWithSubstitution(0, line("$"), "^\\([^%]\|\\\\%\\)*\\\\begin{\\s*\\([^}]\\+\\)\\s*}", "\\\\\\\\end\\\\s*{\\\\s*\\2\\\\s*}")
" endfunction
" function! LatexFakeSyntaxFoldWithSubstitution(line_start, line_end, pat_start, pat_end)
" let line_current=a:line_start
" echo "line_start \t".a:line_start
" while line_current <= a:line_end
" let text_current = getline(line_current)
" if match(text_current, a:pat_start) != -1
" let line_fold_start = line_current
" "" find match end
" let pat_end_expand = substitute(text_current, a:pat_start, a:pat_end, "")
" let text_current = getline(line_current)
" "" Debug
" " echo "line_current: ". line_current." text_current: ".text_current
" " if stridx(text_current,"end") != -1
" " echo "pat_start: ".a:pat_start." pat_end:".pat_end_expand
" " echo "text_current: ".text_current
" " endif
" while match(text_current, pat_end_expand) == -1 && (line_current <= a:line_end)
" let line_current = line_current + 1
" let text_current = getline(line_current)
" if match(text_current, a:pat_start) != -1
" "" recurse
" let line_current = LatexFakeSyntaxFoldWithSubstitution(line_current + 1, a:line_end, a:pat_start, a:pat_end)
" endif
" endwhile
" if line_current > a:line_end
" "return -1
" return line_current
" endif
" echo "Falten von ".line_fold_start. " bis ".line_current
" exec "normal ".line_fold_start."G".(1 + line_current - line_fold_start)."zF"
" endif
" let line_current = line_current + 1
" endwhile
" return line_current
" endfunction
"" Debug end }}}
function! TexTab() "{{{
"" zurzeit gleich wie HaskellTab
if line(".") == 1
return ""
let letzte_zeile = getline(line(".") - 1)
let cursor_spalt = virtcol(".")
let springen_nach = matchend(letzte_zeile, "[ \\t]\\+", cursor_spalt)
if springen_nach <= cursor_spalt
"" schon am rechten Rand
return ""
return repeat(" ", 1 + springen_nach - cursor_spalt)
endfunction " }}}
function! TeXIndent() "{{{
" Find a non-blank line above the current line.
let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
" At the start of the file use zero indent.
if lnum == 0 | return 0
let ind = indent(lnum)
let line = getline(lnum) " last line
let cline = getline(v:lnum) " current line
" Do not change indentation of commented lines.
if line =~ '^\s*%'
return ind
" Add a 'shiftwidth' after beginning of environments.
" Don't add it for \begin{document} and \begin{verbatim}
""if line =~ '^\s*\\begin{\(.*\)}' && line !~ 'verbatim'
" LH modification : \begin does not always start a line
if line =~ '\\begin{\(.*\)}' && line !~ 'verbatim'
\ && line !~ 'document'
let ind = ind + &sw
if g:tex_indent_items == 1
" Add another sw for item-environments
if line =~ 'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'
let ind = ind + &sw
" Subtract a 'shiftwidth' when an environment ends
if cline =~ '^\s*\\end' && cline !~ 'verbatim'
\&& cline !~ 'document'
if g:tex_indent_items == 1
" Remove another sw for item-environments
if cline =~ 'itemize\|description\|enumerate\|thebibliography'
let ind = ind - &sw
let ind = ind - &sw
" Special treatment for 'item'
" ----------------------------
if g:tex_indent_items == 1
" '\item' or '\bibitem' itself:
if cline =~ '^\s*\\\(bib\)\=item'
let ind = ind - &sw
" lines following to '\item' are intented once again:
if line =~ '^\s*\\\(bib\)\=item'
let ind = ind + &sw
return ind
endfunction "}}}
" My Latex Mode End}}}
"" Für Filetype Latex }}}
"" C++ {{{
autocmd FileType cpp set expandtab
autocmd FileType cpp set tabstop=2
autocmd FileType cpp set tabstop=2
autocmd FileType cpp set shiftwidth=2
"" }}}
"" perl {{{
"" do not fold as syntax, to make it possible editing large perl code
autocmd FileType perl setlocal foldmethod=indent
let perl_fold = 1
let perl_extended_vars = 1
"" }}}
"" Haskell {{{
autocmd FileType haskell call s:HaskellMode()
function! s:HaskellMode()
set iskeyword+='
set shiftwidth=4
set autoindent
set expandtab
set tabstop=4
imap <buffer><silent><TAB> <C-R>=TexTab()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><C-X><C-X> {- -}<ESC>2hi
"map o o<TAB>
"map O O<TAB>
call matchadd("ERROR", "\\t")
" '\' in {-comments-} would cause a wrong highlight. fixed with:
syntax sync fromstart
"" Third party scripts
" source ~/.vim/scripts/haskellcomplete.vim
" set omnifunc=haskellcomplete#CompleteHaskell
function! HaskellTab()
if line(".") == 1
return ""
let letzte_zeile = getline(line(".") - 1)
let cursor_spalt = virtcol(".")
