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Created October 15, 2012 08:24
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note on currying...
;;;;;From solutions/continuation-passing.clj - ex 2:
;; By the way, the decomposition of '(a b c) is closer to the real
;; definition of currying, which (in its technical rather than
;; colloquial sense) is about representing a function with multiple
;; arguments as multiple composed functions with one argument. In some
;; functional languages, notably Haskell, all functions are
;; curried. That is, if you had a function `plus` that added two
;; arguments, it's *really* a function that takes one argument and
;; yields a function that takes one argument. Here's an example:
;; This defines the function `plus`:
;; Prelude> let plus a b = a + b
;; It can take two arguments:
;; Prelude> plus 1 2
;; 3
;; You don't have to use something like `partial` to make a one-argument
;; incrementor. Instead, `plus` with one argument *is* a one argument
;; function:
;; Prelude> let increment = plus 1
;; Prelude> increment 300
;; 301
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