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Created October 8, 2012 06:23
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Emberjs Sample
window.Todos = Ember.Application.create();
Todos.Todo = Ember.Object.extend({
title: null,
isDone: false
Todos.todosController = Ember.ArrayController.create({
createTodo: function(title){
var todo = Todos.Todo.create({ title: title });
remaining: function() {
return this.filterProperty('isDone', false).get('length');
clearCompletedTodos: function() {
this.filterProperty('isDone', true).forEach(this.removeObject, this);
allAreDone: function(key, value) {
if (value !== undefined) {
this.setEach('isDone', value);
return value;
} else {
return !!this.get('length') && this.everyProperty('isDone', true);
Todos.CreateTodoView = Ember.TextField.extend({
insertNewline: function() {
var value = this.get('value');
if (value) {
this.set('value', '');
Todos.StatsView = Ember.View.extend({
remainingBinding: 'Todos.todosController.remaining',
remainingString: function(){
var remaining = this.get('remaining');
return remaining + (remaining == 1 ? " item" : " items");
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{{view Todos.CreateTodoView id="new-todo"
placeholder="What needs to be done?"}}
{{#view Todos.StatsView id="stats"}}
{{#view Ember.Button classBinding="isActive"
Clear Completed Todos
{{view.remainingString}} remaining
{{view Ember.Checkbox class="mark-all-done"
title="Mark All as Done"
{{#collection contentBinding="Todos.todosController" tagName="ul" itemClassNameBinding="view.content.isDone"}}
{{view Ember.Checkbox checkedBinding="view.content.isDone"}}
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