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Created October 12, 2012 16:09
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Elefant CMS - Browse form submissions
<p><a href="/form/new=entry">{" All forms "}</a> | <a href="/form/export?id={{ id }}">{" Export results (CSV) "}</a></p>
{% if offset > 0 %}
<p class="previous"><a href="/form/results?id={{ id }}&offset={{ prev }}">&laquo; {"Previous"}</a></p>
{% end %}
<table width="100%">
<th width="10%">{" Submitted "}</th>
<th width="10%">{" IP Address "}</th>
{% foreach labels %}
<th width="10%">{{ loop_value }}</th>
{% end %}
<th width="10%">&nbsp;</th>
{% for row in results %}
<td>{{ row->ts|date ('F j, Y - g:ia', strtotime (%s)) }}</td>
<td>{{ row->ip }}</td>
{% for field, name in labels %}
<td>{{ row->{$data->field} }}</td>
{% end %}
<td><a href="/form/result?id={{ row->id }}" title="{" Show all details "}">{" Details "}</a></td>
{% end %}
{% if more %}
<p class="next"><a href="/form/results?id={{ id }}&offset={{ next }}">{"Next"} &raquo;</a></p>
{% end %}
* Browse a list of results for a specific form.
// Set this to the ID of the form
$form_id = 1;
// Set this to the number of results per page
$limit = 20;
// The offset of results
$_GET['offset'] = (isset ($_GET['offset'])) ? $_GET['offset'] : 0;
// Fetch the form info
$form = new form\Form ($form_id);
// Fetch the results
$res = form\Results::query ()
->where ('form_id', $form_id)
->order ('ts desc')
->fetch ($limit, $_GET['offset']);
// Check if there are any results
if (! $res) {
$page->title = i18n_get ('No results found.');
printf ('<p><a href="/">%s</a></p>', i18n_get ('Home'));
// Count all the results
$count = form\Results::query ()
->where ('form_id', $form_id)
->count ();
// Set the page title
$page->title = i18n_get ('Browsing Results') . ': ' . $form->title;
// Get the form labels
$labels = $form->labels ();
// Normalize the fields for output
$fields = array_keys ($labels);
foreach ($res as $key => $row) {
// Unserialize the form data
$result = $row->results;
// Loop through fields and normalize
foreach ($fields as $field) {
if (! isset ($result->{$field})) {
$result->{$field} = '';
} elseif (is_array ($result->{$field})) {
$result->{$field} = join (', ', $result->{$field});
// Add the ID, IP and submission date back in
$result->id = $row->id;
$result->ip = $row->ip;
$result->submitted = $row->ts;
// Replace the original result
$res[$key] = $result;
// Render the output
echo $tpl->render ('form/listresults', array (
'id' => $form_id,
'results' => $res,
'labels' => $labels,
// These are for the pager
'count' => $count,
'offset' => $_GET['offset'],
'more' => ($count > $_GET['offset'] + $limit) ? true : false,
'prev' => $_GET['offset'] - $limit,
'next' => $_GET['offset'] + $limit
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