let springen_nach = matchend(letzte_zeile, "[ \\t]\\+", cursor_spalt)
if springen_nach <= cursor_spalt
"" schon am rechten Rand
return ""
return repeat(" ", 1 + springen_nach - cursor_spalt)
"" }}} Haskell
"" gnuplot {{{
autocmd FileType gnuplot call s:GnuplotMode()
function! s:GnuplotMode()
let &l:makeprg = 'gnuplot ' . expand("%:p")
"" }}}
"" html {{{
autocmd FileType html call s:HtmlMode()
highlight InsertFlag ctermbg=green ctermfg=red guibg=green guifg=red
function! s:HtmlMode()
let b:R = '→++←' " Place Holder
let b:m_InsertFlag = matchadd("InsertFlag", b:R)
noremap <buffer><silent><C-J> <ESC>:call HtmlGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><C-J> <C-R>=HtmlGotoNextMark()<CR>
imap <buffer><F7> <C-R>=HtmlInsert()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><F4> <C-R>=HtmlInsertGeneralFlag()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><F5> <→++←>→++←<ESC>9h:call HtmlGotoNextMark()<CR>
inoremap <buffer><silent><F6> </→++←>→++←<ESC>10h:call HtmlGotoNextMark()<CR>
" Tabelle für <F7>-Insert-Funktion {{{
"" nur für die Ausdrücke mit mehrer "{}"
let s:HtmlInsertTabList = [
\ ["table", "<table →++←>→++←</table>→++←"],
\ ["td", "<td →++←>→++←</td>→++←"],
\ ["tr", "<tr →++←>→++←</tr>→++←"],
\ ["font", "<font →++←>→++←</font>→++←"],
\ ["li", "<li>→++←</li>→++←"],
\ ["ul", "<ul →++←>→++←</ul>→++←"],
\ ["ol", "<ol →++←>→++←</ol>→++←"],
\ ["h1", "<h1>→++←</h1>→++←"],
\ ["h2", "<h2>→++←</h2>→++←"],
\ ["h3", "<h3>→++←</h3>→++←"],
\ ["h4", "<h4>→++←</h4>→++←"],
\ ["h5", "<h5>→++←</h5>→++←"],
\ ["h6", "<h6>→++←</h6>→++←"],
\ ["br", "<br>→++←"],
\ ["hr", "<hr →++←>→++←"],
\ ["p", "<p>→++←</p>→++←"],
\ ["a", "<a →++←>→++←</a>→++←"],
\ ["b", "<b>→++←</b>→++←"],
\ ["i", "<i>→++←</i>→++←"],
\ ["em", "<em>→++←</em>→++←"],
\ ["comment", "<!--→++←-->→++←"],
\ ["body", "<body→++←</body>→++←"],
\ ["head", "<head→++←</head>→++←"],
\ ["html", "<html→++←</html>→++←"],
"" }}}
function! HtmlInsertTabListComplete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{
" prepare the insert table completion for <F7>
let list_ret = []
for [abk, ersatz] in s:HtmlInsertTabList
if stridx(abk, a:ArgLead) == 0
let list_ret += [abk]
return list_ret
endfunction "}}}
function! HtmlInsertGeneralFlag() "{{{
let str = '<'. b:R . '>' . b:R . '</' . b:R . '>'
let text_akt_zeile = getline(".")
let col = col(".")
