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Created September 29, 2012 15:47
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GtkD loader using GetLastError
* This file is part of gtkD.
* gtkD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with
* some exceptions, please read the COPYING file.
* gtkD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with gtkD; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110, USA
module gtkc.Loader;
import tango.stdc.string;
import tango.stdc.stringz;
//For the string alias.
import gtkc.glibtypes;
import std.stdio;
import std.string;
import core.stdc.string;
import std.c.string;
import gtkc.paths;
public struct Linker
private static void*[string] loadedLibraries;
private static string[][string] loadFailures;
* Links the provided symbol
* Params:
* funct = The function we are linking
* symbol = The name of the symbol to link
* libraries = One or more libraries to search for the symbol
public static void link(T)(ref T funct, string symbol, LIBRARY[] libraries ...)
funct = cast(T)getSymbol(symbol, libraries);
* Links the provided symbol
* Params:
* funct = The function we are linking
* symbol = The name of the symbol to link
* libraries = One or more libraries to search for the symbol
public static void link(T)(inout T funct, string symbol, string[] libraries ...)
funct = cast(T)getSymbol(symbol, libraries);
* Gets a simbol from one of the provided libraries
* Params:
* symbol = The name of the symbol to link
* libraries = One or more libraries to search for the symbol
public static void* getSymbol(string symbol, LIBRARY[] libraries ...)
string[] libStr = new string[libraries.length];
foreach (i, library; libraries )
libStr[i] = importLibs[library];
return getSymbol(symbol, libStr);
* Gets a simbol from one of the provided libraries
* Params:
* symbol = The name of the symbol to link
* libraries = One or more libraries to search for the symbol
public static void* getSymbol(string symbol, string[] libraries ...)
void* handle;
foreach ( library; libraries )
if( !(library in loadedLibraries) )
handle = pGetSymbol(loadedLibraries[library], symbol);
if ( handle !is null )
if ( handle is null )
foreach ( library; libraries )
loadFailures[library] ~= symbol;
return handle;
* Loads a library
public static void loadLibrary(string library)
void* handle = pLoadLibrary(libPath ~ library);
if ( handle is null )
throw new Exception(getErrorMessage());
if ( handle is null )
throw new Exception("Library load failed: " ~ library);
loadedLibraries[library] = handle;
* Unload a library
public static void unloadLibrary(LIBRARY library)
unloadLibrary( importLibs[library] );
* Unload a library
public static void unloadLibrary(string library)
* Checks if any symbol failed to load
* Returns: true if ALL symbols are loaded
public static bool isPerfectLoad()
return loadFailures.keys.length == 0;
* Gets all libraries loaded.
* returns: An array with the loaded libraries
public static string[] getLoadLibraries()
return loadedLibraries.keys;
* Print all libraries loaded.
public static void dumpLoadLibraries()
foreach ( lib; getLoadLibraries() )
Stdout.formatln("Loaded lib = {}", lib);
writefln("Loaded lib = %s", lib);
* Checks if a library is loaded.
* Returns: true is the library was loaded sucsessfully.
public static bool isLoaded(LIBRARY library)
return isLoaded(importLibs[library]);
* Checks if a library is loaded.
* Returns: true is the library was loaded sucsessfully.
public static bool isLoaded(string library)
if ( library in loadedLibraries )
return true;
return false;
* Gets all the failed loads for a specific library.
* returns: An array of the names hat failed to load for a specific library
* or null if none was found
public static string[] getLoadFailures(LIBRARY library)
return getLoadFailures(importLibs[library]);
* Gets all the failed loads for a specific library.
* returns: An array of the names hat failed to load for a specific library
* or null if none was found
public static string[] getLoadFailures(string library)
if ( library in loadFailures )
return loadFailures[library];
return null;
* Print all symbols that failed to load
public static void dumpFailedLoads()
foreach ( library; loadedLibraries.keys )
foreach ( symbol; getLoadFailures(library) )
Stdout.formatln("failed ({}) {}", library, symbol);
writefln("failed (%s) %s", library, symbol);
static ~this()
foreach ( library; loadedLibraries.keys )
// Platform specific implementation below.
void* LoadLibraryA(char*);
void* GetProcAddress(void*, char*);
void FreeLibrary(void*);
uint GetLastError();
uint FormatMessageA(uint, void*, uint, uint, char*, uint, void* /* va_list */);
enum MessageFormat
FromSystem = 0x00001000,
ArgumentArray = 0x00002000
enum Lang
Neutral = 0x00
uint errorCode;
void* pLoadLibrary(string libraryName)
void* lib = LoadLibraryA(cast(char*)toStringz(libraryName));
errorCode = GetLastError();
return lib;
void* pGetSymbol(void* handle, string symbol)
return GetProcAddress(handle, cast(char*)toStringz(symbol));
alias FreeLibrary pUnloadLibrary;
string getErrorMessage()
char[] buffer = new char[2048];
FormatMessageA( MessageFormat.FromSystem | MessageFormat.ArgumentArray,
return cast(string)buffer[0 .. strlen(buffer.ptr)];
void* dlopen(char*, int);
char* dlerror();
void* dlsym(void*,char*);
int dlclose(void*);
enum RTLD
LAZY = 0x00001, // Lazy function call binding
NOW = 0x00002, // Immediate function call binding
NOLOAD = 0x00004, // No object load
DEEPBIND = 0x00008, //
GLOBAL = 0x00100 // Make object available to whole program
private void* pLoadLibrary(string libraryName, RTLD flag = RTLD.NOW)
void* handle = dlopen(cast(char*)toStringz(libraryName), flag);
// clear the error buffer
return handle;
private void* pGetSymbol(void* libraryHandle, string symbol)
void* symbolHandle = dlsym(libraryHandle, cast(char*)toStringz(symbol));
// clear the error buffer
return symbolHandle;
private int pUnloadLibrary(void* libraryHandle)
return dlclose(libraryHandle);
version(build) version(linux)
pragma(link, "dl"); // tell dsss to link libdl
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