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Created October 23, 2012 14:04
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Sparrow: Animated Sprite with MovieClip
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class SPSprite;
@class SPMovieClip;
@interface RCAnimatedSprite : SPSprite <SPAnimatable> {
NSMutableDictionary *mAnimations;
SPMovieClip *mCurrentMovieClip;
NSString *mCurrentAnimation;
SPJuggler *mJuggler;
- (id)initWithMovieClip:(SPMovieClip *)movieClip animation:(NSString *)animation;
- (void)addMovieClip:(SPMovieClip *)movieClip animation:(NSString *)animation;
- (void)prepare:(NSString *)animation;
- (void)play:(NSString *)animation;
- (void)pause;
- (void)stop;
@property (nonatomic, retain) SPMovieClip *currentMovieClip;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *currentAnimation;
#import "RCAnimatedSprite.h"
@implementation RCAnimatedSprite
@synthesize currentMovieClip = mCurrentMovieClip;
@synthesize currentAnimation = mCurrentAnimation;
- (id)initWithMovieClip:(SPMovieClip *)movieClip animation:(NSString *)animation
if ((self = [super init])) {
self.currentMovieClip = movieClip;
self.currentAnimation = animation;
mAnimations = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:movieClip, animation, nil];
[self addChild:mCurrentMovieClip];
mJuggler = [[SPJuggler alloc] init];
[mJuggler addObject:mCurrentMovieClip];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[mCurrentMovieClip release];
[mCurrentAnimation release];
[mAnimations release];
[mJuggler release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)addMovieClip:(SPMovieClip *)movieClip animation:(NSString *)animation
[mAnimations setValue:movieClip forKey:animation];
- (void)prepare:(NSString *)animation
SPMovieClip *movieClip = [mAnimations valueForKey:animation];
if (movieClip == nil)
[self stop];
[self removeChild:mCurrentMovieClip];
[mJuggler removeObject:mCurrentMovieClip];
self.currentMovieClip = movieClip;
[self addChild:mCurrentMovieClip];
[mJuggler addObject:mCurrentMovieClip];
self.currentAnimation = animation;
- (void)play:(NSString *)animation
[self prepare:animation];
[mCurrentMovieClip play];
- (void)pause
[mCurrentMovieClip pause];
- (void)stop
[mCurrentMovieClip stop];
#pragma Animatable Delegate Methods
- (void)advanceTime:(double)seconds
[mJuggler advanceTime:seconds];
- (BOOL)isComplete
return NO;
#import "RCAnimatedSprite.h"
@implementation Game {
RCAnimatedSprite *anim;
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
SPTextureAtlas *atlas = [SPTextureAtlas atlasWithContentsOfFile:@"atlas.xml"];
SPMovieClip *walkMovieClip = [SPMovieClip movieWithFrames:[atlas texturesStartingWith:@"walk_"] fps:10];
SPMovieClip *runMovieClip = [SPMovieClip movieWithFrames:[atlas texturesStartingWith:@"run_"] fps:10];
SPMovieClip *jumpMovieClip = [SPMovieClip movieWithFrames:[atlas texturesStartingWith:@"jump_"] fps:10];
anim = [[RCAnimatedSprite alloc] initWithMovieClip:walkMovieClip animation:@"walk"];
[anim addMovieClip:runMovieClip animation:@"run"];
[anim addMovieClip:jumpMovieClip animation:@"jump"];
[self addChild:anim];
[self addEventListener:@selector(onEnterFrame:) atObject:self forType:SP_EVENT_TYPE_ENTER_FRAME];
[self addEventListener:@selector(onAddedToStage:) atObject:self forType:SP_EVENT_TYPE_ADDED_TO_STAGE];
return self;
- (void)onAddedToStage:(SPEvent *)event
[anim play:@"walk"];
// [anim play:@"jump"];
// [anim play:@"run"];
- (void)onEnterFrame:(SPEnterFrameEvent *)event
double passedTime = event.passedTime;
[anim advanceTime:passedTime];
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