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Created October 19, 2012 18:31
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(define srand (js-call (js-eval "require") "/Users/yhara/proj/aobench/biwas/node_modules/srand/index.js"))
(js-invoke srand "seed" 12345)
(define (random-real)
(js-invoke srand "random"))
(define IMGOUT #t)
(define dumpval print)
(define (dumpvec v)
(receive (x y z) (vec-xyz v)
(format #t "~s ~s ~s\n" x y z)))
(define IMAGE_WIDTH 32)
; 8 : 30sec
; 16 : 2min
; 32 : 9min19sec (vs 0.056sec)
; 64 : 32min?
(define NSUBSAMPLES 2)
(define NAO_SAMPLES 8)
(define PI (js-eval "Math.PI"))
(define-record-type vec
(fields (mutable x) (mutable y) (mutable z)))
(define (vec-xyz v)
(values (vec-x v) (vec-y v) (vec-z v)))
(define (vadd a b)
(+ (vec-x a) (vec-x b))
(+ (vec-y a) (vec-y b))
(+ (vec-z a) (vec-z b))))
(define (vsub a b)
(- (vec-x a) (vec-x b))
(- (vec-y a) (vec-y b))
(- (vec-z a) (vec-z b))))
(define (vcross a b)
(- (* (vec-y a) (vec-z b)) (* (vec-z a) (vec-y b)))
(- (* (vec-z a) (vec-x b)) (* (vec-x a) (vec-z b)))
(- (* (vec-x a) (vec-y b)) (* (vec-y a) (vec-x b)))))
(define (vdot a b)
(+ (* (vec-x a) (vec-x b))
(* (vec-y a) (vec-y b))
(* (vec-z a) (vec-z b))))
(define (vlength a)
(sqrt (+ (* (vec-x a) (vec-x a))
(* (vec-y a) (vec-y a))
(* (vec-z a) (vec-z a)))))
(define (vnormalize a)
(let ((len (vlength a))
(v (make-vec (vec-x a) (vec-y a) (vec-z a))))
(when (> (abs len) 1.0e-17)
(vec-x-set! v (/ (vec-x a) len))
(vec-y-set! v (/ (vec-y a) len))
(vec-z-set! v (/ (vec-z a) len)))
(define-record-type sphere
(fields center radius))
(define (sphere-intersect! @ ray isect)
(let ((org (ray-org ray))
(dir (ray-dir ray)))
(let* ((rs (vsub org (sphere-center @)))
(B (vdot rs dir))
(C (- (vdot rs rs) (* (sphere-radius @) (sphere-radius @))))
(D (- (* B B) C)))
(when (> D 0.0)
(let1 t (- (- B) (sqrt D))
(when (< 0.0 t (isect-t isect))
(isect-t-set! isect t)
(isect-hit-set! isect #t)
(isect-p-set! isect (make-vec (+ (vec-x org) (* (vec-x dir) t))
(+ (vec-y org) (* (vec-y dir) t))
(+ (vec-z org) (* (vec-z dir) t))))
(let1 n (vsub (isect-p isect) (sphere-center @))
(isect-n-set! isect (vnormalize n)))))))))
(define-record-type plane
(fields p n))
(define (plane-intersect! @ ray isect)
(let ((org (ray-org ray))
(dir (ray-dir ray)))
(let ((d (- (vdot (plane-p @) (plane-n @))))
(v (vdot dir (plane-n @))))
(unless (< (abs v) 1.0e-17)
(let1 t (/ (- (+ (vdot org (plane-n @)) d)) v)
(when (< 0.0 t (isect-t isect))
(isect-hit-set! isect #t)
(isect-t-set! isect t)
(isect-n-set! isect (plane-n @))
(isect-p-set! isect (make-vec (+ (vec-x org) (* (vec-x dir) t))
(+ (vec-y org) (* (vec-y dir) t))
(+ (vec-z org) (* (vec-z dir) t))))))))))
(define-record-type (ray _make-ray ray?)
