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Created October 22, 2012 01:11
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Tree data structure - first part of implementation
#include "node.h"
#include "nodeiter.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
int main()
Node<int> tree;
cin >> tree;
cout << tree << endl;
for ( auto x : tree)
cout << x.get_value();
cout << endl;
return 0;
#ifndef NODE_H_
#define NODE_H_
#include <iosfwd>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
template <typename T> class Node;
template <typename T> class NodeIter;
template <typename X>
std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const Node<X>& n);
template < typename T >
class Node
/** \brief Default constructor */
/** \brief Value constructor, creates node with the specified value */
Node(const T& value);
/** \brief Copy constructor */
Node(const Node<T>& n);
typedef typename std::shared_ptr<Node<T>> shared_type;
/** \brief Add a new child to this node with a specified value */
shared_type add_child(const T& value);
/** \brief Add the specified node as child */
shared_type add_child(Node<T>* node);
/** \brief Add the specified node as child */
shared_type add_child(shared_type node);
/** \brief Get the value stored in this node */
T& get_value();
/** \brief Get the value stored in this node */
const T& get_value() const;
/** \brief Set the value in this node */
void set_value(const T& value);
/** \brief Output stream operator */
template < typename X >
friend std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& s, const Node<X>& n);
/** \brief Input stream operator */
template < typename X >
friend std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& s, Node<X>& n);
/** \brief Return iterator to the first item in the tree */
NodeIter<T> begin() { return NodeIter<T>(this); }
/** \brief Return iterator after the last element */
NodeIter<T> end() { return NodeIter<T>(); }
template <typename X>
friend class NodeIter;
/** \brief Assignment operator */
Node<T>& operator = (const Node<T>& n);
T p_value;
Node<T>* p_parent;
std::list<shared_type> p_children;
#include "node.hpp"
#ifndef NODE_HPP_
#define NODE_HPP_
#include "node.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
Node<T>::Node() : p_value(), p_parent(nullptr), p_children() {}
template<typename T>
Node<T>::Node(const T& value) : p_value(value), p_parent(nullptr), p_children() {}
template<typename T>
Node<T>::Node(const Node<T>& n) : p_value(n.p_value), p_parent(n.p_parent), p_children(n.p_children) {}
template< typename T>
shared_ptr<Node<T>> Node<T>::add_child(const T& value)
return add_child(make_shared<Node<T>>(value));
template< typename T >
shared_ptr<Node<T>> Node<T>::add_child(Node<T>* node)
return shared_ptr<Node<T>>(node);
template < typename T >
shared_ptr<Node<T>> Node<T>::add_child(shared_ptr<Node<T>> node)
node->p_parent = this;
return node;
template <typename T>
T& Node<T>::get_value() { return p_value; }
template <typename T>
const T& Node<T>::get_value() const { return p_value; }
template <typename T>
void Node<T>::set_value(const T& value) { p_value = value; }
template <typename T>
ostream& operator << (ostream& s, const Node<T>& n)
s << "{ " << n.p_value << " ";
if (n.p_children.size() > 0)
for (auto c : n.p_children)
s << *c << " ";
s << "}";
return s;
template <typename T>
std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& s, Node<T>& n)
// on the begining of each node is {
char zav;
T value;
cin >> zav;
if (zav != '{')
throw runtime_error("Unexpected character on the begining of a node, while parsing a tree.");
// after { we are expecting a node value
cin >> value;
if (cin.bad())
throw runtime_error("Unexpected character in the place of a value, while parsing a tree.");
// read all spaces
while (isspace(zav = cin.peek()))
// after a value, we can have end of the node "}" or beginning of new child node "{"
if (zav != '{' && zav != '}')
throw runtime_error("Unexpected character when expecting a brace.");
// if this is a child node, prepare the node and recurively read it
if (zav == '{')
auto child = make_shared<Node<T>>();
cin >> *child;
} while (zav != '}');
// don't forget to read the "}"
cin >> zav;
return s;
template<typename T>
Node<T>& Node<T>::operator = (const Node<T>& n)
p_value = n.p_value;
p_parent = n.p_parent;
p_children = n.p_children;
#ifndef TREE_H_
#define TREE_H_
#include <list>
#include <stack>
#include "node.h"
template < typename T >
class NodeIter
NodeIter() : p_current(nullptr), p_path() {}
NodeIter(Node<T>* head) : p_current(head), p_path() {}
NodeIter(const NodeIter<T>& i) : p_current(i.p_current), p_path(i.p_path) {}
bool operator != (const NodeIter<T>& i) const;
const NodeIter<T>& operator++ ();
Node<T> operator *();
NodeIter<T>& operator = (const NodeIter<T>& i);
Node<T>* p_current;
typedef typename Node<T>::shared_type shared_type;
typedef typename std::list<shared_type>::iterator child_iter;
std::stack<child_iter> p_path;
#include "nodeiter.hpp"
#ifndef TREE_HPP_
#define TREE_HPP_
#include "nodeiter.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <stack>
template < typename T >
const NodeIter<T>& NodeIter<T>::operator++ ()
// can't iterate further if p_current is NULL
if (p_current == NULL)
return *this;
// depth-first => if we have children, go to first child
if (p_current->p_children.size() != 0)
p_current = p_current->p_children.begin()->get();
// if we don't have children, but have sisters, jump to next sister
else if (next( != p_current->p_parent->p_children.end())
p_current =>get();
// if we don't have children and no more sisters, backtrack
// go up, untill we find a node that has a sister we haven't visited
while (p_path.size() != 0 && next( == p_current->p_parent->p_children.end())
p_current = p_current->p_parent;
// if there is no such sister we end up on top => end of the iteration
if (p_path.size() == 0)
p_current = NULL;
p_path = stack<child_iter>{};
return *this;
// we found a sister, jump to it;
p_current =>get();
return *this;
template <typename T>
bool NodeIter<T>::operator != (const NodeIter<T>& i) const
return p_current != i.p_current || p_path != i.p_path;
template <typename T>
Node<T> NodeIter<T>::operator *() { return *p_current; }
template <typename T>
NodeIter<T>& NodeIter<T>::operator = (const NodeIter<T>& i)
p_current = i.p_current;
p_path = i.p_path;
return *this;
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