let text_vor = strpart(text_akt_zeile, 0, col - 1)
let text_nach = strpart(text_akt_zeile, col - 1)
let text_akt_zeile = text_vor . str . text_nach
call setline(".", text_akt_zeile)
call HtmlGotoNextMark()
return ""
endfunction "}}}
function! HtmlInsert() "{{{
let eingabe = input("einzufügen: ","","customlist,HtmlInsertTabListComplete")
for [abk, ersatz] in s:HtmlInsertTabList
if eingabe == abk
let text_akt_zeile = getline(".")
let col = col(".")
let text_vor = strpart(text_akt_zeile, 0, col - 1)
let text_nach = strpart(text_akt_zeile, col - 1)
let text_akt_zeile = text_vor . ersatz . text_nach
call setline(".", text_akt_zeile)
" call append(".", text_akt_zeile)
call HtmlGotoNextMark()
return ""
" echo "Die Abkürzung \"".eingabe."\" ist leider nicht definiert"
return ""
endfunction "}}}
function! HtmlGotoNextMark() " {{{
" if search('<+[^+]*+>') != 0
if search(b:R) != 0
let pos = getpos(".")
let col = pos[2]
let text_akt_zeile = getline(".")
let text_vor = strpart(text_akt_zeile, 0, col - 1)
" lösch 4 zeichen:
let text_nach = strpart(text_akt_zeile, col + len(b:R) - 1)
let text_akt_zeile = text_vor . text_nach
call setline(".", text_akt_zeile)
call setpos(".", pos)
return ""
endfunction " }}}
"" }}}
"" }}} von FileType
"" Kommentar umsetzen {{{
" b:comment_prefix is the variable, contains the comment mark for the current
" language,
" for C++ / java, it is //
" for tex, it is %
" for haskell, it is --
" for perl / sh , it is #
" " default with #
function! Set_default_comment_prefix()
if exists('b:comment_prefix') == 0
let b:comment_prefix='#'
let b:comment_prefix_inregex='#'
" autocmd BufNewFile * call Set_default_comment_prefix()
" autocmd BufNew * call Set_default_comment_prefix()
autocmd BufEnter * call Set_default_comment_prefix()
autocmd BufReadPre * call Set_default_comment_prefix()
" FIXME: b:comment_prefix 可能含转义 !!
autocmd FileType tex let b:comment_prefix='%' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='%'
autocmd FileType matlab let b:comment_prefix='%' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='%'
autocmd FileType vim let b:comment_prefix='"' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='"'
autocmd FileType haskell let b:comment_prefix='--' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='--'
autocmd FileType c let b:comment_prefix='//' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='//'
autocmd FileType cpp let b:comment_prefix='//' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='//'
autocmd FileType dosini let b:comment_prefix=';' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex=';'
autocmd FileType dosbatch let b:comment_prefix='rem' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='rem'
autocmd FileType xdefaults let b:comment_prefix='!' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='!'
autocmd FileType feko let b:comment_prefix='**' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='\*\*'
autocmd FileType mp let b:comment_prefix='%' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='%'
autocmd FileType bib let b:comment_prefix='%' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='%'
autocmd FileType postscr let b:comment_prefix='%' | let b:comment_prefix_inregex='%'
" FIXME: fehler bei wiederhohlen
nmap <silent><C-X>> :call Nmap_line_comment()<CR>
nmap <silent><C-X>< :call Nmap_line_uncomment()<CR>
vmap <silent><C-X>> :call Vmap_block_comment()<CR>
vmap <silent><C-X>< :call Vmap_block_uncomment()<CR>
iabbrev fixme <C-R>=b:comment_prefix<CR> FIXME:
iabbrev todo <C-R>=b:comment_prefix<CR> TODO:
function! Nmap_line_comment()
call Vmap_block_comment()
function! Nmap_line_uncomment()
call Vmap_block_uncomment()
function! Vmap_block_comment()
let pat = '^\(\s*\)'
let sub = '\1'.b:comment_prefix_inregex.' '
"" Extra Leerzeichen ist für die Sprachen wie Haskell,
"" in der '--|' ist ein sonderfall für haddock,
"" so lass es '-- |'
"" aber sollte keine Leerzeichen am Ende einer Zeile bleiben
let line = getline('.')
if len(line) != 0
let line = substitute(line, pat, sub, '')
call setline('.',line)
" else
"" leere Zeile
" call setline('.',b:comment_prefix)
function! Vmap_block_uncomment()
let pat = '^\(\s*\)'.b:comment_prefix_inregex.'\s*'
let sub = '\1'
let line = getline('.')