(fields org dir))
(define (make-ray org dir)
(_make-ray org dir))
(define-record-type isect
(fields (mutable t) (mutable hit) (mutable p) (mutable n))
(protocol (lambda (p)
(lambda ()
(p 1000000.0 #f (make-vec 0.0 0.0 0.0) (make-vec 0.0 0.0 0.0))))))
(define (clamp f)
(let1 i (* f 255.5)
(when (> i 255.0) (set! i 255.0))
(when (< i 0.0) (set! i 0.0))
(round i)))
(define (orthoBasis! basis n)
(vector-set! basis 2 (make-vec (vec-x n) (vec-y n) (vec-z n)))
(vector-set! basis 1 (make-vec 0.0 0.0 0.0))
(let1 basis1 (vector-ref basis 1)
(cond ((< -0.6 (vec-x n) 0.6)
(vec-x-set! basis1 1.0))
((< -0.6 (vec-y n) 0.6)
(vec-y-set! basis1 1.0))
((< -0.6 (vec-z n) 0.6)
(vec-z-set! basis1 1.0))
(vec-x-set! basis1 1.0))))
(vector-set! basis 0 (vnormalize
(vcross (vector-ref basis 1) (vector-ref basis 2))))
(vector-set! basis 1 (vnormalize
(vcross (vector-ref basis 2) (vector-ref basis 0)))))
(define *spheres* #f)
(define *plane* #f)
(define (init-scene!)
(set! *spheres* (vector (make-sphere (make-vec -2.0 0.0 -3.5) 0.5)
(make-sphere (make-vec -0.5 0.0 -3.0) 0.5)
(make-sphere (make-vec 1.0 0.0 -2.2) 0.5)))
(set! *plane* (make-plane (make-vec 0.0 -0.5 0.0)
(make-vec 0.0 1.0 0.0))))
(define (ambient-occlusion isect)
(let ((basis (vector #f #f #f))
(ntheta NAO_SAMPLES)
(eps 0.0001)
(occlusion 0.0))
(orthoBasis! basis (isect-n isect))
(let1 p (make-vec (+ (vec-x (isect-p isect)) (* eps (vec-x (isect-n isect))))
(+ (vec-y (isect-p isect)) (* eps (vec-y (isect-n isect))))
(+ (vec-z (isect-p isect)) (* eps (vec-z (isect-n isect)))))
(dotimes (j nphi)
(dotimes (i ntheta)
(let ((r (random-real))
(phi (* 2.0 PI (random-real))))
(let ((x (* (cos phi) (sqrt (- 1.0 r))))
(y (* (sin phi) (sqrt (- 1.0 r))))
(z (sqrt r)))
(let-values (((b0x b0y b0z) (vec-xyz (vector-ref basis 0)))
((b1x b1y b1z) (vec-xyz (vector-ref basis 1)))
((b2x b2y b2z) (vec-xyz (vector-ref basis 2))))
(let ((rx (+ (* x b0x) (* y b1x) (* z b2x)))
(ry (+ (* x b0y) (* y b1y) (* z b2y)))
(rz (+ (* x b0z) (* y b1z) (* z b2z))))
(let* ((raydir (make-vec rx ry rz))
(ray (make-ray p raydir))
(occ-isect (make-isect)))
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 0) ray occ-isect)
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 1) ray occ-isect)
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 2) ray occ-isect)
(plane-intersect! *plane* ray occ-isect)
(when (isect-hit occ-isect)
(set! occlusion (+ occlusion 1.0)))))))))))
(let1 occ (/ (- (* ntheta nphi) occlusion) (* ntheta nphi))
(make-vec occ occ occ))))
(define (render! buf w h nsubsamples)
(let1 cnt 0
(dotimes (y h)
(dotimes (x w)
(let1 rad (make-vec 0.0 0.0 0.0)
(dotimes (v nsubsamples)
(dotimes (u nsubsamples)
(inc! cnt)
(let ((px (/ (+ x (- (/ u nsubsamples) (/ w 2.0))) (/ w 2.0)))
(py (- (/ (+ y (- (/ v nsubsamples) (/ h 2.0))) (/ h 2.0)))))
(let* ((eye (vnormalize (make-vec px py -1.0)))
(ray (make-ray (make-vec 0.0 0.0 0.0) eye))
(isect (make-isect)))
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 0) ray isect)
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 1) ray isect)
(sphere-intersect! (vector-ref *spheres* 2) ray isect)
(plane-intersect! *plane* ray isect)
(when (isect-hit isect)
(let1 col (ambient-occlusion isect)
(vec-x-set! rad (+ (vec-x rad) (vec-x col)))
(vec-y-set! rad (+ (vec-y rad) (vec-y col)))
(vec-z-set! rad (+ (vec-z rad) (vec-z col)))))))))
