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Чародейский кристалл 3.3 5 где взять

Чародейский кристалл 3.3 5 где взять

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Чародейный кристалл
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Wowhead Client клиент Wowhead — небольшое приложение, с помощью которого вы можете обновить данные на сайте, а так же воспользоваться дополнительными возможностями! Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Комментарии Комментарий от Viollent лучше всегО фармиться в ЗГ на территории босса http: Комментарий от VSAR1SK Жилы в ЗГ, по всей видимости, понерфлены. Сегодня нашел только одну! Комментарий от Plitnik Для эксперимента по просеиванию Тория собрал руды, результат: Опал ; Азеротский алмаз - 8; Звездный рубин - 5; Сапфир - 13; Огромный изумруд - Чародейный кристал увы не просеивается, хотя хотел именно его насеять. Чародейный кристал при фарме Тория валиться примерно Комментарий от smerchik15 как по мне, так лучшее место - winterspring то бишь зимние ключи по нашему. Комментарий от pascal88 Фармил альтом в силитусе, сделал всего 3 круга через раз заходя в ульи. К концу третьего круга Gatherer уже сформировал по контуру локации забавную рамку: Итог - кусков руды и примерно столько же камней. Довольно часто прокал бонус от гильдии, так что, если у Вас его нет - собрано наверняка будет меньше. Кристаллов накопал всего Сегодня ночью на АХ видел цену на полный стак камней Как-то уж совсем неадекватно. Комментарий от Feotlas за полный круг облета в зоне Болото печали Собрано: Комментарий от Rightesnous Фарм Чародейный кристалл доставил мне хлопот, я прочёл множество комментариев, сделал несколько проб и исследований которыми поделюсь с Вами. Обратите внимание, что Чародейный кристалл невозможно добыть просеиванием! Я выяснил, что выгоднее всего фармить Чародейный кристалл в Силитус. Самый большой шанс дропа Чародейный кристалл из Богатая ториевая жила. Локация содержащая самое большое кол-во спавна Богатая ториевая жила - это несомненно Зимние Ключи , но из-за ландшафтных особенностей локации фарм становиться утомительным, а ля весёлые горки. Ландшафт локации представляет собой плато, что не вызывает лишних движений мышкой: Руда расположена по краю локации, что облегчает фарм - мы просто летаем по кругу. Это напоминает фарм Саронитовая руда в Низине Шолозар. Добраться до Силитуса сейчас легко: Либо вылетев из Даларана в Низину Шолозар и пройти при наличии выполненного квеста Этимидиан сквозь Связующую спираль Комментарий от elskerinnee подтверждаю - лучший фарм Чародейный кристалл в Силитусе. В Унгоро практически не дропается - за полчаса 1 камень. Комментарий от Neman Полетал ночью в Силитус , с конкурентами и без. Чародейный кристалл - 60 шт. Звездный рубин - 26 шт. Синий сапфир - 20 шт. Азеротский алмаз - 14 шт. Черный купорос - 12 шт. Огромный изумруд - 11 шт. Большой опал - 10 шт. Ториевая руда - шт. Массивный камень даже не считал - выкидывал стаками после заполнения сумок: Параллельно нафармил х Руда истинного серебра. Комментарий от Selesstra в дреноре все печально Зимние Ключи , по кругу без пещер, 2 часа 40 минут. В итоге имеем Чародейный кристалл - 36 шт. Массивный камень - шт. Звездный рубин - 18 шт. Азеротский алмаз - 15 шт. Черный купорос - 15 шт. Синий сапфир - 14 шт. Огромный изумруд - 12 шт. Большой опал - 9 шт. Комментарий от SolarCat Краткий отчет по фарму в Силитусе по кругу: Ториевая руда - Чародейный кристалл - 38 ну и всякая несущественная мелочь типа камней и прочего. Комментарий от Nagibatarr Легко фармится в Силитусе с Ториевых жил за 1 заход по кругу у меня выходило камня. Комментарий от Kartoxa Патч 7. Ториевая руда - штук Чародейный кристалл - 10 штук Массивный камень - штука Различных драгоценных камней - 17 штук Круг в среднем занимает минут если лететь чисто по поверхности, не залетая в норы. Комментарии Комментарий от Nathaniel Anyone know the best place to look for these? Комментарий от rlyeh There is discussion about if this item can be mined from small thorium vein under the arcanite item on this site. The other WoW data collection sites show over , hits for small thorium vein and not one arcane crystal mined. Has anyone mined an arcane crystal from a small thorium vein? Комментарий от Maed No, it only comes from Rich Thorium Veins. Theres 4 Nodes, and 1 that spawns every minutes from those Nodes. Комментарий от enasima Just looted one of these off an Adamantite vein in Zangarmarsh. After trying all of those, I came across the following screenshot from a friend: From that map, you can plan a route to go across all of the spawns. I can also verify