let line = substitute(line, pat, sub, '')
call setline('.',line)
"" }}}
"" Automatische Ergänzung beim Druck der Retrun-Taste {{{
let g:ExternReturn = 1
if g:ExternReturn != 0
autocmd FileType c inoremap <buffer> <CR> <SPACE><ESC>:call ExtendReturn_c()<CR>a<BS><CR>
autocmd FileType cpp inoremap <buffer> <CR> <SPACE><ESC>:call ExtendReturn_c()<CR>a<BS><CR>
autocmd FileType perl inoremap <buffer> <CR> <SPACE><ESC>:call ExtendReturn_c()<CR>a<BS><CR>
autocmd FileType tex inoremap <buffer> <CR> <SPACE><ESC>:call ExtendReturn_tex()<CR>a<BS><CR>
function! ExtendReturn_c()
if g:ExternReturn != 0
let pos = getpos(".")
let line = getline(".")
if pos[2] == len(line)
if line =~ '{\s*$'
" call append(".", "}")
let recht_klammer = substitute (line, '^\(\s*\).*$', '\1}', '')
call append(".", recht_klammer)
if line =~ '^[\t ][\t ]*$'
call setline(".", "\n")
normal $
function! ExtendReturn_tex()
if g:ExternReturn != 0
let pos = getpos(".")
let line = getline(".")
if pos[2] == len(line)
"" automatisch ergänzen \end{etwas} für \begin{} Befehl in Latex
"if line =~ '\\begin\s*{[^}]\+}\(\s*\[[^]]\+\]\|\s*{[^}]\+}\)*\s*'
if line =~ '\\begin\s*{[^}]\+}\(\s*\[[^]]*\]\|\s*{[^}]*}\)*\s*'
"let end_statement = substitute(line, '^\(\s*\).*\\begin\(\s*\){\([^}]\+\)}\(\s*\[[^]]\+\]\|\s*{[^}]\+}\)*\s*$', '\1\\end\2{\3}', '')
let end_statement = substitute(line, '^\(\s*\).*\\begin\(\s*\){\([^}]\+\)}\(\s*\[[^]]*\]\|\s*{[^}]*}\)*\s*$', '\1\\end\2{\3}', '')
if end_statement != line
let status = append(".", end_statement)
if line =~ '^[\t ][\t ]*$'
call setline(".", "\n")
normal $
"" }}}
"" GUI Change Directory {{{
command! CD call CD()
function! CD()
if strlen(@%) > 0
cd %:h
"" automatisch Arbeitspfade wechseln, bei vim neu starten
if has ("gui_running")
"" }}}
"" toggle qucikfix window {{{
" TODO: a function, that toggle the quickfix window
function! ToggleQuickfix ()
let opened = 0
let buflist = tabpagebuflist()
for bufnum in buflist
if getbufvar(bufnum, '&buftype') == "quickfix"
let opened = 1
if opened == 1
" cwindow
"" }}}
"" match Todo , Fixme .... {{{
function! GrepTodo()
if exists('b:comment_prefix_inregex') == 0
let b:comment_prefix_inregex = ''
let todo_pattern = '\c' . b:comment_prefix_inregex . '\s*' . 'TODO'
let cmd = 'vimgrep /' . todo_pattern . '/g %'
exec cmd
function! GrepFixme()
if exists('b:comment_prefix_inregex') == 0
let b:comment_prefix_inregex = ''
let todo_pattern = '\c' . b:comment_prefix_inregex . '\s*' . 'FIXME'
let cmd = 'vimgrep /' . todo_pattern . '/g %'
exec cmd
nmap <silent><C-X><C-T> :call GrepTodo()<CR>:cwindow<CR>
nmap <silent><C-X><C-F> :call GrepFixme()<CR>:cwindow<CR>
"" }}}
"" metapost
autocmd FileType mp call s:mp_mode()
function s:mp_mode()
setlocal makeprg=mpost\ %
set shiftwidth=2
set tabstop=2
set expandtab
"" Feko {{{
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pre set filetype=feko
autocmd filetype feko call Feko()
function! Feko()
"" Syntax Highlight
set syntax=feko
" if exists("b:current_syntax")
" finish
" endif
syn case ignore
syn match fekoComment '^\*\*.*$'
syn match fekoNumber '\<[+-]\?\d\+\(\.\d\+\)\?\([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?\|\<[+-]\?\.\(\d\+\)\?\([eE][+-]\?\d\+\)\?'