(let ((r (/ (vec-x rad) (* nsubsamples nsubsamples)))
(g (/ (vec-y rad) (* nsubsamples nsubsamples)))
(b (/ (vec-z rad) (* nsubsamples nsubsamples))))
(vector-push! buf (clamp r) (clamp g) (clamp b))))))))
(define (dump-binary buf)
(let1 buffer (js-new "Buffer" (vector-length buf))
(dotimes (i (vector-length buf))
(js-invoke buffer "writeUInt8" (vector-ref buf i) i))
(js-invoke (js-eval "process.stdout") "write" buffer)))
; (vector-for-each (lambda (i) (display (integer->char i))) buf))
(define (main)
(format #t "P6\n")
(format #t "~a ~a\n" IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_HEIGHT)
(format #t "255\n")
(let ((buf (make-vector 0))
(elapsed 0)
(start (current-date)))
(dump-binary buf)
(vector-for-each print buf))))
var util = require('util'),
srand = require('srand');
var IMGOUT = true
function dumpval(x) { util.puts(x); }
function dumpvec(v) { util.puts(""+v.x+" "+v.y+ " "+v.z); }
var IMAGE_WIDTH = 32
Math.random = srand.random;
function vec(x, y, z)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = z;
function vadd(a, b)
return new vec(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z);
function vsub(a, b)
return new vec(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z);
function vcross(a, b)
return new vec(a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y,
a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z,
a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x);
function vdot(a, b)
return (a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z);
function vlength(a)
return Math.sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z);
function vnormalize(a)
var len = vlength(a);
var v = new vec(a.x, a.y, a.z);
if (Math.abs(len) > 1.0e-17) {
v.x /= len;
v.y /= len;
v.z /= len;
return v;
function Sphere(center, radius)
{ = center;
this.radius = radius;
this.intersect = function (ray, isect) {
// rs = -
var rs = vsub(,;
var B = vdot(rs, ray.dir);
var C = vdot(rs, rs) - (this.radius * this.radius);
var D = B * B - C;
if (D > 0.0) {
var t = -B - Math.sqrt(D);
if ( (t > 0.0) && (t < isect.t) ) {
isect.t = t;
isect.hit = true;
isect.p = new vec( + ray.dir.x * t, + ray.dir.y * t, + ray.dir.z * t);
// calculate normal.
var n = vsub(isect.p,;
isect.n = vnormalize(n);
function Plane(p, n)
this.p = p;
this.n = n;
this.intersect = function (ray, isect) {
var d = -vdot(this.p, this.n);
var v = vdot(ray.dir, this.n);
if (Math.abs(v) < 1.0e-17) return; // no hit
var t = -(vdot(, this.n) + d) / v;
if ( (t > 0.0) && (t < isect.t) ) {
isect.hit = true;
isect.t = t;
isect.n = this.n;
isect.p = new vec( + t * ray.dir.x, + t * ray.dir.y, + t * ray.dir.z );
function Ray(org, dir)
{ = org;
this.dir = dir;
function Isect()
this.t = 1000000.0; // far away
this.hit = false;
this.p = new vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
this.n = new vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
function clamp(f)
i = f * 255.5;
if (i > 255.0) i = 255.0;
if (i < 0.0) i = 0.0;
return Math.round(i)
function orthoBasis(basis, n)
basis[2] = new vec(n.x, n.y, n.z)
basis[1] = new vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
if ((n.x < 0.6) && (n.x > -0.6)) {
basis[1].x = 1.0;
} else if ((n.y < 0.6) && (n.y > -0.6)) {
basis[1].y = 1.0;
} else if ((n.z < 0.6) && (n.z > -0.6)) {
basis[1].z = 1.0;
} else {
basis[1].x = 1.0;
basis[0] = vcross(basis[1], basis[2]);
basis[0] = vnormalize(basis[0]);