that the majority of those spawns are correct and accurate. It took me a while, but on average, an hour of farming this veins usually yielded at least 1 Arcane Crystal. I think I ended up physically mining around 70 of my required for Thunderfury, and buying the rest. Mining in EPL was and probably still is the best way of obtaining lots of these crystals, and one would suspect that Jewelcrafting will probably need them in TBC. Комментарий от plum Yes, it can be mined from small thorium veins. I did it today in Silithus. Комментарий от joshka i have never heard of anyone getting arcanite crystals from small thorium veins. Комментарий от Vexed99 These can only be obtained from Rich Thorium Veins. Good places to look would be. Комментарий от jmills In addition to mining these can come from Yellow Sacks of Gems http: Комментарий от akirabrewer hard to get i can never mine these out. Комментарий от Deja Start holding on to your arcane crystals! In TBC they can be turned into an important and expensive enchanting material. They are also used for some great blacksmithing recipes in expansion. Комментарий от Cataclysma If you are a rogue you can farm a lot these out of Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Veins located within the 3 hives in Silithus. In most cases you will only need to take care of one elite bug in order to mine them. Комментарий от Aily Got two of these today in a small thorium vein in silithus, I have no idea if it has something to do with the 2. Комментарий от SeriusJones Found one first swing of my first vein. Blizz upped the loot rate in 2. Комментарий от Maed As of 2. Комментарий от redaxe I have been mining these in Burning Steppes, Winterspring and Ungoro for some time now. Burning Steppes has the added benefit of a lot of Dark Iron Ore nodes that also pop up. DI Ore sells well on the AH and also has a chance of a Blood of the Mountain dropping. The key is picking times of the day when there are not many farmers about. Some times and with a bit of luck I could get crystals per hour when there was no competition for the nodes. Комментарий от Farmbuyer I hate these crystals. Комментарий от Jakobud I know some tricks a gold-farmer taught me that allows me to mine about 5 or 6 Arcane Crystals per hour in Silithus easily. Комментарий от Zandir Anyone know if these are used by jewelcrafters at all? Комментарий от Zhanghia These do, in fact, drop off of Rich Adamantite Veins. Not sure if it drops off of any other but I can verify the RAV. Комментарий от GarroteWire Just got one from a Smal Thorium in Hinterlands. All in about hours. Комментарий от Pegster I noticed that noone has mentioned Azshara yet. Комментарий от Shivacode Sadly, these are almost worthless now. Meanwhile, thorium bars are up to ridiculous prices. Комментарий от cybele7 So far every one has talked about where you can get them but not where to use them.. Комментарий от littlidabbi They can be turned into 3 Arcane Dusts now. Комментарий от Kryzack I am stating for the record as of now that Arcane crystals CAN BE FOUND in SMALL THORIUM VEINS!! Комментарий от Krynoraxian An interesting note: Due to the increased drop rate of arcane crystals in all thorium veins. For a very short time Arcanite Keys can be a good substitute for Imperial Plate bracers for getting some skill up. Thorium Bar x1 Arcane Crystal x1 Arcanite Key x2 is: Arcanite Bar x1 Dense Grinding Stone x1 4 Dense Stone This compared to Комментарий от hypoharry Got it from a small thorium vein last night in winterpsring. Комментарий от nassy These are no longer worth anything as much as they use to be worth. Sometimes these wont even sell at the Auction House. Комментарий от Druidus At my server darkmoon faire they go for 15g each. They are used for Transmute: Комментарий от nikkaplz These are of a very low drop rate and sell in AH for 30 gold on my server i am in the process of farming the 80 more that i currently need for thunderfury. First after 1 hour. Комментарий от Vadox As of patch 3. The sad thing is that now in BC and WotLK the recipes still need this for arcanite espicially engineering and these crystals are really rare. I have now mined about 45 total deposits and I have seen this drop twice. Комментарий от direwolfz The reason for high prices in AH, is that it cannot be adquired via Prospecting , like other same-level gems. Комментарий от Zetpower Lol Arcane crystal http: About 4 in the span of a day. It was out in Sithilus. Комментарий от Thalassicus On Alliance-side Kirin Tor, these now sell for 1g, or about the same as two bronze bars. Oh, how times have changed! I went