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Created September 14, 2017 15:57
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With DSS, quickly build predictive services that transform raw data into business impacting services. Sound too good to be true? Want to know more? Parkeon has a presence in over 4, cities and towns, in 55 countries worldwide, delivering world-class innovative, intelligent transportation and parking solutions for cities on the move. Parkeon employs over 1, people — all committed to creating and delivering effective, high quality, urban mobility and parking systems. Their technical and engineering expertise ensures market leadership introducing new and emerging payment technologies and underpins their innovative products and services. Parkeon has have a wide and established global customer base including transit scheme owners, local authorities, transport and parking operators who all rely on Parkeon to provide effective solutions which enhance efficiency and deliver a significant return on investment. Use Cases With DSS, quickly build predictive services that transform raw data into business impacting services. Industries DSS is your advanced analytics competitive advantage. No matter your industry, or size. Departments With DSS, build and deploy the advanced analytics solutions your team needs, on time. Use Cases Industries Departments Customers. Churn Analytics Preventing churn through optimized marketing campaigns is key for every subscription-based business model. DSS users can create a personalized and optimized strategy that uses historical data to forecast churn likelihood and anticipate response to marketing activity. Analyze the interactions between entities and find interesting patterns that emerge only from a global perspective with Network Analytics. Users can use DSS to leverage network data social interaction, document links, pathways … and create more relevant metrics and predictions. DSS enables you to create a single point of view for disparate data sources NoSQL, SQL, Hadoop within the organization, with interactive data preparation. DSS promotes an agile data governance philosophy, that empowers end users by enabling them to create their own perspective on data. In DSS, you can use a variety of algorithms to forecast product demand, with confidence thresholds. The rise of location-based services or the need to create strategies mixing offline and online channels make spatial analytics a key component of most data products. From the ability to access and blend internal and external data in just a few clicks, to adding complex geographic features or using specialized algorithms for your models, DSS gives you access to all you need to integrate spatial analytics in your workflows. With DSS, develop solutions that give you a real understanding of who your customers are, what they expect, and how you can measure their value. Predictive maintenance relies on the ability to predict failure before it happens. DSS enables its users to create multiple models adapted to each product line and situation, that leverage support data structured or text and voluminous sensor data. With DSS, never let a system failure surprise you again! Healthcare Merge data from past treatment outcomes with the latest medical research to predict adverse events before they happen, optimize billing, target at-risk patients for preventive care, and much more. Give your customers more alluring, immediate, and personalised interactions by using historic sales data, consumer demand data, price variance data, lead rates, trends, and so on to improve segmentation, acquisition, new product recommendations, pricing, and much more. Whether you need to use predictive analytics for underwriting, reserving, marketing, pricing, or claims, DSS is where you can appraise and control risk by projecting future behavior based on historical data and consumer trend analysis. Combine structured and unstructured data to benefit your financial margins and improve customer satisfaction by optimising cross-selling, up-selling, and retention offers at the perfect point in time. The intelligent use of data is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry. Genomics, metabolomics, digital medicine: With DSS, put this data to good use to minimize the cost of clinical trials, find biomarkers, make personalized predictions for drug sensitivity, and much more. Leverage advanced machine learning and statistical algorithms in your DSS dataflows to forecast outages, system failures, supply and demand, or even as part of your customer engagement strategy by warning customers of irregularities. Merge and analyze data from on-board sensors or from data collection points to optimize the allotment of resources used in urban transportation networks to enhance performance and efficiency of your operations. With DSS, optimize manufacturing processes, understand product usage, leverage preferences and tweak marketing campaigns, adjust production schedules, and so much more, by intelligently wrangling and analysing all types of data, from GPS tracking, in-car sensors, manufacturing processes, to product and development data. Marketing Analytics With DSS, no longer guesstimate the success of your marketing initiatives, quantify and predict them. Create common marketing views by easily connecting to and consolidating data from across all marketing channels in order to understand the past, analyse the present, and predict what is to come. With DSS, adopt the fail quick mindset BI understands, data science predicts. Data Labs are where companies develop their own data-driven strategic advantages to answer concrete business needs. But the only way to efficiently run a data lab, is by delivering the tools your team needs for efficiency. With DSS, data teams can collaboratively build predictive applications quickly, using the tools they know best to deliver results on time. State-of-the art sales management incorporates analytics as a way to better forecast your pipeline and better allocate sales resources by region or customer segment. With DSS, use your CRM data to make sure your sales results are always predictable and on par with enterprise objectives. Apply data science to what really makes or breaks your company: Whether you are trying to improve operational performance, optimize corporate agility, or eliminate talent-related disruptions, DSS enables you to build your own data-driven solutions to HR needs. Parkeon Parkeon has a presence in over 4, cities and towns, in 55 countries worldwide, delivering world-class innovative, intelligent transportation and parking solutions for cities on the move. Follow us Twitter Slideshare Youtube Linkedin.

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