basis[1] = vcross(basis[2], basis[0]);
basis[1] = vnormalize(basis[1]);
var spheres;
var plane;
function init_scene()
spheres = new Array(3);
spheres[0] = new Sphere(new vec(-2.0, 0.0, -3.5), 0.5);
spheres[1] = new Sphere(new vec(-0.5, 0.0, -3.0), 0.5);
spheres[2] = new Sphere(new vec(1.0, 0.0, -2.2), 0.5);
plane = new Plane(new vec(0.0, -0.5, 0.0), new vec(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
function ambient_occlusion(isect)
var basis = new Array(3);
orthoBasis(basis, isect.n);
var ntheta = NAO_SAMPLES;
var nphi = NAO_SAMPLES;
var eps = 0.0001;
var occlusion = 0.0;
var p = new vec(isect.p.x + eps * isect.n.x,
isect.p.y + eps * isect.n.y,
isect.p.z + eps * isect.n.z);
for (j = 0; j < nphi; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < ntheta; i++) {
var r = Math.random();
var phi = 2.0 * Math.PI * Math.random();
var x = Math.cos(phi) * Math.sqrt(1.0 - r);
var y = Math.sin(phi) * Math.sqrt(1.0 - r);
var z = Math.sqrt(r);
// local -> global
var rx = x * basis[0].x + y * basis[1].x + z * basis[2].x;
var ry = x * basis[0].y + y * basis[1].y + z * basis[2].y;
var rz = x * basis[0].z + y * basis[1].z + z * basis[2].z;
var raydir = new vec(rx, ry, rz);
var ray = new Ray(p, raydir);
var occIsect = new Isect();
spheres[0].intersect(ray, occIsect);
spheres[1].intersect(ray, occIsect);
spheres[2].intersect(ray, occIsect);
plane.intersect(ray, occIsect);
if (occIsect.hit) occlusion += 1.0;
// [0.0, 1.0]
occlusion = (ntheta * nphi - occlusion) / (ntheta * nphi);
return new vec(occlusion, occlusion, occlusion);
function render(buf, w, h, nsubsamples)
cnt = 0;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
rad = new vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// subsampling
for (v = 0; v < nsubsamples; v++) {
for (u = 0; u < nsubsamples; u++) {
px = (x + (u / nsubsamples) - (w / 2.0)) / (w / 2.0);
py = -(y + (v / nsubsamples) - (h / 2.0)) / (h / 2.0);
eye = vnormalize(new vec(px, py, -1.0));
ray = new Ray(new vec(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), eye);
isect = new Isect();
spheres[0].intersect(ray, isect);
spheres[1].intersect(ray, isect);
spheres[2].intersect(ray, isect);
plane.intersect(ray, isect);
if (isect.hit) {
col = ambient_occlusion(isect);
rad.x += col.x;
rad.y += col.y;
rad.z += col.z;
r = rad.x / (nsubsamples * nsubsamples);
g = rad.y / (nsubsamples * nsubsamples);
b = rad.z / (nsubsamples * nsubsamples);
// use fill rect
// ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(" + clamp(r) + "," + clamp(g) + "," + clamp(b) + ")";
// ctx.fillRect (x, y, 1, 1);
buf.push(clamp(r), clamp(g), clamp(b));
var onNode = (typeof(process) == 'object');
function page_onload()
if (onNode){
// ao.ppm
process.stdout.write(IMAGE_WIDTH + " " + IMAGE_HEIGHT + "\n");
else {
document.elapform.elapsec.value = "Running..."
var buf = [];
var elapsed = 0;
var start = new Date();
elapsed = new Date() - start;
if (onNode) {
process.stderr.write("Time: " + (elapsed / 1000.0) + "\n");
var buffer = new Buffer(buf.length);
for(var i=0; i<buf.length; i++){
buffer.writeUInt8(buf[i], i);
if(!IMGOUT) util.puts(buf[i]);
if(IMGOUT) process.stdout.write(buffer);
else {
document.elapform.elapsec.value = elapsed / 1000.0
//img = ctx.getImageData(10, 10, 50, 50)
//ret = ctx.putImagedata(img, 10, 10);
if (onNode) {
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