here to farm Thorium Ore and in an hour and a half i had about Thorium Ore as well as 6 arcane crystals. Комментарий от xxxstonie Plp. These are used in Transmuting Arcanite Bar Трансмутация: The absolutely best place to farm these in my opinion is simply silithus. Seriously, it was ridiculous amount of thorium veins, especially in The Crystal Vale, northwest silithus. P I hope this helps! Комментарий от timbazi ulletuss 8 25 days ago Patch 4. Комментарий от timbazi 50 minutes of running circles, mining thorium deposits close the mountains in Silithus got me 7 Arcane Crystals. Комментарий от Torzule Arcane Crystals are RANDOM drops from mining thorium. There is no "best" place to farm them. However, as it is now possible to fly in old Azeroth Silithus is, in my opinion, the better place to farm these. In four runs around the edge of the zone I was able to mine 20 Arcane Crystals 5, 5, 4, 6. Комментарий от Phaust A single hour of farming through Winterspring with what seemed to be no competition gave me: I also noticed that in Winterspring the Crystals seemed to drop equally if not slightly more off of Small Thorium veins as opposed to Rich which are prevalent in the zone as well. Комментарий от Norlando Did they change the drop rate on these? Now, I go around 3 or 4 times and end up with 1 or 2. Комментарий от hardrooky silithus. Комментарий от Bowserkills7 I found some sitting on the AH rather cheaply. Just keep an eye out. Got about 30 for g, which saved me about 2. Also, UnGoro Crater dropped like, 3 Crystals in an hour for me. Not the best place to go. Prices may vary per server and they largely do. Also note that your luck may vary in acquiring arcane crystals as its mostly RNG, but this should give you the idea for the potential of doing this. Комментарий от BracMagus These are used for which are a reagent for it is a list. Dear Blizzard, prospecting please please. Комментарий от wizardcho I farming Thorium veins in Silithus for 1 hour i got: Hopefully someone found this helpful. Комментарий от Netspook I need of these, total, for legendary weapon quest. Been mining in Winterspring for roughly 2 hours. Almost thorium ores, and only 11 crystals so far. Anachronos is a fairly low pop server, and these are rarely at the AH ally side. Meh, the greed knows no limits, appearently. Ok, Silithus is definitively better. It took "only" 4. A round takes maybe 10 mins, and the nodes ahead of you will always respawn between each round. Compared to Winterspring, you avoid obstacles likes trees, since the nodes are in open terrain. I do not recommend entering hives to farm, it will increase the time spent between each node. Комментарий от Starnibbe Can a Jewelcrafters Prospect these from Thorium Ores? Комментарий от Sykoo 1 pass around Silithus I got 4 Arcane Crystals. At this rate I should have the 50 in no time at all. Комментарий от athena42 IF YOU ARE FARMING FOR THUNDERFURY Make sure you get 80 of these then find a transmute master. Generally out of 20 you will end up with more of these items using the transmute master. Sometimes significantly more sometimes not. But 80 should be just fine to reach your amount. Farming- All previously mentioned farming spots will work. For Cata and you can expect MoP farming of arcante bars, Silithus farming without going into the bug holes will be your best bet. Take the opportunity to use the thoruim ore for prospecting items and sell them for profit on the AH. I expect it will be a mix of the two. If you get incredibly bored with this hop over to Ungoro for a couple circuits and then head back to silithus farming. If you fly extremely fast but have slow loading sometimes you will pass the item before it has the opportunity to spawn on your screen. Last but not least Instantly mounting provides an incredible advantage to time and may not seem like a big deal for 5 minutes of farming but for hours of farming you can complete 10 times more. Комментарий от Aurakka So after months of farming I finally got my second binding and started to farm these up over the course of a day or so. Doing circles of Silithus along the mountain line is by far the fastest way to get these. After about hours of farming I ended up with the following: Thorium Ore - Dense Stone - Truesilver Ore - 84 Arcane Crystal - 71 A guildie had some on an alt that I nabbed: P Aquamarine - 2 Azerothian Diamond - 16 Jade - 2 Large Opal - 6 Star Ruby - 13 Blue Sapphire - 9 Huge Emerald - 7 But my Thunderfury is now complete! Good Luck to everyone else on theirs! Thorium Ore x Star Ruby x 4 Azerothian Diamond x 7 Huge Emerald x 2 Black Vitriol x 2 