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Created October 13, 2012 19:37
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How to build simh on Windows with networking/threads

How to build simh on Windows with networking/threads

Obtain simh source code:

(I used version 3.9.0)

Extract sources. Create a new folder as a sibling of the inner source folder, named "windows-build" (for more details of required folder layout, see

Obtain WinPCap developer's pack:

(I used version 4.1.2)

Extract the distribution zip and move the folder WpdPack into a new folder "winpcap" in the "windows-build" folder.

Obtain Posix threads for Windows:

(I used version 2.9.1 release ZIP)

Extract the ZIP. Locate the pthreads.2 folder, rename it to "pthreads", and move it into the "windows-build" folder.

Install Visual Studio Express IDE.

I used Visual C++ 2010 Express, via


Open any of the architecture projects in the Visual Studio Projects folder.

  • Visual Studio will ask to convert the projects. You don't need to keep backup of the old project. This will take a few minutes.
  • Right click on "Solution 'Simh'" in Solution Explorer sidebar. Choose Configuration Manager.
  • Check the architectures you want to build and decide between Debug/Release.
  • Use one of the Build/Rebuild functions in the right-click menu or hit F7.
  • If the build succeeds, your binaries will be found in the simh source folder, \BIN\NT\Win32-Debug or Release.
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