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Created October 4, 2012 03:18
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OpenID Connect Interop OC4 RP Tests

OpenID Connect InteropでRPが実施すべきテスト一覧を残しておく。

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When you issue the authorization request specify for instance scope="openid email". To verify that the OP acted on the scope specification you have to do a Userinfo request and check that there it contains email and email_verified claims.

  • リクエストでscope=openid emailを指定
  • UserInfoレスポンスでemail, verifiedが返ってくることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When you issue the authorization request you must create a request object containing for instance {"claims": {"name": {"essential": True}}} . To verify that the OP acted on the claims specification you have to do a Userinfo request and check that there it contains a name claim.

  • {"claims": {"name": {"essential": True}}} を含むOpenID Request Objectを指定
  • UserInfoレスポンスでname属性が入っているかを確認

Use the OpenID Provider endpoint and ask for the Provider information. You should get an JSON object back.

Use the principal and try to find the OpenID provider endpoint. The result should be

Use as principal and look for the OpenID Provider Endpoint. The result should be .

Send a registration request type=client_associate to the registration endpoint https://localhost:8088/registration. You should get a response of the format {"client_secret": "d30bc6c78f7bff81321b2f3b8d9a1a2c88fe52b419ec32df22d78358", "client_id": "ofxGABZSnW9W", "expires_at": 1348127913}

  • type=client_associateをregistration endpoint https://localhost:8088/registration に送る
  • client_id, client_secretなどを含んだJSONエンドポイントが返されることを確認する

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When you do the authorization request use the username/password combination babs/howes. The result of the succeeding Userinfo request should contain aggregated claims.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • babs/howesを用いてログインし、UserinfoにAggregated Claimsが含まれることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When you do the authorization request use the username/password combination upper/crust. The result of the succeeding Userinfo request should contain distributed claims.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • upper/crustを用いてログインし、UserinfoにDistributed Claimsが含まれることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. Use response_type="id_token token" when doing the authorization request. The Username/password to use are diana/krall . A successful authentication should return a access_token together with an id_token containing a at_hash claim.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • response_type="id_token token"のリクエストを送る
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、Access Tokenとそのハッシュ値を含むID Tokenが返されることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. Use response_type="code id_token" when doing the authorization request. The Username/password to use are diana/krall . A successful authentication should return a id_token containing a c_hash claim.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • response_type="code id_token"のリクエストを送る
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、Authorization Codeとそのハッシュ値を含むID Tokenが返されることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. In order to do this type of authentication you need a client_secret the only way you can get it with this setup is to do a client registration. Once you have done that will have to authenticate before doing the access token request. So an authorization request with response_type="code" is necessary. The username/password use for the login is diana/krall. The response to the access token request should be a JSON structure containing among other things an access_token.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • response_type=codeでAuthorization Code取得。
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、Basic認証にてAccess Token Requestを送る
  • レスポンスが返ってくることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. In order to do this type of authentication you need a client_secret the only way you can get it with this setup is to do a client registration. Once you have done that will have to authenticate before doing the access token request. So an authorization request with response_type="code" is necessary. The username/password use for the login is diana/krall. The response to the access token request should be a JSON structure containing among other things an access_token.

  • response_type=codeでAuthorization Code取得。
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、POSTリクエストにてAccess Token Requestを送る
  • レスポンスが返ってくることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When you register the client you have to publish where the OP can find your RPs key/-s. You can do this either by using 'jwk_url' or 'x509_url'. Once you have done that will have to authenticate before doing the access token request. So an authorization request with response_type="code" is necessary. The username/password use for the login is diana/krall. The response to the access token request should be a JSON structure containing among other things an access_token.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • 登録時に'jwk_url' か 'x509_url'を指定する。
  • response_type=codeでAuthorization Code取得。
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、x509_urlを用いたJWTリクエストにてAccess Token Requestを送る
  • レスポンスが返ってくることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. In order to do this type of authentication you need a client_secret the only way you can get it with this setup is to do a client registration. Once you have done that will have to authenticate before doing the access token request. So an authorization request with response_type="code" is necessary. The username/password use for the login is diana/krall. The response to the access token request should be a JSON structure containing among other things an access_token.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • response_type=codeでAuthorization Code取得。
  • diana/krallを用いてログインし、client_secretを用いたJWTリクエストにてAccess Token Requestを送る
  • レスポンスが返ってくることを確認

Use the OP . This OP supports provider info discovery and client registration. When registering the RP register an userinfo_signed_response_alg. This will make to OP return the user info as a signed JWT as long as the algorithm are supported by the OP.

  • にDiscovery&Client Registration
  • 登録時にuserinfo_signed_response_algを指定する
  • UserInfoレスポンスがJWT形式になっていることを確認する
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