Large Opal x 4 Blue Sapphire x 5 Star ruby x 5 Arcane Crystal x 20 Let transmute specc alchemist transmute your crystals into bars for extra arcanite bar procc. Комментарий от tstockdill Did 2 full circuits around the outer edge of Silithus. Total time was maybe 20 minutes, probably less. Комментарий от Railguy Best place to farm is Swamp of Sorrows. Follow the edge around with ore tracking on. When you reach the cave go in and collect what is in there. Usually there are nodes up. Then fly directly across to the west of Bogpaddle and start following the edge to the west. Go around the edge of misty valley and continue. Alliance should have no problem, Horde, you will be flying over The Harborage, which is a Draenei town. You will also pick up truesilver on the way, which is a plus. Комментарий от George14 The Arcane Crystal icon has been changed to the silver coin icon. Комментарий от Dimenz just bought a crap load of Ториевая руда then read the first coment saying you cant them through prospecting Комментарий от WaywardHero Silithus remains my favorite place to farm this material. Rich Thorium Veins are plentiful. This is partly why i prefer farming in Silithus as opposed to other zones. With a hearth set to Dalaran, or one of the Shrines, which offer a free port to Dalaran the Caverns of Time are a free portal away. None of this extra information will get you any extra crystals, but hopefully it can break up the monotony of your gathering sessions. I also managed to farm nearly truesilver ore in the process. Комментарий от Resented With the advent of cross-realm zones, farming these will once again become tedious and even more horribly time-consuming. Blasted Lands too much of a battleground? Go to Swamp of Sorrows. My experience is that of having the entire zone to myself. Yes, there are far fewer nodes than Silithus and etc. Комментарий от jamesoliff My advise to anyone who needs arcanite bars since 5. Any overflow you get can be the tip, they sell for about g each on my server the crystals about 50g. Комментарий от Khanor A word of advice to those who need these for Thunderfury: Frequently, people just complete their run, meaning Rag is dead when you get the quest to kill him. Комментарий от longslowgoodbye From a lowpopulated server competing with miningfarmers from other highpopulated servers is no fun, the crystals arent ending up on MY auction house Комментарий от TheZoog For alliance, port to Uldum, fly over the mountains to Ungoro and do the ring. If there is too much competition, fly over the mountains to Silithus and again, do the perimeter ring. If there is competition there, my preferred zone is WINTERSPRING, because there is twice as many nodes as the other zones and almost zero competition. Do the perimeter in WS, but also zig-zag into the interior because there are just as many nodes in the middle of the zone as on the exterior. I assume you are mining Arcane Crystal for Thunderfury. If so, then by all means check the AH in Everlook, where I bought 6 Arcane Crystal for 5g. Комментарий от punkisdead Be careful when you are farming this! I spent 5 hours PURE HAND mining and get banned by bliz: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software Always take 15 mins break! Комментарий от Malificus After farming Thorium ore in Winterspring I got 28 Arcane Crystals. This is about 1 per 20 stack of ore. Nodes are close and heavily concentrated in Winterspring Комментарий от Aussiegnome8 I found I had better luck getting Arcane Crystals in Winterspring rather than Silithus for some reason. I have no suitable explanation, just that I only had Arcane crystals drop while mining in Winterspring, whereas in Silithus I would get the whole range of gems: Huge Emerald, Blue Sapphire, Azerothian Diamond, Large Opal, Star Ruby, Black Vitriol and of course Arcane Crystals. Weird, to be honest. Комментарий от Volleynova Arcane Crystals always brought a smile to my face when Winterspring Frostsaber farming in If I list 20, one person will buy them all. I could probably charge more. But, yeah, 18g is far less than the AH sell price Комментарий от Rahaf My experience , I have been farming for almost 2hr and 20 mins and got only 9! However I have notice that only after I got like ores in my bag they began to show up. After 35 miinutes of farming, Thorium Ore, 5 Mithril Ore, 3 Truesilver Ore, 2 Black Vitrol, 4 Azerothian Diamonds, 1 Blue Sapphire, 1 Huge Emerald, and 6 Arcane Crystals. It could be in the next node you mine. Good luck and happy farming! In that time, I scores 5 Чародейный кристалл s Not quite the luck acquired by Acann, but