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Created September 25, 2012 19:03
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Save pablox-cl/3783783 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Wrapper for xmessage to prevent it from run itself if xmonad has compile errors
# Author: Pablo Olmos de Aguilera C. pablo at glatelier dot org
# Little wrapper to prevent xmessage to pop if errors are thrown when
# (re)compiling xmonad. Of course this assumes that you should recompile it from
# the command line.
# Just make sure your $PATH is correctly set, before the original xmessage to
# this code run.
# Acknowledgements:
# * Brandon Allbery for the suggestion (
# * StackOverflow (once again...) for the ideas about how to know if "string contains":
# alternative using regex
if [[ "$3" =~ .*rror\ detected\ while\ loading\ xmonad\ configuration\ file:\
.*xmonad/xmonad.hs.* ]]; then
# another alternative using wildcards
#if [[ "$3" == *.xmonad/xmonad.hs* ]]
exit 0
/usr/bin/xmessage "$@"
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Another nice trick is to use the $TERM variable. It is set to "dumb" whenever xmonad is recompiled using mod + q.
Whenever it is recompiled with xmonad --recompile $TERM will be set to whatever your terminal is, e.g. xterm-256color.

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