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Created October 7, 2012 04:59
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javascript mixins
var foo = {
doSomething: function(){
// ...
var bar = {};
bar.doSomething = foo.doSomething;
var foo = {
baz: function(){
// ...
config: [ ... ]
var bar = {
config: { ... }
// ECMAScript "bind"
bar.baz = foo.baz.bind(foo);
// Undescore "bind"
bar.baz = _.bind(foo.baz, foo);
// ... many more options
Marionette.addEventBinder = function(target){
// create the "source" of the functionality i need
var eventBinder = new Marionette.EventBinder();
// add the methods i need to the target object, binding them correctly
target.bindTo = _.bind(eventBinder.bindTo, eventBinder);
target.unbindFrom = _.bind(eventBinder.unbindFrom, eventBinder);
target.unbindAll = _.bind(eventBinder.unbindAll, eventBinder);
// use the mixin method
var myApp = new Marionette.Application();
// build a mixin function to take a target that receives the mixin,
// a source that is the mixin, and a list of methods / attributes to
// copy over to the target
function mixInto(target, source, methodNames){
// ignore the actual args list and build from arguments so we can
// be sure to get all of the method names
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
target = args.shift();
source = args.shift();
methodNames = args;
var method;
var length = methodNames.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
method = methodNames[i];
// bind the function from the source and assign the
// bound function to the target
target[method] = _.bind(source[method], source);
// make use of the mixin function
var myApp = new Marionette.Application();
mixInto(myApp, Marionette.EventBinder, "bindTo", "unbindFrom", "unbindAll");
// build a mixin function to take a target that receives the mixin,
// a source that is the mixin, and a list of methods / attributes to
// copy over to the target
function mixInto(target, source, methodNames){
// ignore the actual args list and build from arguments so we can
// be sure to get all of the method names
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments);
target = args.shift();
source = args.shift();
methodNames = args;
var method;
var length = methodNames.length;
for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){
method = methodNames[i];
// build a function with a closure around the source
// and forward the method call to the source, passing
// along the method parameters and setting the context
target[method] = function(){
var args = Array.prototype.slice(arguments);
source[method].apply(source, args);
// make use of the mixin function
var myApp = new Marionette.Application();
mixInto(myApp, Marionette.EventBinder, "bindTo", "unbindFrom", "unbindAll");
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