still felt worth the trip since it took no time to get there using Пространственный проходчик - Круговзор. Blizzard sure seems to have a knack for taking the most sought after items in the game and making sure they remain the most sought after items in the game Комментарий от weekenthe9 Just confirmed these do drop along with thorium nuggets from small thorium vein, when your mining skill is insufficient The drop rate seems to be well adjusted. Overall, you would have approximately the same ore-to-crystal ratio. Since mining nuggets is so much slower, you would only get around 3 arcane crystals per hour of labor. Комментарий от myrodor Just spent one hour farming Arcane crystal that drops from Thorium veins in Winterspring. Anyway i just thought i should mention this, thought it might be helpful. Good Luck with your farming. Комментарий от Becmar I was farming in Silithus I was able to get 15 Чародейный кристалл , a few green gems, Ториевая руда and Массивный камень. I have tried out some other location to mine Чародейный кристалл , yet Silithus is definitely the best location to farm Чародейный кристалл. Due to Cross Realm, I was disturbed by two other players that also were farming the ores. Комментарий от mickiwow Today spent time farming for Arcane Crystal in Winterspring and Silithus. Thorium Ore, Dense Stone, Truesilver Ore, 22 Arcane Crystal, 5 Huge Emerald, 2 Black Vitriol, 1 Large Opal, 1 Blue Sapphire, 1 Star Ruby, 1 Silithus farming, about 30 minutes: Thorium Ore, Dense Stone, Truesilver Ore, 4 Arcane Crystal, 5 Huge Emerald, 2 Star Ruby, 3 Could be luck, but for this run it looks like I got a much higher ratio of Arcane Crystals to Thorium Ore in Silithus in a much shorter period of time. Комментарий от essmene Please take all information on this page with a grain of salt. They seem to have changed over time. First what do I need Чародейный кристалл for? The two most famous items will be the BWL, Molten Core legendaries Сульфурас, Рука Рагнароса and Громовая Ярость, благословенный клинок Искателя Ветра. Less obvious are rare crafting patterns from Molten core. For example Снайперская винтовка Недр , Реактивный диск or Арканитовый жнец. How many do I need? One Чародейный кристалл per Арканитовый слиток. Transmute Specialisation works, so you might get extra procs x2 up to 5x. Сульфурас, Рука Рагнароса needs Сульфуронский молот , that needs 50 Арканитовый слиток , Сульфуронский слиток the extra as tip for the friendly blacksmith crafting and 10x Кровь Горы listing only the rare ingredients. So you need 50x Чародейный кристалл. While farming those you will get more than enough Ториевая руда. Громовая Ярость, благословенный клинок Искателя Ветра needs 10x Зачарованный элементиевый слиток , which need 10x Арканитовый слиток each to a total of x Арканитовый слиток , x Чародейный кристалл. Where to get Чародейный кристалл? Obviously from the AH. Second from Thorium nodes. They cannot be prospected. Lastly in BWL from Желтый мешочек с самоцветами , but that does not supply nearly enough gems. For mining there are 3x possible areas. Un-Gore cratar, Winterspring and Silithus. My experience so far is that I get crystals for a full round, in either area. You can also refer to Mining for Ores, Gems and Stones. Even though it lists only Silithus. You can use realm transfer for more nodes. During my times I was hardly competing with other miners. If you have time and found this information helpful please take notes during your next farming sessions. Take note how long you farmed, server hoped and what your returns were. My impression is that they will be far lower than in previous expansions. Please leave a comment with the numbers. Комментарий от BurneRambo From 2 circles around each Wintergrasp and Silithus i have acquired a small data for you guys to interpret. I would suggest using Silithus as your farming zone for arcanite crystal for the simple reasons that no one goes there, the map is more Manageable and mines are easier to spot. Комментарий от Tantrevalles OK, folks. Mining the crystals is going to take time. There is no shortcut. But now that I have mined up the last of any such crystals I hope to see again in my WoW lifetime, I shall tell you my secret. On my particular route they come up at an average rate and I do mean average rate of 10 per hour. Other hours, 6 or 7. As an added Special Happy Fun Time Bonus, this route takes you directly past the spawn points of 6 separate rares. GET THEE TO THE SWAMP OF SORROWS. Follow my instructions completely. Here is your natural stopping place at the end of each run. Here you will give