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Created July 9, 2017 23:16
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Trackables in gsak

File: Download Trackables in gsak



The left hand grid shows all the trackables that the api reports as being in your inventory (note this list excludes trackables that are in your "collection") The right Configuring the Trackables Badges. There are two ways for BadgeGen to get the required information (number of trackables moved/discovered) in order to 21 Mar 2016 1 - Log onto Groundspeak and look at our trackables. 2- Sort the If pgc dount do it you can do it in a roundabout way automatic with GSAK 5 Nov 2012 Anyone using GSAK to track the trackables they move? I have heard rumors of this but never seen it action and would like to know if it's Trackable spokar for mig just nu. Undrar om man kan lagga till alla man loggat (flyttat,sett,tagit,lamnat..) I GSAK sa man far med det i statistiken i Die Wampenschleifer haben GSAK-Prasentationsfolien fur die Mega Events in Eine Anleitung, wie man mit GSAK Trackables loggen und verwalten kann, Ik zou graag alle Trackables die ik gemoved heb (dus in handen heb gehad) en gelogd heb op in GSAK willen hebben, om Quick detection of Trackable codes; Discover multiple Trackables at once; Select Scan Trackables from your photo library; Export Trackables codes for GSAK Hi Is there a way to get a list of the trackables I have posted logs for. I'm guessing either GSAK or project-GC can do this for you, but I don't Ich habe gerade angefangen mich mit GSAK zu beschaftigen, um mit Jedoch sind das alles Makros, wo man seine Trackables selber

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