syn region fekoString start=+L\="+ end=+"+
syn match fekoError '^\s\+.*$'
syn match fekoMacro '^!!\s*\w\S\+'
syn match fekoCard '^\w\S'
syn keyword fekoFunction then sin cos tan cot arcsin arccos
\ atan2 arccot sinh cosh tanh besj besy besi
\ besk sqrt log ln exp abs deg rad step ceil
\ floor max min fmod x_coord y_coord z_coord
\ fileread and or not defined
syn match fekoCompare '[<>]=\?\|=\|<>'
syn match fekoVar '#\w\+'
syn match fekoConstant '\#\(pi\|eps0\|mu0\|c0\|zf0\|true\|false\)'
hi def link fekoComment Comment
hi def link fekoString String
hi def link fekoError Error
hi def link fekoNumber Number
hi def link fekoMacro Macro
hi def link fekoCard Statement
hi def link fekoFunction Operator
hi def link fekoCompare Operator
hi def link fekoConstant Constant
hi def link fekoVar Identifier
let b:current_syntax = "feko"
" setlocal makeprg=runfeko\ %\ --run-from-gui
setlocal makeprg=runfeko\ %
let b:current_compiler = "feko"
autocmd filetype qf call HighlightFekoLog()
function! HighlightFekoLog ()
syn case ignore
syn match fekoLogError '^\W*error.*$'
syn match fekoLogWarning '^\W*WARNING.*$'
syn match fekoLogNote '^\W*NOTE.*$'
syn match fekoLogPrint '^\W*PRINT.*$'
hi def link fekoLogError Error
hi def link fekoLogWarning Macro
hi def link fekoLogNote Comment
hi def link fekoLogPrint Comment
"" }}}
"" Hunspell {{{
let g:language = "de_DE"
let g:hunspell_prog = "hunspell"
"" hook the space key and check the word before space
function! Hunspell_Enable ()
if ! exists('b:missspell_id')
let b:missspell_id = []
if ! exists('b:missspell')
let b:missspell = []
inoremap <silent><buffer><SPACE>
\ Hunspell_Cursor(expand("<cword>"))<CR>a<SPACE>
"" stop to hook the space key
function! Hunspell_Disable ()
call Hunspell_Clear()
iunmap <buffer><SPACE>
"" check a word
function! Hunspell_Cursor (word)
if strlen(a:word) == 0
elseif strlen(matchstr(a:word, '^[a-zA-zäöüÄÖÜß]\+$')) == 0
let missspell_word = system('echo ' . a:word . ' | '
\ . g:hunspell_prog\
\ . ' -l -t -d '
\ . g:language)
let missspell_word = s:chomp(missspell_word)
if index(b:missspell, missspell_word) < 0
let pattern = '\<'. missspell_word .'\>'
call add(b:missspell, pattern)
call add(b:missspell_id, matchadd('Error', pattern))
"" check the whole buffer
function! Hunspell_Buffer ()
if exists('b:missspell_id')
call map(b:missspell_id, 'matchdelete(v:val)')
let b:missspell_id = []
let missspell = system('hunspell -l -t -d '
\ . g:language . ' '
\ . expand("%:p"))
let b:missspell = s:unique(split(missspell))
let b:missspell_id = deepcopy(b:missspell)
call map(b:missspell_id, 'matchadd("Error", "\\<".v:val."\\>")')
"" clear the spell errors
function! Hunspell_Clear ()
if exists('b:missspell_id')
call map(b:missspell_id, 'matchdelete(v:val)')
let b:missspell_id = []
if exists('b:missspell')
let b:missspell = []
map <silent><F5> <ESC>:call Hunspell_Buffer()<CR>
map <silent><C-F5> <ESC>:call Hunspell_Clear()<CR>
map <silent><F6> <ESC>:call Hunspell_Enable()<CR>
map <silent><C-F6> <ESC>:call Hunspell_Disable()<CR>
"" }}}
"" Help Functions {{{
function! s:unique (list)
let result = []
for i in a:list
if index(result, i) < 0
call add(result, i)
return result
function! s:chomp (var)
return substitute(a:var, '[\s\r\n]*$', '', '')
"" }}}
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