yourself 15 or 20 seconds to sell trash to a vendor, but mostly to give nodes a chance to spawn again. A few seconds of efficiency gets you more nodes each run, which cuts down on your farming time. Look on your map, specifically at the lower, right-hand corner, where there are some buildings and the mountain range meets the sea. Do not fly straight there as an arrow would. Instead, flying low to the ground, take the coastal route. You have my permission to bypass the coast of the bay wherein lies the temple. You take this route for two reason, both rares. On the first stretch of coast is some large, spastic emu-looking thing. On the second stretch of coast is a rare murloc. Now you are at the beginning of your route. Follow the mountain range closely. ALWAYS GO INSIDE THE CAVE. The only times there were not been at least 5 or 6 nodes were on those rare occasions someone with mining got there a few seconds before I did. You cannot trust your mini map on the fly by. Assuming you have no competition, note: There is sometimes a node in the entrance. From the entrance there are three "fingers," one to your left, one more or less in the middle, and one on the right. Go down the left finger first. You may have to run more than halfway down it before the node gets painted in. Sometimes the middle finger has a node. The right finger always has at least one, usually two. Go down the right finger. The stretch of path that leads up to the boss platform will usually have two, sometimes 3 or 4 nodes. The boss platform sometimes has 1. The hallway to the left of the boss usually has one, sometimes two. Now leave the cave and resume the mountain route. Follow the entire mountain line. Pause at each road for a couple of seconds. Nodes sometimes take a moment to appear in these spots. I have no idea why this is. DO follow the countours that both lead to caves. Remember that every Thorium node has a chance to give you a crystal. Also remember that you have to mine every node, especially the Truesilver nodes. The way the game spawns nodes, if you cherry pick only the big veins, all you end up doing is increasing the time you spend mining by about 90 gazillion percent. Just when I though I was done, it pulled me back in. Had to go back to get mats for an alt. For anyone wanting better numbers: Number of crystals per circuit: Yes, on the week I wrote this I did one long-ass jag. Prior to that I did lots and lots of smaller ones when leveling professions. Not sure why you needed the scare quotes. Комментарий от Macmagotty As of 6. Swamp of Sorrows is so far off the beaten path and so inconveniently located that it usually has a low population even with crossrealm , YMMV. Gone are the halcyon days of easy farming on low population realms. Crossrealm has delivered an almighty kick to the soft parts of that enterprise. Комментарий от sdfjerryp Adding my own experience. After finally getting both bindings, I decided to go ahead and get enough crystals for both Thunderfury and the Sulfuron Hammer at the same time. I already had two Arcanite Bars left over from Based on the majority of comments here, I chose Sillithus as my farming zone. I did two farming sessions over two days. After the crystals, the final tallies came to: Комментарий от braidlock Have not done Winterspring, but knowing that zone, much harder to route. So basically 1 gem or crystal for every 10 ore. There have been a number of other miners present, both alliance and horde, traveling around the zone in both directions. Even if you witness another toon mining a node, GO MINE IT TOO! Now I just have to get the right hand piece to finish crafting my legendary Thunderfury sword. Комментарий от xScarlife Hello everyone, I have made a really nice guide on how to obtain Arcane Crystals. I show you the 3 best mining locations to obtain the Arcane Crystals. You can get Arcane Crystals by mining the Thorium Ore. There are 3 spots where you can farm for those crystals. The first spot is in Winterspring. What you wanna do is fly around clockwise and when you see a Thorium Ore, mine it to obtain the Arcane Crystals. But please note that you might face some competition. The third spot is in Silithus. Fly clockwise for one hour if you want a decent amount of Arcane Crystals. I hope this has helped! So why not make some gold off it with one click? Just put the exact name inside the quotation marks. You must have a vendor window open and be able to sell items to that vendor for this to work. Посмотреть в 3D Сравнить Найти лучше Mining for Ores, Gems and Stones. 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